25 March 2025

On 21 February 2025, the Bioethics Advisory Committee (“BAC”) released a report on the ethical use of big data and AI in biomedical research. 

The report explains that with rapid advancements in healthcare technology, the increasing use of big data and AI has opened new frontiers and possibilities for human biomedical research. Big data and AI methodologies allow for the processing and analysis of large amounts of data beyond the capabilities of traditional methods. They also provide researchers with access to vast amounts of previously inaccessible information. Big data harnesses the immense potential of advanced algorithms and massive datasets to extract valuable insights, predict trends, and enhance decision-making. Big data applications, complemented by advanced AI methodologies, have revolutionised the approach to understanding human health and disease, and the speed at which accurate decisions can be made. 

The report addresses the ethical, legal, and social issues arising from the use of big data and AI in human biomedical research and aims to guide academics, healthcare professionals, researchers, and Institutional Review Boards on the ethical principles of big data and AI use in biomedical research. 

A public consultation was conducted by BAC from 2 May 2023 to 14 July 2023 to garner responses from stakeholders and members of the public. This feedback was reviewed and incorporated into the report. Read more about the consultation in our article “BAC consults on ethical, legal and social issues arising from big data and AI use in human biomedical research”. 

Reference materials 

The report is available on the BAC website www.bioethics-singapore.gov.sg.