27 August 2024

On 31 July 2024, the upper house of the Malaysia Parliament, the Senate (Dewan Negara), passed the Personal Data Protection (Amendment) Bill 2024 (“PDP Bill”). It had been passed by the lower house, the Dewan Rakyat, on 16 July 2024. The PDP Bill will be presented for Royal Assent and become law upon their publication in the Federal Gazette of Malaysia on a date to be appointed by the Minister for Digital.

The PDP Bill will amend the Personal Data Protection Act 2010 to enhance the processing of personal data framework to be in line with international standards and practice. The amendments will make changes relating to various matters including:

  • changes to scope and applicability
  • adoption of concept of “data controller”
  • obligations of data processors
  • increase of penalties for breach of personal data protection principles
  • appointment of data protection officer
  • mandatory data breach notification
  • rights to data portability

This article, issued by our associate firm in Malaysia, Rahmat Lim & Partners, when the PDP Bill was passed by the Dewan Rakyat, sets out the key changes introduced by the PDP Bill.