27 August 2024

On 31 July 2024, the Cyber Security Agency of Singapore (“CSA”) launched a public consultation seeking feedback on its draft Guidelines on Securing AI Systems (“Guidelines”) and draft Companion Guide for Securing AI Systems (“Companion Guide”). The consultation closes on 15 September 2024. 

CSA developed the Guidelines to help system owners secure AI throughout its lifecycle. The Guidelines aim to provide evergreen principles to raise awareness of adversarial attacks and other threats that could compromise AI behaviour and system security. The Guidelines also seek to guide system owners on the implementation of security controls and best practices to protect AI systems against potential risks, including existing cybersecurity risks such as supply chain attacks, and novel risks such as Adversarial Machine Learning. The Guidelines state that as AI is increasingly integrated into enterprise systems, security should be considered holistically at the system level and the Guidelines should be used alongside existing security best practices and requirements for IT environments. 

CSA is also working with AI and cybersecurity practitioners to develop the Companion Guide, which CSA hopes will be a useful reference for system owners in navigating the developing AI space. The Companion Guide is designed as a community-driven resource to complement the Guidelines and will not be mandatory or prescriptive. It curates practical measures and controls, drawing from industry and academia, as well as advice from resources such as the MITRE ATLAS database and OWASP Top 10 for Machine Learning and Generative AI. The Companion Guide is being developed as a living document that will be continually updated to address material developments in this space. 

Reference materials 

The following materials are available on the CSA website www.csa.gov.sg: