30 May 2024

The Ministry of Trade and Industry (“MTI”) conducted a public consultation from 18 April 2024 to 31 May 2024 seeking feedback on possible improvements or additions to the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (“CPTPP” or “Agreement”) as part of a general review of the Agreement being undertaken by all member States (“General Review”).

Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore and Vietnam are members to the CPTPP, a comprehensive Free Trade Agreement (“FTA”). The UK acceded to the CPTPP in July 2023, making the CPTPP one of the world’s largest FTAs.

The General Review seeks to ensure that the CPTPP remains relevant and of a high standard by identifying:

  • ways to facilitate maximum utilisation of the CPTPP by traders and investors and to improve the uptake of the Agreement;
  • provisions in the Agreement that would benefit from revision or updating, and considering the potential for the development of new provisions or chapters; and
  • areas of mutual interest and strengthening the same.

Any changes made to the CPTPP through the General Review would require the agreement of all member States.

Reference materials

The MTI press release on the public consultation is available on its website www.mti.gov.sg at the link below: