Establishment of US$3 billion Euro Medium Term Note Programme and issue of S$500 million senior notes by Equinix Asia Financing Corporation Pte. Ltd. and guaranteed by Equinix, Inc.

Allen & Gledhill, as transaction counsel, advised Equinix Asia Financing Corporation Pte. Ltd., (“Equinix Asia Financing Corporation”) and Equinix, Inc. (“Equinix”), on the establishment of its US$3 billion Euro medium term note programme (“Programme”) and issue of S$500 million 3.50% senior notes due 2030 (“Notes”) under the Programme.
The Notes are green bonds issued pursuant to Equinix’s Green Finance Framework, and are recognised under the SGX Sustainable Fixed Income initiative.
Advising Equinix Asia Financing Corporation and Equinix were Allen & Gledhill Partners Ong Kangxin and Sunit Chhabra.