Knowledge Highlights 16 January 2025
Practical Law: Contract Execution and Contracts quick compare charts - Singapore
Allen & Gledhill Partner Christian Chin and Senior Associates Jeremy Seow, Serene Lau, and Edward Chng contributed the Singapore content to the following Practical Law quick compare charts on Contract Execution and Contracts:
- Contract Execution - Electronic Signature: This chart provides guidance on key questions associated with the electronic execution of contracts.
- Contract Execution - Notarization: This chart provides guidance on key questions associated with the role of the notary and the notarisation of contracts, including electronic notarisation.
- Contract Execution - Recorded or Registered Contracts: This chart provides guidance on key questions associated with recording private contracts in a business-to-business transaction, including related execution formalities.
- Contract Execution - The Execution Clause (Signing Block): This chart provides guidance on the key questions associated with the structure, wording, and placement of execution clauses (also known as signature blocks).
- Contract Execution - The Signing Process and Formalities: This chart provides guidance on key questions associated with the process of signing a contract in a business-to-business transaction, including related execution formalities.
- Contracts - Amendments: This chart provides guidance on key questions about how contract terms may be changed in a business-to-business context.
- Contracts - Creating Enforceable Contracts: This chart provides guidance on key questions about how basic elements of contract formation operate in practice in a business-to-business context.
- Contracts - Force Majeure and Similar Events Preventing Performance: This chart discusses when force majeure and similar events excuse performance, whether parties can use force majeure clauses or other contractual mechanisms to dictate the consequences of force majeure events, and specific defences for non-performance such as impossibility, impracticability, and frustration.
- Contracts - Good Faith and Fair Dealing: This chart provides guidance on whether and how the duty of good faith and fair dealing applies to contracts in a business-to-business context.
- Contracts - Transferring Rights and Obligations: This chart provides guidance on key questions about how contract rights and obligations may be transferred in a business-to-business context.
- Contracts - Waivers: The chart discusses how contract terms may be waived and whether parties can restrict waivers in a business-to-business context.
The quick compare charts, which are available to subscribers, allow researchers to quickly discover, review, and compare information across multiple jurisdictions in a user-friendly visual format.
The quick compare charts complement the Practical Law Contract Execution (Singapore) practice note and Contract Formation and Enforcement in Singapore Q&A, which were also contributed by Allen & Gledhill.