18 October 2023

The Singapore International Arbitration Centre (“SIAC”) is conducting a public consultation on the draft 7th Edition of the SIAC Rules (“7th Edition of the Rules” or “new rules”). The draft 7th Edition of the Rules aims to enhance user experience and raise the bar on efficiency, expedition, and cost-effectiveness. It will also incorporate and implement SIAC’s new case management system, the SIAC Gateway. The consultation closes on 21 November 2023.

In general, the draft new Rules are intended to provide a framework that adapts to the evolving needs of emerging new sectors, with the rules designed to be flexible and accommodating. It will allow parties to tailor their arbitration process to suit their specific industry or sector. This will be particularly beneficial for emerging or specialised sectors that may have unique legal or commercial considerations, or where time and resources may be limited. For example, the new Streamlined Procedure as well as the possibility of using technology for virtual hearings could enhance efficiency and reduce costs for parties.

This article provides an overview of the key features and where relevant, notable changes from the 6th Edition of the SIAC Rules.


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