Acquisition of controlling stake in ERA Viet Nam Real Estate Joint Stock Company and Eurocapital Joint Stock Company by APAC Realty Limited

Allen & Gledhill (Vietnam), as transaction counsel, advised APAC Realty Limited (“APAC”), an SGX-listed controlled investee company of Morgan Stanley Private Equity Asia, on the acquisition of an additional 22% of the shares in both ERA Viet Nam Real Estate Joint Stock Company (“ERA Vietnam”) and Eurocapital Joint Stock Company (“Eurocapital”) to increase its total stake in each of ERA Vietnam and Eurocapital to 60%.
ERA Vietnam and Eurocapital both operate real estate brokerage businesses in Vietnam. The maximum consideration payable by APAC is S$15.4 million subject to earn-outs.
Advising APAC were Allen & Gledhill (Vietnam) Managing Partner Oh Hsiu Hau and Partner Tran Thi Phuong Thao.