Knowledge Highlights 27 January 2025
A Bill which seeks to introduce measures to tackle harmful content on online services accessible to users in Singapore was tabled in Parliament on 3 October 2022. The measures under the Online Safety (Miscellaneous Amendments) Bill (“Bill”) have been put together following extensive consultations with stakeholders including parents, youths, community group representatives, academics and the industry.
In its public consultation published on 13 July 2022 to seek feedback on proposed measures to enhance online safety for Singapore-based users of social media services, the Ministry of Communications and Information (“MCI”) observed that globally, there is widespread acceptance for the view that social media services distributing online content have a responsibility to keep their users safe from harm. For more information about the public consultation, please read our article titled “MCI seeks comments on proposed Code of Practice for Online Safety and Content Code for Social Media Services”. MCI has since released its response to the feedback received. Overall, respondents were supportive of the measures proposed by MCI.
Regulation of providers of online communication services
The Bill will introduce a new Part 10A in the Broadcasting Act 1994 to regulate providers of online communication services (“OCSs”) to Singapore end-users. The purpose of Part 10A is to ensure that such OCS providers:
OCSs are electronic services that allow users to access or communicate content via the Internet or deliver content to end-users. OCSs include services accessible by Singapore end-users which may be provided from outside Singapore, as well as such services provided in or from Singapore. Social media services (“SMSs”) are a type of OCS which will be specified in a new Schedule under the Broadcasting Act 1994 and be made subject to regulation under the new Part 10A.
There are two key parts to the regulatory approach:
Compliance with Codes of Practice
The Info-communications Media Development Authority (“IMDA”) may designate an OCS with significant reach or impact in Singapore as a regulated online communication service (“ROCS”) and require providers of an ROCS to comply with COPs. The factors to be taken into account before an OCS is designated as an ROCS are: (a) the range of all OCSs provided to Singapore end-users, and (b) the extent and nature of the effect that the different types of OCSs have on the people and communities in Singapore.
The COPs may require ROCS providers to put in place measures on their services to mitigate the risks of danger to Singapore users from exposure to harmful content and provide accountability to their users on such measures. The COPs may cover the following:
Every ROCS provider has a duty to take all reasonably practicable steps to comply with the COP applicable to it. An ROCS provider which fails to do so may be ordered by IMDA to pay a financial penalty, or be directed to take steps to remedy the failure.
Dealing with egregious content on an OCS
If IMDA is satisfied that any egregious content provided on an OCS can be accessed by Singapore end-users, IMDA can issue directions to the OCS provider to deal with such content. However, such directions cannot be issued in respect of communications between two or more end-users that are of a private or domestic nature.
Egregious content includes content that advocates or instructs on suicide or self-harm, physical or sexual violence and terrorism, content depicting child sexual exploitation, content advocating conduct that results in a public health risk in Singapore, and content likely to cause racial and religious disharmony in Singapore.
If egregious content provided on an OCS is accessible by Singapore end-users, IMDA will be empowered to issue three types of directions to deal with such content:
Every provider of an OCS or an Internet access service to whom a direction has been issued has a duty to take all reasonably practicable steps to comply with the direction.
Reference materials
The following materials are available on MCI’s website www.mci.gov.sg and Singapore Statutes Online sso.agc.gov.sg: