Knowledge Highlights 27 January 2025
Long-term pass holders
Entry approval requirements have been removed for all fully vaccinated long-term pass holders (“LTPHs”) except work permit holders (“eligible pass holders”) from Monday, 21 February 2022, 2359 hours (Singapore Time).
Eligible pass holders entering on Vaccinated Travel Lanes (“VTLs”) do not need to apply for a Vaccinated Travel Pass (“VTP”). Eligible pass holders entering via non-VTL channels (e.g. Work Pass Holder General Lane, Student’s Pass Holder Lane) also do not need to apply for an entry approval but have to adhere to the prevailing immigration entry requirements and health protocols.
All eligible pass holders must produce their long-term pass/in-principle approval letter and proof of vaccination status/exemption for entry to Singapore. Individuals below the age of 12 are able to enter without proof of vaccination if (i) they are accompanied by a fully vaccinated VTL traveller; or (ii) they are entering via the Student’s Pass Holder Lane. Individuals below the age of 18 are able to enter without proof of vaccination if they are entering via the Work Pass Holder General Lane. Unvaccinated or partially vaccinated individuals aged 12 to 17 years old at the point of arrival can enter without proof of vaccination on the condition that they complete the full vaccination regimen within two months after they arrive in Singapore. Pass holders who are medically ineligible for vaccination may appeal for exemption from the vaccination requirement, supported by a doctor’s memo. The proof of exemption is to be presented prior to boarding.
Pass holders need to adhere to the prevailing immigration entry requirements and border health measures in Singapore, including testing and Stay-Home Notice (“SHN”) requirements. Pass holders continue to be responsible for all costs associated with fulfilling border health measures, including Covid-19 tests and charges for SHN at dedicated SHN facilities.
A summary of changes to entry approval requirements for LTPH arrivals from 21 February 2022, 2359 hours can be found in the table set out in the Ministry of Manpower (“MOM”) Removal of entry approval requirements for certain eligible long-term pass holders (LTPH) press release.
Details on entry requirements and health protocols under VTL and non-VTL SafeTravel Lanes can be found on the Immigration and Checkpoints Authority (“ICA”) SafeTravel website.
Short-term visitors
Travellers making short-term visits to Singapore from prescribed countries/regions may enter via the Vaccinated Travel Lane (Air), Vaccinated Travel Lane (Sea), Air Travel Pass, and Reciprocal Green Lane. Entry approvals are required.
Up-to-date information is available on the ICA Travelling to Singapore webpage.
Migrant workers in construction, marine and process sectors
S Pass holders from the construction, marine and process (“CMP”) sectors also no longer need to obtain entry approvals to enter Singapore from Monday, 21 February 2022, 2359 hours. They are allowed to arrive via the VTLs and do not need to apply for a VTP. These S Pass holders must adhere to the prevailing border health measures on entry, similar to other travellers. However, they no longer need to report to the MOM Onboard centre to undergo their SHN and onboarding requirements, and can verify their overseas vaccination records at the General Practitioner (GP) clinics.
Up-to-date information is available on the MOM Advisory to employers - Updated on-arrival and onboarding requirements for migrant workers in the construction, marine and process sectors from 21 February 2022, 2359 hours advisory (“MOM advisory to employers”).
Revised on-arrival tests for migrant workers arriving from category I countries / regions or via VTL
Employers may refer to the updated categories of countries or regions on the MOM Entry approval requirements to bring construction, marine shipyard or process sector workers into Singapore webpage.
CMP migrant workers arriving via VTL (for S Pass holders only) or from category I countries / regions will no longer need to perform an on-arrival Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) test. Instead, they will need to report to a Quick Test Centre or Combined Test Centre within 24 hours of arrival to take a supervised self-swab (SSS) Antigen Rapid Test (ART).
The SHN duration has been standardised to seven days across all country / region categories. CMP Work Permit holders are required to report to the MOM Onboard centre upon arrival.
MOM will inform employers on the required arrangement for their migrant workers prior to their intended arrival date. However, the actual SHN and onboarding arrangement can only be confirmed after the workers arrive in Singapore, as it depends on the verification of their vaccination and recovered documentation at check-in and arrival immigration.
Up-to-date information is available on the MOM advisory to employers.
Employers may refer to the MOM list of documentation to be presented at check-in and arrival immigration to check whether their migrant workers meet the fully vaccinated and recently recovered criteria.
Health and travel declaration submission
All travellers must continue to submit a health and travel declaration via the SG Arrival Card e-Service prior to their arrival and are required to provide their health status and recent travel history, as well as personal particulars and contact details.
Reference materials
The following advisories and webpage are available from the MOM website www.mom.gov.sg and ICA website www.ica.gov.sg:
Further information
Allen & Gledhill has a Covid-19 Resource Centre on our website www.allenandgledhill.com that contains knowhow and materials on legal and regulatory aspects of the Covid-19 crisis.
In addition, we have a cross-disciplinary Covid-19 Legal Task Force consisting of Partners across various practice areas to provide rapid assistance. Should you have any queries, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us at covid19taskforce@allenandgledhill.com.