Knowledge Highlights 27 January 2025
On 9 November 2021, the Monetary Authority of Singapore (“MAS”) issued revised Guidelines on Corporate Governance for Designated Financial Holding Companies, Banks, Direct Insurers, Reinsurers and Captive Insurers which are Incorporated in Singapore (“CG Guidelines”).
Key revisions to the CG Guidelines include:
The CG Guidelines comprise the Principles and Provisions of the CG Code and AGs added by MAS. The issuance of the revised CG Guidelines follows MAS’ public consultation from 7 May 2021 to 18 June 2021 on proposed revisions to the CG Guidelines to align and strengthen corporate governance standards across locally-incorporated banks, insurers and designated financial holding companies (“FHCs”) (collectively, “FIs”).
MAS had proposed in the consultation paper to include selected Provisions and AGs from the CG Guidelines in the Banking (Corporate Governance) Regulations 2005 and the Insurance (Corporate Governance) Regulations 2013 (collectively, “CG Regulations”) for mandatory compliance as they are fundamental to good corporate governance. MAS is continuing to review this and will consult the industry in due course.
MAS issued its Response to feedback received from the public consultation on 9 November 2021. MAS has carefully considered the feedback and made revisions to the proposals where appropriate. Key points from the MAS Response are set out below.
1. Implementation timeline
The revised CG Guidelines will take effect as follows:
2. Compliance approach
MAS takes the view that it is important for FIs to fully observe the Principles in the CG Guidelines as these represent key elements of good corporate governance, and would align with the approach adopted for listed companies. FIs listed on Singapore Exchange (“SGX”) are expected to fully comply with the Principles, which are already mandatory under the SGX Listing Rules.
For FIs that are not listed on SGX, MAS expects (a) banks, Tier 1 insurers, and certain designated FHCs to fully observe these Principles, and (b) Tier 2 insurers and other designated FHCs to observe the Principles or explain any variance in their annual reports or on their company websites.
In addition, MAS expects every FI to observe the Provisions and the AGs. Variances from the Provisions and AGs are acceptable to the extent that FIs explicitly state and explain how their practices are consistent with the policy intent of the relevant Principle. FIs listed on SGX should disclose their corporate governance practices and explain variances from the Provisions and AGs in their annual reports. FIs that are not listed on SGX should disclose the same in their annual reports or on their company websites.
MAS has provided the following table in the Annex to the CG Guidelines summarising the compliance approach for listed and non-listed FIs:
Financial institutions |
Principles |
Provisions |
Additional Guidelines |
Listed FIs |
Full compliance |
Comply-or-explain |
Comply-or-explain |
Non-listed FIs |
· Banks · Tier-1 insurers · Designated FHCs |
Full compliance (except Principles 11 and 12, which are on a comply-or-explain basis) |
Comply-or-explain |
Comply-or-explain |
· Tier-2 insurers · Designated FHCs |
Comply-or-explain |
Comply-or-explain |
Comply-or-explain |
· Captive insurers · Special purpose reinsurance vehicles · Marine mutual insurers · Run-off insurers |
No expectation to disclose variances, although CG Guidelines continue to apply |
No expectation to disclose variances, although CG Guidelines continue to apply |
No expectation to disclose variances, although CG Guidelines continue to apply |
(Source: MAS CG Guidelines issued on 9 November 2021)
For captive insurers and special purpose reinsurance vehicles (“SPRVs”), considering the feedback received and taking into account the nature and scale of captive insurers and SPRVs, the Principles, Provisions and AGs in the CG Guidelines will continue to apply to captive insurers and SPRVs as good practices. However, they will be exempted from the comply-or-explain regime. A similar approach will be adopted for marine mutual insurers (“MMIs”), which are owned by their members, who are also the policyholders. MAS will also exempt run-off insurers from the comply-or-explain regime in relation to the Principles, Provisions and AGs, considering the lower level of public interest in these insurers as they have ceased writing new or renewal business.
However, where captive insurers, SPRVs, MMIs and run-off insurers are listed on SGX, they are expected to comply with the Principles and observe the comply-or-explain requirement for the Provisions as provided for under the SGX Listing Rules.
MAS also stated in its Response that it is reviewing the Tier 1 threshold for insurers.
3. New AG on appointment of non-directors to Board Risk Committee
MAS has introduced a new AG 9.9 on the appointment of non-directors to the Board Risk Committee (“BRC”). The appointment of non-directors to the BRC is only to be notified to MAS 30 days prior to the appointment. MAS approval is not required for the appointment. When notifying MAS, FIs are to provide the Nominating Committee’s (“NC”) assessment of the non-director’s fitness and propriety, and independence.
In its Response, MAS clarified that AG 9.9 is intended to give FIs the flexibility to appoint a subject-matter expert as a non-director member to the BRC, provided the FI’s constitution permits such appointment. Any non-director who is appointed to the BRC should be fit and proper in accordance with the MAS Guidelines on Fit and Proper Criteria and each appointment should be subject to a maximum term of three years. The FI should disclose the appointment on its website or via corporate announcements (AG 9.9 has been revised to include MAS’ expectation for FIs to make this disclosure).
The FI has the discretion to determine the scope of the non-director member’s responsibilities and should bind him to appropriate undertakings for proper accountability and to discharge his responsibilities with due diligence and in the interests of the FI. The non-director should not be accorded voting rights on decisions that are put up for the BRC’s approval, given that he is not bound by the same statutory and fiduciary duties as a director and is not elected by shareholders.
The Remuneration Committee (“RC”) should determine the appropriate remuneration for a non-director on a proportionate basis, taking into consideration his scope of responsibilities, vis-à-vis directors. FIs are encouraged to disclose the non-director’s remuneration for transparency and accountability.
For the purposes of the BRC composition requirements under the CG Regulations, only directors are considered and the non-director cannot be relied on to meet the minimum numbers required.
4. Expectation for majority board independence when chairman is non-independent
MAS had proposed a Provision 2.2 for the Board to have a majority of independent directors where the Chairman is non-independent. Provision 2.2 is part of the 2018 CG Code that MAS has fully incorporated into the revised CG Guidelines.
Recognising that it may be disproportionately burdensome for smaller and less systemically important FIs to constitute a majority independent board, given the challenges in identifying suitable independent directors, MAS has revised Provision 2.2 such that only locally-incorporated Tier 1 insurers, local banks, qualifying full banks, full banks and their designated FHCs are subject to the expectation for a majority independent board where the Chairman is non-independent. The revised Provision 2.2 will be effective from 31 December 2022, giving FIs sufficient time to consider changes to their Board composition. For all other FIs, at least half of the board is expected to be independent where the Chairman is not independent.
MAS stated that it is also reviewing the requirements on independent directors on the Board in the CG Regulations and will consult the industry in due course.
5. Transactions with related parties
Following feedback that AGs 14.1 to 14.5 on related party transactions in the CG Guidelines may be inconsistent with the requirements on related party transactions that apply to banks under MAS Notice 643 on Transactions with Related Parties (“MAS Notice 643”), MAS has aligned the definition of “related party transaction” in the revised CG Guidelines with the definition in MAS Notice 643 so as to reduce reporting burden for banks, which may arise from differences in the definitions. MAS has also amended AG 14.5, which sets out the expectation for the Audit Committee to review all material related party transactions, to state that the Board (or delegated Board Committee) should review all material related party transactions. This aligns more closely with MAS Notice 643 for banks, while continuing to set similar expectations for the boards of insurers and designated FHCs.
6. Additional Guidelines on remuneration practices
MAS provided the following clarifications and comments relating to the AGs on remuneration practices:
7. Other new Provisions and AGs
8. Proposed amendments to CG Regulations
MAS had conducted a review to identify the provisions shifted from the CG Code to the SGX Listing Rules for mandatory compliance in 2018, as well as other AGs within the CG Guidelines, which constitute expectations that are fundamental to good corporate governance and should therefore be included in the CG Regulations for mandatory compliance by the relevant FIs.
MAS had also proposed to widen the scope of employment of the “immediate family member” to cover employment by the FI or its related corporations in any capacity, instead of only those employed as an executive officer. In response to feedback that the scope of the expanded rule may be too onerous, MAS has set out in AG 2.6 that a director is deemed non-independent if his or her immediate family member is employed (i) as an executive officer or other MRT by the FI, or (ii) has his compensation decided by the RC or the Board.
MAS may consider a new regulation that allows the Nominating Committee to rebut the presumption of non-independence where the director is prima facie deemed non-independent from management relationships by virtue of the expanded relationships described above. MAS will review the definition of independence from management relationships further and seek feedback on any additional change or refinement.
MAS agrees with feedback received that flexibility should be accorded to the FIs to determine the frequency of reviews as business objectives and strategies could be of a long-term nature and not change every year. As such, MAS will allow the reviews to be conducted on a periodic basis and where there are material developments, rather than “at least annually”. This could mean a review cycle of less than a year should there be material developments warranting this.
MAS will further review the roles and responsibilities of the Board proposed to be included in the CG Regulations, and will consult the industry in due course.
Reference materials
The following materials are available from the MAS website www.mas.gov.sg via this webpage: