Knowledge Highlights 27 January 2025
In a speech delivered on 3 March 2021 at the Committee of Supply 2021, the Minister for Manpower, Josephine Teo, outlined the Ministry of Manpower’s (“MOM”) priorities for 2021.
Among other things, the Minister announced that, for consistency with recent work pass moves, MOM will regularise the work arrangements of Dependant’s Pass (“DP”) holders.
The vast majority of DP holders do not work during their stay in Singapore. DP holders who have sought employment in Singapore via a Letter of Consent (“LOC”) constitute only about 1% of all Work Pass holders. From 1 May 2021, DP holders who wish to work during their stay in Singapore will be directed to apply for a relevant work pass, such as an Employment Pass, S Pass or Work Permit.
MOM will provide sufficient time for existing DP holders working on an LOC, as well as their employers, to transit to this new arrangement. Most of the existing DP holders working on an LOC meet prevailing work pass criteria. Those that do not will have to cease working in Singapore.
Reference materials
The speech is available on the MOM website www.mom.gov.sg.