Establishment of S$2 billion multicurrency debt issuance programme and issue of S$250 million notes by Allgreen Treasury Pte. Ltd.
Allen & Gledhill advised DBS Bank Ltd. (“DBS”) on the establishment of a S$2 billion multicurrency debt issuance programme (the “Programme”) by Allgreen Treasury Pte. Ltd.
Allgreen Properties Limited is the guarantor of the Programme.
DBS was appointed arranger and dealer of the Programme.
Allen & Gledhill also advised DBS on the issue of S$250 million 3.15 per cent. notes due 2025 (the “Issue”) under the Programme.
DBS was appointed sole lead manager and bookrunner for the Issue.
Deutsche Bank AG, Singapore Branch (“DB Singapore”) was appointed principal paying agent, CDP registrar and CDP transfer agent.
Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft, acting through its Hong Kong Branch (“DB Aktiengesellschaft”) was appointed non-CDP paying agent, non-CDP registrar and non-CDP transfer agent.
DB International Trust (Singapore) Limited (“DB International”) was appointed trustee.
Advising DBS was Allen & Gledhill Partner Margaret Chin.
Advising DB Singapore, DB Aktiengesellschaft and DB International was Allen & Gledhill Partner Daselin Ang.
Advising DBS on tax issues was Allen & Gledhill Partner Sunit Chhabra.