Knowledge Highlights 27 January 2025
With the Variable Capital Companies Act (“VCC Act”) having come into force, the Monetary Authority of Singapore (“MAS”) and the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (“ACRA”) announced the launch of the framework for variable capital companies (“VCCs”) on 15 January 2020. The VCC is a new corporate structure that is tailored specifically for investment funds and offers fund managers greater operational flexibility and cost savings. It will encourage more funds to be domiciled in Singapore and enhance Singapore’s value as an international fund management hub.
Overview of VCC framework
The VCC framework will complement and expand the existing suite of fund structures available in Singapore, such as companies, limited partnerships and unit trust structures.
Key features tailored for investment funds
The VCC framework contains several features that specifically address the needs of investment funds. These include:
Governance and regulatory oversight
The VCC framework contains several features to ensure appropriate governance and regulatory oversight. These include:
Tax treatment for VCCs
The Variable Capital Companies (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act 2019 introduces amendments to the Income Tax Act, Goods and Services Tax Act and Stamp Duties Act to operationalise the tax framework for VCCs. These amendments came into force on 15 January 2020. Key features of the tax framework include:
VCC grant scheme
To further encourage industry adoption of the VCC framework in Singapore, MAS has launched a Variable Capital Companies Grant Scheme. This grant scheme will help defray costs involved in incorporating or registering a VCC by co-funding up to 70% of eligible expenses paid to Singapore-based service providers. The grant is capped at S$150,000 for each application, with a maximum of three VCCs per fund manager. The grant scheme will be funded by the Financial Sector Development Fund (FSDF).
Responses to feedback from public consultations
On 15 January 2020, MAS issued its responses to feedback on three of the consultations it had conducted on the VCC framework in 2019.
Consultation on proposed AML/CFT Notice for VCCs
MAS sought feedback on proposed regulations relating to AML/CFT from 30 April 2019 to 30 May 2019. In its response, MAS provided clarification on the delineation of AML/CFT responsibilities between a VCC and its EFI, the appropriate AML/CFT measures for existing customers of acquiring VCCs or re-domiciled VCCs, and the definition of terms such as “customer” and “beneficial owner” in the VCC AML/CFT Notice.
Consultation on proposed framework for VCCs: Part 2
From 30 April 2019 to 30 May 2019, MAS sought feedback on proposed subsidiary legislation for VCCs, with a focus on the operational details of setting up and maintaining a VCC. In its response, MAS addressed and provided clarification on matters such as the confirmations and information required in relation to the registration of a sub-fund, the fitness and propriety principles for a director of a VCC, the procedure for the striking off and restoration of VCCs and their sub-funds and other miscellaneous operational matters.
For foreign corporate entities intending to be registered as VCCs under the VCC Act, MAS also provided guidance on the re-domiciliation scenarios that are permissible under the framework.
Consultation on proposed framework for VCCs: Part 3
From 24 July 2019 to 24 August 2019, MAS sought feedback on proposed subsidiary legislation relating to the insolvency and winding up of a VCC and its sub-funds.
In its response, MAS stated that it is reviewing the proposal to amend relevant legislation to allow an officer of a VCC to, with leave from the court, act on behalf of a VCC for the purposes of any relevant matter or proceeding to which the VCC is a party.
MAS also reiterated its intention to eventually align the insolvency and winding up regime for a VCC and its sub-funds with that of the insolvency and winding up regime for other corporate structures in Singapore under the Insolvency, Restructuring and Dissolution Act (“IRDA”), which consolidates all personal and corporate insolvency and debt restructuring laws under one statute. When the IRDA comes into force, the provisions in the Companies Act that relate to insolvency and winding up will be repealed.