EUR200 million joint venture between Allianz Real Estate and ESR to invest in Indian logistics and industrial property

Allen & Gledhill advised Allianz Real Estate (“Allianz”) on its joint venture with ESR to establish an investment programme targeting the logistics market in India. ESR is a leading Asia-Pacific logistics real estate and fund management platform.
The initial equity commitment into the joint venture is EUR200 million, funded on a 50:50 basis by Allianz and ESR. The joint venture is targeted to be an approximately US$1 billion (EUR890 million) assets under management platform.
Advising Allianz were Allen & Gledhill Partners Richard Young, Lim Chong Ying, Mark Quek and Sathiaseelan Jagateesan.
Advising Allianz on competition and antitrust issues was Allen & Gledhill Partner Scott Clements.
Advising Allianz on tax issues was Allen & Gledhill Partner Sunit Chhabra.