Establishment of S$5 billion Euro medium term note programme by CapitaLand Limited and CapitaLand Treasury Limited

Allen & Gledhill advised CapitaLand Limited and CapitaLand Treasury Limited (“CapitaLand Treasury”) on the establishment of its S$5 billion Euro medium term note programme (“Programme”). CapitaLand Treasury may issue notes and perpetual notes (collectively, “Notes”) under the Programme. The Notes will be unconditionally and irrevocably guaranteed by CapitaLand Limited.
Advising CapitaLand Treasury and CapitaLand Limited as to Singapore law were Allen & Gledhill Partners Tan Tze Gay and Wu Zhaoqi.
Advising CapitaLand Treasury and CapitaLand Limited on tax issues was Allen & Gledhill Partner Sunit Chhabra.