Lee Kim Shin, SC

Kim Shin is a Counsel, and previously Joint Managing Partner of Allen & Gledhill. He has been with Allen & Gledhill for more than 30 years, and was appointed Senior Counsel in January 2015.
Kim Shin’s areas of practice encompass mergers and acquisitions, local and regional joint ventures, schemes of reconstruction, amalgamations, capital reductions and restructurings. He has extensive experience in mergers and acquisitions involving private equity, venture capital, trade sales and competitive bids. He has been cited for his expertise in corporate/M&A in leading legal publications such as Chambers Global and Chambers Asia-Pacific.
Kim Shin sits on the Board of Directors of Singapore Airlines Ltd, Singapore Power Limited and the Singapore Institute of Legal Education. He is a member of the Singapore Academy of Law Specialist Accreditation Board.
Work Highlights
- Acted for Singapore Telecommunications in the S$2.47 billion purchase of Temasek’s stakes in Intouch Holdings and Bharti Telecom.
- Acted for the management of Innovalues on their reinvestment of part of the sale proceeds from a scheme of arrangement (involving the S$331.4 million sale of shares in Innovalues to Northstar Advisors) by acquiring shares in Precision Solutions Group, the ultimate parent company of Innovalues.