Tan Xeauwei 陈晓薇

合伙人 Partner
Xeauwei is a Partner at Allen & Gledhill. Her area of expertise encompasses commercial litigation and international arbitration.
She is the Co-Head of the Firm’s Banking Disputes practice. She has substantial experience handling banking disputes, shareholders’ and joint venture disputes, trust and property disputes and commodities disputes.
Xeauwei is consistently recognised for her work in top legal publications such as The Legal 500 Asia Pacific and is cited to be someone that "thinks 10 steps ahead" and "brings her A-game - all the time". Xeauwei has been lauded for her “stunning intellect and excellent client-servicing” and she and her team have also been lauded for their ability to provide “strategic and practical solutions to clients even before the clients request it”.
Xeauwei graduated from the National University of Singapore with an LL.B. (Hons) degree and passed the Singapore Bar examinations ranked as the top 10 individuals of her year’s cohort. She is a Fellow of the Singapore Institute of Arbitrators.
Work Highlights
- 代表某大型亚洲银行处理一起由新加坡高等法院审理的该银行与一家国际石油公司子公司的信用证纠纷。该案涉及对欺诈、不实陈述和串谋损害的索赔。
Acting for a major Asian bank in a letter of credit dispute with a subsidiary of an international oil company before the Singapore High Court. The case involves claims of fraud, misrepresentation and conspiracy to injure.
- 代表某大型欧洲银行处理一起由新加坡国际商业法庭和上诉庭审理的该银行与其私人客户的纠纷。该案涉及不当销售以及违反信托的指控。
Acted for a major European bank in a dispute with a private client before the Singapore International Commercial Court and Court of Appeal. The case involved allegations of mis-selling and breach of trust.
- 代表法庭任命的遗产管理人处理一位著名商人的遗产管理。该案涉及新加坡、印尼、马来西亚和香港的资产,以及新加坡和印尼的司法程序。
Acted for the court-appointed estate administrators in the administration of the estate of a prominent businessman. The case involved assets in Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia and Hong Kong, as well as judicial proceedings in Singapore and Indonesia.
- 为多家大宗商品公司的贸易部门在新加坡国际仲裁中心(SIAC)和国际商会仲裁院(ICC)有关大宗商品买卖的仲裁案中提供代理和咨询服务。
Acting for and advising the trading arms of various commodities firms in Singapore International Arbitration Centre (SIAC) and International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) arbitrations in relation to sale and purchase of commodities.
- 为股东就股份收购、少数股东压迫诉讼以及派生诉讼等各类股东争议提供代理和咨询服务。
Acting and advising shareholders on various shareholders’ disputes such as share buy-outs, minority oppression actions and derivative actions.