Christine Chan

Christine is a Consultant in Allen & Gledhill’s Corporate Regulatory & Compliance Practice, which she formerly co headed during her time as a Partner of the Firm. Her principal area of practice is corporate and commercial law, with a special focus on corporate regulatory and compliance.
She regularly advises companies, directors and officers on the Singapore Companies Act. She also works closely with Singapore Exchange mainboard listed companies.
Christine’s expertise encompasses a wide variety of matters: corporate governance, continuing disclosure obligations, notification of security interests, interested person transactions, share incentive plans, scrip dividend schemes and annual shareholders’ mandates.
She routinely reviews relevant developments in the regulatory framework, and provides feedback, particularly on proposed changes to Singapore companies and securities law and listing rule amendments.
Christine was a consulting editor to the 2016 publication, Listing in Singapore: Corporate Governance Perspectives. She is listed as an expert in corporate governance in Who’s Who Legal: M&A and Governance.
- ACRA publishes Financial Reporting Surveillance Programme Report 2024 and Directors’ Guide providing comprehensive overview of directors’ responsibilities and guidance for navigating financial reporting requirements
- ACRA (Registry and Regulatory Enhancements) Act 2024 facilitating digital communications and enhancing ACRA regulatory framework in operation from 9 December 2024 except Part 8
- ACRA issues Financial Reporting Practice Guidance No. 1 of 2024 on areas of review focus for FY2024 financial statements
- IFRS Sustainability Disclosure Standards to be incorporated into SGX climate reporting rules from FY 2025
- SGX updates guidance note on change of auditors
- ACRA (Registry and Regulatory Enhancements) Bill facilitating digital communications and enhancing ACRA regulatory framework passed on 2 July 2024
- ACRA (Registry and Regulatory Enhancements) Bill tabled following consultation on streamlining corporate regulatory regime
- SGX seeks comments on proposed rule changes on facilitating shareholder-requisitioned meetings
- SGX RegCo issues consultation paper on incorporation of ISSB standards in sustainability reporting
- MOF and ACRA consult on proposed legislative amendments relating to digital communications and regulatory enhancements
- ACRA, SGX RegCo respond to feedback from consultation on Sustainability Reporting Advisory Committee recommendations: Mandatory climate reporting for listed issuers and large non-listed companies
- SGX RegCo enhances mandatory training requirements for directors with no prior experience
- CGAC revises Practice Guidance in Code of Corporate Governance in relation to shareholder rights and conduct of general meetings and engagement with shareholders
- MAS revises FAQs on Disclosure of Interests to provide guidance on determining date of acquisition of or change in interests under Part 7 of Securities and Futures Act 2001
- ACRA issues Financial Reporting Practice Guidance No. 1 of 2023 on areas of review focus for FY2023 financial statements
- ACRA, SGX RegCo consult on Sustainability Reporting Advisory Committee recommendations: Mandatory climate reporting for listed and large non-listed companies
- SGX RegCo publishes Guidelines on Independent Financial Advisers setting out expectations of directors and IFAs
- Companies, Business Trusts and Other Bodies (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act 2023 in force on 1 July 2023: Providing for fully virtual or hybrid meetings, revised threshold computation for compulsory acquisition of shares, and other amendments
- Companies, Business Trusts and Other Bodies (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act 2023: Provisions on compulsory acquisition of shares, disqualification of directors and penalties imposed on directors to take effect on 1 July 2023
- Companies, Business Trusts and Other Bodies (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act 2023: Providing for fully virtual or hybrid meetings, revised threshold computation for compulsory acquisition of shares, and other amendments
- MOF and ACRA issue responses to key feedback on proposed amendments to Companies Act 1967
- ACRA issues Financial Reporting Surveillance Programme Report 2022 highlighting measures to strengthen financial reporting competency
- SGX RegCo amends Listing Rules to limit tenure of independent directors to nine years and require disclosure of exact remuneration of directors and CEOs
- SGX RegCo, SID and CSIS publish service standards for companies’ virtual general meetings
- MinLaw to revoke Covid-19 legislation providing for alternative arrangements for meetings on 1 July 2023; MAS and ACRA planning legislation to allow general meetings by electronic means
- ACRA issues Financial Reporting Practice Guidance No. 1 of 2022 on areas of review focus for FY2022 financial statements
- SGX RegCo consults on proposed hard limit of nine years on tenure of independent directors and disclosure of exact remuneration of directors and CEOs of listed companies
- Commencement of new requirements under Corporate Registers (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act 2022 on 4 October 2022
- SGX RegCo to consult on hard coding nine-year cap on ID tenure, requiring disclosure of actual remuneration of directors and CEOs
- SGX RegCo to require live engagement and voting at AGMs for all issuers
- Companies Act 1967 amended to clarify timelines for local and foreign companies to update registers
- MAS revises Practice Guidance in Code of Corporate Governance to provide updated guidance on board diversity policy
- SGX RegCo provides guidance on its expectation of issuers regarding sanctions-related risks, subject or activity
- SGX RegCo sets out expectations regarding business valuations for significant transactions
- ACRA, MAS and SGX RegCo update guidance on the conduct of general meetings amid evolving Covid-19 situation
- Corporate Registers (Miscellaneous Amendments) Bill enhancing Singapore’s regime on transparency and beneficial ownership of companies and LLPs passed
- SGX mandates climate and board diversity disclosures
- ACRA issues Financial Reporting Practice Guidance No. 1 of 2021 on areas of review for FY 2021 financial statements
- ACRA consults on proposed legislative amendments relating to data, digitalisation, and corporate transparency
- SGX to prescribe additional timelines for Q&A before general meetings and requirement for virtual information sessions for some corporate actions
- Bill to enhance Singapore’s regime on transparency and beneficial ownership of companies and LLPs tabled in Parliament
- SGX consults on mandatory climate and board diversity disclosures
- MOF, ACRA consult on proposed enhancements to Singapore’s regime on transparency and beneficial ownership of companies and LLPs
- SGX RegCo expands enforcement powers and mandates issuers to have whistleblowing policy
- Covid-19: MinLaw further extends duration of legislation for alternative meeting arrangements
- SGX RegCo allows Mainboard issuers up to 31 December 2021 to seek or renew enhanced share issue limit amid Covid-19
- SGX RegCo enhances rules on auditors, valuers and valuation reports
- Covid-19: ACRA issues Financial Reporting Practice Guidance No. 2 of 2020 to guide directors in review of FY2020 financial statements
- Covid-19: Legislation for alternative meeting arrangements refined and extended to 30 June 2021
- Corporate Governance Advisory Committee issues statement on directors’ disclosures in rights issues
- Covid-19: MinLaw to extend duration of legislation for alternative meeting arrangements to 30 June 2021
- SGX RegCo sets out expectations on financial reporting during Covid-19 period
- SGX RegCo seeks swifter outcomes in enforcement actions, right of delegation, exclusion of liability and indemnity and issuers to have whistleblowing policy
- ACRA seeks feedback on wide-ranging proposed amendments to Companies Act
- SGX RegCo sets out expectations of sustainability reporting during Covid-19 period
- ACRA, MAS and SGX RegCo update guidance on conduct of general meetings during Covid-19 period to clarify that issuers permitted to operate need no longer submit notification to MTI for on-site operations
- Covid-19: ACRA issues guidance for directors reviewing upcoming financial statements
- SGX RegCo removes minimum trading price rule while enhancing other anti-manipulation tools with effect from 1 June 2020
- SGX RegCo extends timeline for release of unaudited financial results and sets out expectations on issuers’ disclosure obligations, Amendment Order revises period for alternative meetings arrangements
- Holding meetings amid Covid-19: Order for alternative arrangements issued, guidance and checklist provided by ACRA, MAS and SGX RegCo
- SGX RegCo enhances share issue limit for Mainboard issuers and suspends entry into financial watch-list amid challenging Covid-19 business climate
- Holding meetings amid Covid-19 outbreak: New Act provides legal certainty; ACRA, SGX RegCo extend AGM and annual return deadlines
- Key considerations for directors in the period of Covid-19
- SGX RegCo gives additional two months to issuers irrespective of place of business or operations to hold AGMs due to concerns about large-group meetings amid Covid-19
- SGX RegCo gives issuers with principal place of business or significant operations in China up to 30 June 2020 to hold AGMs to approve FY December 2019 results in view of Covid-19 situation
- ACRA aligns filed data with data filed under National Registration Act
- SGX consults on enhancements to regulatory regime for auditors and property valuation
- SGX implements new approach to quarterly reporting and enhances continuous disclosure requirements on 7 February 2020
- ACRA enhances annual return forms for easier filing
- SGX RegCo consults on proposed removal of minimum trading price framework and changes to financial watch-list administration
- ACRA issues Registrar’s Interpretation No. 1 of 2019 on alteration of constitution with respect to objects of company and lodging requirements under Companies Act
- ACRA revises Guidance relating to requirements on register of registrable controllers and register of nominee directors
- MAS establishes industry-led Corporate Governance Advisory Committee to advocate good corporate governance practices
- SGX shares proposals on appointment of second auditor or Singapore-based auditor, and raising business and real estate valuations standard