Michele Foo

Michèle’s area of expertise encompasses mergers and acquisitions (both by way of acquisition of shares and acquisition of businesses), local and regional joint ventures, schemes of reconstruction, amalgamation and capital restructuring. She also advises on labour law, the formation of companies and provides general corporate advice to companies across a broad spectrum of industries.
Michèle joined the Firm in 1993 after she was called to the Singapore Bar and has been a Partner since 2000.
Work Highlights
- Acted for Singapore Telecommunications in the S$2.47 billion purchase of Temasek’s stakes in Intouch Holdings and Bharti Telecom.
- Acted for Singapore Technologies Telemedia in its acquisition of 74 per cent. stake in Tata Communications’ data centre business in Singapore.
- Acted for AES Corporation in its US$453 million sale of a 45 per cent. stake in Masin-AES to Electricity Generating Public Company (“EGCO”) and joint venture with EGCO to pursue power projects in the Philippines.
- Electronic Gazette and Legislation Bill passed providing for Electronic Gazette to be authoritative version
- Workplace Fairness Bill passed in Parliament to protect employees from discrimination
- WSH Council issues Approved Code of Practice for Platform Services to enhance safety and well-being of platform workers
- Platform Workers Act 2024 to fully come into force on 1 January 2025
- Electronic Gazette and Legislation Bill tabled for first reading; Gazette published on prescribed website to be authoritative version
- Workplace Fairness Bill introduced in Parliament to protect employees from discrimination
- Bill to amend Child Development Co-Savings Act 2001 to provide for enhanced paternity leave and new shared parental leave passed
- MOM commences certain processes following partial commencement of Platform Workers Act 2024
- WSH Council issues draft “Guidelines on Providing Support for Employees with and at-risk of Mental Health Conditions” for comment
- MOM and SNEF to work with NTUC, HR community, and employers to implement recommendations by Alliance for Action on Widening Access to Talent
- Enhanced paternity leave and new shared parental leave scheme from 1 April 2025
- Platform Workers Bill passed in Parliament to strengthen protections for platform workers
- New Platform Workers Bill introduced in Parliament
- Tripartite Guidelines on Flexible Work Arrangement Requests to take effect on 1 December 2024
- EnterpriseSG enhances Partnerships for Capability Transformation scheme to cover expanded range of industry segments and partnership modalities
- MOM to raise Employment Pass qualifying salary from 1 January 2025 and Local Qualifying Salary from 1 July 2024
- MOM to raise retirement and re-employment ages to 64 and 69 respectively in 2026
- MOM announces higher work injury compensation limits
- Child Development Co-Savings Act 2001 amended to implement enhancements to parental leave schemes
- Upcoming changes to Child Development Co-Savings Act 2001 on government-paid paternity leave and unpaid infant care leave
- Changes in CPF monthly salary ceiling from 1 September 2023
- MOM consults on definitions of “platform operator” and “platform worker”, protection in the subcontracting scenario and platform operators’ duties regarding safety and health
- Singapore Government accepts Tripartite Committee’s final recommendations for workplace fairness legislation
- Government accepts recommendations by tripartite workgroup to enhance representation for platform workers
- MOM announces details of Complementarity Assessment Framework (COMPASS) bonus criteria: 27 occupations on new Shortage Occupation List
- Tripartite Guidelines on Fair Employment Practices enhanced with additional guidelines on exercising sensitivity for a harmonious workplace
- Tripartite Committee on Workplace Fairness releases interim report on recommendations for workplace fairness legislation
- MOM announces formation of platform workers work injury compensation implementation network
- Singapore Government accepts recommendations by International Advisory Panel to strengthen workplace safety and health
- Singapore Government accepts recommendations by Advisory Committee on Platform Workers to strengthen protections for platform workers
- Code of practice on WSH duties of chief executives and board of directors gazetted as Approved Code of Practice
- MOM issues updated advisory on Covid-19 vaccination at the workplace following lifting of vaccination differentiated safe management measures
- MOM updates advisory on requirements for safe management measures at the workplace
- MOM issues advisory on Covid-19 vaccination requirements to apply for and renew passes
- Targeted enhancements to work pass framework announced
- Tripartite partners establish workgroup on representation for platform workers
- Code of practice on chief executives’ and board of directors’ WSH duties launched, to be gazetted by October 2022
- Work pass framework enhancements: Ministerial statement
- Singapore as global hub for talent: MOM announces new Overseas Networks & Expertise Pass, new benchmark for top 10% EP holders, shorter FCF job advertising duration, shorter EP applications processing time, five-year EP option
- Updates to Employment Pass qualifying salary from 1 September 2022 for new applications
- Singapore Government accepts recommendations on Progressive Wage Model for retail workers
- MOM and TADM release Employment Standards Report 2021, Covid-19 related cost-saving notification requirements and retrenchment benefit payable to cease from 1 August 2022
- Retirement and re-employment ages under Retirement and Re-employment Act 1993 raised to 63 and 68
- Taskforce on mental health and well-being seeks comments on recommendations to improve workplace well-being measures and employment support
- Child Development Co-Savings Act 2021 amended to implement family-friendly policies at the workplace
- MOM updates advisories on Covid-19 arrangements at the workplace
- MOM announces new approved code of practice for company directors’ workplace safety and health duties in the pipeline
- Covid-19: Singapore further eases border restrictions - Move to Vaccinated Travel Framework and removal of pre-departure requirements
- MOM updates advisory on requirements for workplace safe management measures
- MOM updates advisory on work and leave arrangements for employees who test positive for Covid-19 but are mildly symptomatic or physically well
- MOM announces upcoming changes to Employment Pass eligibility
- Singapore Government accepts new progressive wage model recommendations for waste management workers
- Tripartite partners issue advisory on business continuity plan to provide guidance on potentially high levels of workforce absences
- Covid-19: Singapore eases border restrictions for long-term pass holders and visitors
- Changes to CPF contribution rates from 1 January 2022 for employees aged above 55 to 70
- Covid-19 vaccination to be a condition for long-term passes, work passes and permanent residence from 1 February 2022
- Updated Covid-19 advisories: Vaccination at the workplace and work and leave arrangements for Covid-19 positive employees who are mildly symptomatic or physically well
- MOM updates advisory on workplace safe management measures requirements: Concession for unvaccinated employees to return to workplace via negative PET removed, work-related events with 50-1000 participants permitted
- Workplace Safety and Health (Covid-19 Safe Workplace) Regulations 2021 in force from 1 January 2022
- MOM public consultation on proposed measures to strengthen protections for platform workers
- MOM issues revised advisory on work and leave arrangements for employees who test positive on Covid-19 Antigen Rapid Test (ART) but are physically well
- MOM updates advisory on requirements for safe management measures at workplace, up to 50% of employees who can work from home allowed to return to workplace from 1 January 2022
- Bill passed to change statutory limits for prescribed minimum retirement age and re-employment age under Retirement and Re-employment Act
- Tripartite partners update Advisory on requirements for safe management measures at the workplace
- Practical Law Cross-border Joint Ventures 2021
- Tripartite partners update Advisory on Covid-19 vaccination at the workplace
- Bill introduced to amend Retirement and Re-employment Act to change statutory limits for prescribed minimum retirement age and re-employment age
- MOM issues advisory on work and leave arrangements for employees who test positive on Covid-19 Antigen Rapid Test (ART) but are physically well
- Vaccination as entry requirement for work pass holders from 1 November 2021
- MOM issues advisory to employers on Rostered Routine Testing and charging policy for workers in construction, marine, and process sectors, and in dormitories
- Tripartite partners urge employers to adopt “Vaccinate or Regular Test” regime as company policy
- MOM, NTUC and SNEF form Tripartite Committee on Workplace Fairness to review framework for workplace fairness in Singapore
- Bill passed to amend Child Development Co-Savings towards family-friendly policies at the workplace
- Covid-19: MOM updates advisory on requirements for safe management measures at the workplace to allow more employees to return
- Bill to amend Child Development Co-Savings Bill introduced towards family-friendly policies at the workplace
- MOM updates advisory on safe management measures at the workplace with effect from 20 July 2021
- MOM, NTUC, SNEF issue advisory on Covid-19 vaccination in employment settings
- MOM and ESG update requirements for safe management measures at the workplace with effect from 10 June 2021
- New Tripartite Standard on Work-Life Harmony launched to boost workplace morale and performance
- Covid-19: MOM updates advisory on requirements for safe management measures at the workplace with effect from 16 May 2021
- Covid-19: MOM updates advisory on requirements for safe management measures at the workplace to allow greater flexibility for businesses
- MOM to require Dependant’s Pass holders who wish to work to apply for work pass from 1 May 2021
- MOM requires work pass holders to update MOM on new residential address or mobile number within five days of change
- Practical Law Cross-border Joint Ventures 2020
- MOM, NTUC and SNEF launch Tripartite Advisory on Mental Well-being at Workplaces
- EDB to launch new programme to attract entrepreneurs and leaders to develop Singapore’s tech ecosystem
- Tripartite partners update advisory on managing excess manpower and responsible retrenchment to provide clearer guidance
- Covid-19: MOM updates advisory on requirements for safe management measures at the workplace to allow more employees to return
- MOM announces eligible firms to receive Jobs Growth Incentive automatically from March 2021
- MOM updates advisory on salary and leave arrangements
- MOM announces tightening of work pass requirements: Increase in EP and S Pass minimum qualifying salary, enhancements to Fair Consideration Framework
- MOM updates advisory for employers and employees travelling to and from Covid-19 affected areas
- ACRA seeks feedback on wide-ranging proposed amendments to Companies Act
- MOM issues updated advisory for employers and employees travelling to and from Covid-19 affected areas
- MOM updates advisory on salary and leave arrangements
- MOM issues Notification requiring employers to notify Commissioner of Labour of salary reduction measures amid Covid-19 situation
- Covid-19: MOM issues updated advisory on salary and leave arrangements
- MOM updates advisory on requirements for safe management measures at the workplace to minimise risk of Covid-19 re-emergence
- MOM, NTUC, SNEF to release advisories on ensuring sustainability of outsourced sectors affected by Covid-19
- MOM, NTUC and SNEF issue advisory on retrenchment benefit payable to retrenched employees as a result of business difficulties due to Covid-19
- MOM, NTUC and SNEF issue advisory on workplace safe management measures in view of gradual lifting of Covid-19 restrictions
- MOM updates advisory on salary and leave arrangements during circuit breaker period
- Covid-19 Employment Q&A
- Facing Covid-19: Employers’ obligations
- Government accepts National Wages Council Guidelines for 2020/2021 to mitigate impact of Covid-19
- MOM to revise rules for hiring foreigners, provide more support for employers hiring mid-career and senior employees
- MOM announces further measures to help companies cope with Covid-19 situation
- MOM, NTUC and SNEF update advisory on managing excess manpower and responsible retrenchment in view of Covid-19
- Practical Law Cross-Border Joint Ventures 2019: Singapore chapters
- MOM, NTUC and SNEF release Tripartite Guidelines on Wrongful Dismissal
- MOM consults on proposed changes to Work Injury Compensation Act