Allen & Gledhill (Myanmar) ranked top tier in Asialaw Profiles and Asialaw Leading Lawyers 2021

Allen & Gledhill (Myanmar) has received top tier rankings in the practice area and industry sectors covered by Asialaw Profiles and Asialaw Leading Lawyers 2021. We have been ranked “Highly recommended” for general business law (the only practice area covered by Asialaw Profiles), and have been ranked in four industry sectors with three of our Partners being recognised as Leading Lawyers. For more information about the rankings of Allen & Gledhill (Myanmar), please click here.
In Singapore, Allen & Gledhill continues to receive top tier rankings in the practice areas and industry sectors covered by Asialaw Profiles, with the highest number of top tier practice area rankings in Singapore. Our Firm has been ranked “Outstanding” in 11 out of 13 practice areas and “Highly recommended” in the other two practice areas. In addition, our Firm is ranked “Outstanding” in six out of eight industry sectors and is “Recommended” in the other two sectors. Thirty of our lawyers have been recognised as Leading Lawyers in Asialaw Leading Lawyers, and 11 of whom have been recognised as “Elite practitioner”. For more information about the rankings of Allen & Gledhill (Singapore), please click here.
Our associate firm in Malaysia, Rahmat Lim & Partners, has been ranked in nine practice areas and six industry sectors, and it has eight Leading Lawyers. For more information about the rankings of Rahmat Lim & Partners, please click here.
Our strategic alliance partner in Indonesia, Soemadipradja & Taher, has been ranked in six practice areas and six industry sectors, and it has six Leading Lawyers. For more information about the rankings of Soemadipradja & Taher, please click here.