市场赞誉 Accolades
We seek the highest standards for our clients. Our prime focus has been, and remains, harnessing strong legal expertise, commercial acumen and practical experience to deliver the best outcomes for our clients.
Through the years, our approach and commitment to the practice of law have attracted recognition and honours. We are deeply grateful for the trust and confidence that our clients place in us, and for the many awards and accolades accorded to us.

安盛律师事务所(Allen & Gledhill)被2024年Lexology Index Awards评为”年度新加坡律师事务所”。这是安盛第14次荣获该媒体颁发的新加坡年度大奖这项殊荣。
Lexology Index Awards旨在表彰在全球70多个法域的Lexology Index研究中表现出色的律师事务所和个人执业者。

安盛律师事务所(Allen & Gledhill)在《环球仲裁评论》(Global Arbitration Review)发布的第17版年度全球百强国际仲裁律所榜单(GAR 100)中连续第12年被评为全球顶尖国际仲裁团队之一。

在3月20日举办的《国际金融法评论》(IFLR)2024年亚太法律大奖颁奖典礼上,安盛律师事务所Allen & Gledhill)被评为“年度新加坡律师事务所”。
- 专业奖:数字金融大奖——总部位于亚太地区
- 年度高收益交易大奖(PT Medco Energi International)
- 年度项目融资交易大奖(Monsoon Wind Project)
同时,我们的马来西亚联营所Rahmat Lim & Partners荣获年度马来西亚律师事务所,以及年度股权交易大奖(极兔速递上市)。

安盛律师事务所网络(统称为安盛亚洲)在《亚太法律500强》(The Legal 500 Asia Pacific)最新发布的2024年排名中继续被评为地区领先的律师事务所。
在新加坡,本所再次成为拥有最多业务领域荣登第一梯队以及最多执业律师上榜的律师事务所。今年,我们总有20个业务领域荣登第一梯队排名,包括在全新的数据保护和网络安全评选类别中摘得第一梯队。此外, 49名律师荣耀上榜,相较去年的45名有所提升。
我们在马来西亚的联营律所拉迈特林律师事务所 (Rahmat Lim & Partners)在银行和金融、企业和并购、房地产和建筑、项目和能源以及资本市场五大业务领域获得第一梯队排名,其中资本市场由去年的第二梯队荣升为第一梯队。此外,马来西亚共有15名律师上榜,被评选进入名人堂、或被评为领军人物、新一代合伙人或新星律师。

近日,国际权威法律评级机构钱伯斯(Chambers & Partners)最新评出的《钱伯斯亚太法律指南2024》正式发布。Allen & Gledhill安盛亚洲网络(统称为A&G Asia)继续保持了其在该区域的领先地位。
我们在马来西亚的联营所Rahmat Lim & Partners拥有4个业务领域列位第一等级(银行与融资、企业/并购、项目、基础设施与能源和房地产)和15名律师荣誉上榜,其中1名律师被评为杰出从业者,3名律师被评为第一等级律师。
我们的联营所AGI Legal拥有2名律师荣登上榜,其中1名律师列位第一等级律师。

Allen & Gledhill has once again been recognised as one of the top law firms in Singapore, according to The Straits Times in its “Singapore’s Best Law Firms 2024” survey.
We would like to thank our clients and friends for their unwavering support, as well as their confidence and trust in our Firm.
To find out more about our award-winning practices, please click here.

Allen & Gledhill’s Intellectual Property Practice won the Singapore Trademarks Firm of the Year award at the recent Asia IP Awards 2023.
The 14th edition of the Asia IP Awards was held on 2 November 2023 at CHIJMES in Singapore, and recognised top trademarks, patents and copyright practices as determined by in-house counsel from Asia, Europe and the Americas.
For more information on the Asia IP Awards 2023, please click here.

Allen & Gledhill and its network firms maintains top tier rankings in ALB M&A Rankings 2023
我们很高兴地宣布,在ALB发布的 2023 年并购排名报告中,安盛的并购业务继续位列新加坡国内律所类别第一级。我们的越南办事处也首次进入越南类别排名。
在同一份报告中,我们的联营律所 Rahmat Lim & Partners 保持了马来西亚的一级排名。我们的越南办事处则保持了在越南类别中的排名。
We are pleased to announce that our Mergers & Acquisitions Practice continues to be ranked Tier 1 in the Singapore domestic firm category of the M&A Rankings 2023 report released by Asian Legal Business. Our Vietnam office has also been ranked for the first time in the Vietnam category.
In the same report, our associate firm Rahmat Lim & Partners has maintained its Tier 1 ranking in Malaysia. Our Vietnam office has also maintained its ranking in the Vietnam category.
The rankings are based on information drawn from firm submissions, Thomson Reuters M&A data, interviews, editorial resources and market suggestions to identify and rank the top firms for M&A in Asia.

Allen & Gledhill continues to be the only Singapore law firm ranked Tier 1 in World Tax 2024
我们的律师 Sunit Chhabra 和 Lim Pek Bur 也在 2024 年世界税务中获得认可。Sunit Chhabra 在一般企业税和税务争议类别中被评为“高度尊敬律师”,而 Lim Pek Bur 在间接税和税务争议类别中被评为“高度尊敬律师” 以及 "税收类别女性律师"。
世界税务排名是一个提供最高效税务专业人士排名和简介的目录,涵盖各大洲 100 多个司法管辖区。
Allen & Gledhill has maintained its Tier 1 ranking for the Singapore category of World Tax 2024. We continue to be the only Singapore law firm ranked in this tier.
Our lawyers, Sunit Chhabra and Lim Pek Bur, are also recognised in World Tax 2024. Sunit Chhabra is ranked as ‘Highly Regarded’ in the General Corporate Tax and Tax Controversy categories, while Lim Pek Bur is ranked as ‘Highly Regarded’ in the Indirect Tax and Women in Tax categories.
World Tax is produced in association with the International Tax Review, providing rankings and profiles of the most effective tax practitioners in more than 100 jurisdictions globally.

Allen & Gledhill Intellectual Property Practice ranked as leading firm for Copyright & Related Rights, as well as Intellectual Property Transactions in Managing IP’s IP STARS 2023
Allen & Gledhill’s Intellectual Property Practice has once again been recognised as a top tier firm for IP Transactions and maintained its ranking as a leading firm in the Copyright & Related Rights category of the IP STARS 2023 firm rankings, released by Managing IP.

Allen & Gledhill continues to be recognised as a Tier 1 firm by IFLR1000, with the most number of lawyers recognised across all practices
安盛在2023年继续被IFLR1000认可为亚太地区的一级律师事务所。我们仍然是唯一一家在所有当地业务中排名第一的新加坡律师事务所,并拥有新加坡最多受认可的律师。我们共有 77 名律师被受认可,其中 4 名律师被评为“市场领导者”,20 名律师被评为“备受推崇”,49 名律师被评为“杰出执业者”,4 名律师被评为“新星合伙人”。
我们在马来西亚的联营律所 Rahmat Lim & Partners 在银行和金融、并购、项目开发:能源和项目开发:基础设施方面继续排名第一。他们还拥有 18 名被获认可的律师,其中1名被评为“市场领导者”,13 名被评为“杰出执业者”,2名被评为“新星合伙人”,1名为“新星律师”,1名为“杰出律师”。
Allen & Gledhill continues to be recognised as a Tier 1 firm by IFLR1000 Asia-Pacific 2023. We continue to be the only Singapore firm ranked Tier 1 across all local practices, with the most number of recognised lawyers in Singapore. In total, 77 of our lawyers are named, with four lawyers recognised as Market Leaders, 20 as Highly Regarded, 49 as Notable Practitioners, and four as Rising Star Partners.
Our associate firm in Malaysia, Rahmat Lim & Partners, continues to be ranked Tier 1 for Banking and finance, M&A, Project Development: Energy and Project Development: Infrastructure. They also have 18 recognised lawyers, with one recognised as a Market Leader, 13 named as Highly Regarded, two as Rising Star Partners, one as Rising Star and one as a Notable Practitioner.
Our Myanmar office continues to be ranked Tier 1 in Financial and corporate and Tier 2 in Project development. Additionally, two Directors from our Myanmar office have also been recognised as Highly Regarded and as a Notable Practitioner respectively.
Our Vietnam office has also been newly recognised for the first time in both M&A and Project development. The Managing Partner of our Vietnam office has also been newly ranked as Highly Regarded in this edition of the rankings.

Allen & Gledhill recognised in Who’s Who Legal’s Southeast Asia 2023 guide
本所被认可为在东南亚地区的最多业务领域中拥有最多上榜数量的律所。我们的律师们总共在27个业务领域上榜 102次,其中许多律师因其奉献精神和经验而受到称赞。
我们在马来西亚的联营律所,Rahmat Lim & Partners 的律师们则在4个业务领域上榜6次。
《法律名人录:东南亚 2023》是该地区法律市场的深入指南,重点介绍了商业法30多个领域中的顶尖律师和专家。
Allen & Gledhill continues to be recognised as a leading law firm in South-east Asia in the latest Who’s Who Legal: Southeast Asia 2023 guide.
Our Firm was credited with the most number of listings, across the most number of practice areas in South-east Asia. In total, our lawyers were listed 102 times across 27 practice areas, with many being lauded for their dedication and experience.
Our associate firm in Malaysia, Rahmat Lim & Partners, was credited with 6 listings across 4 practice areas.
Who’s Who Legal: Southeast Asia 2023 is an in-depth guide to the region's legal marketplace, highlighting the top lawyers and experts across over 30 areas of business law.

Allen & Gledhill maintains leading position in IAM Patent 1000 2023’s firm and individual rankings
安盛的知识产权业务在最新版 IAM 专利 1000 强排名中得到认可。我们的知识产权业务在诉讼类别中一直保持“金级”、在起诉类别中获得“银级”以及在交易类别中获得“推荐”排名,我们的合伙人包括资深律师Dr Stanley Lai、Low Pei Lin 和 Tham Kok Leong 继续被公认为诉讼、起诉和交易领域的领军人物。
我们在马来西亚的联营律所 Rahmat Lim & Partners 也在诉讼类别中被评为“铜级”,并继续被列为起诉类别中的推荐事务所。我们的合伙人 Pauline Khor 也被公认为诉讼和起诉领域的顶级律师。
IAM Patent 1000 是一个致力于识别世界领先专利专业人士的名录。
Allen & Gledhill’s Intellectual Property Practice has been recognised in the latest edition of the IAM Patent 1000 rankings. Our Intellectual Property Practice has maintained the rank of “Gold” in the Litigation category, “Silver” in the Prosecution category, and "Recommended” in the Transactions category, and our Partners Dr Stanley Lai, SC, Low Pei Lin, and Tham Kok Leong continue to be recognised as leading individuals in the Litigation, Prosecution and Transactions categories respectively.
Our associate firm in Malaysia, Rahmat Lim & Partners were also ranked “Bronze” in the Litigation category, and continues to be listed as a recommended firm in the Prosecution category. Our Partner Pauline Khor is also recognised as a top lawyer in both the individual categories of Litigation and Prosecution.
IAM Patent 1000 is a directory dedicated to identifying the world’s leading patent professionals.

Chong Yee Leong and Dinesh Dhillon recognised in Asian Legal Business Asia Super 50 Disputes Lawyers 2023
我们很高兴地宣布,我们的合伙人 Chong Yee Leong 和 Dinesh Dhillon 被《亚洲法律杂志》评选为 2023 年亚洲争议律师 50 强名单。
We are pleased to announce that our Partners Chong Yee Leong and Dinesh Dhillon have been recognised in the Asia Super 50 Disputes Lawyers 2023 list by Asian Legal Business.
This list spotlights the most highly recommended arbitration and litigation practitioners based in the Asian region.

Allen & Gledhill recognised as leading law firm for Family Offices & Funds Structuring in Chambers High Net Worth 2023
Allen & Gledhill’s Private Wealth Practice and Investment Funds Practice have been recognised in the 2023 edition of Chambers High Net Worth, under the Family Offices & Funds Structuring category. This is the first time our Firm has been recognised in the guide.
The Chambers High Net Worth guide ranks leading law firms, lawyers, and professional advisers in private wealth management work and related specialisms around the world.

Allen & Gledhill’s Intellectual Property Practice maintains top tier rankings for Patent work in Managing IP’s IP Stars 2023
本所在马来西亚的联营律所 Rahmat Lim & Partners 也被公认为相同类别的领先事务所。
Allen & Gledhill’s Intellectual Property Practice has maintained its top tier rankings in the Patent Disputes and Patent Prosecution categories of the IP Stars 2023 rankings released by Managing IP.
Our associate firm in Malaysia, Rahmat Lim & Partners, has also been recognised as a leading firm in the same categories.

Jason Chan, SC recognised in the inaugural Asian Legal Business Southeast Asia’s Top 15 Litigators 2023
我们很高兴地宣布,我们的合伙人兼资深律师Jason Chan入选ALB首次评选的2023年东南亚15佳诉讼律师榜单。
We are pleased to announce that our Partner Jason Chan, SC has been recognised in the inaugural list of Southeast Asia’s Top 15 Litigators 2023 by Asian Legal Business.
This list celebrates the leading litigators and most impactful disputes across the region of Southeast Asia.
For more information, please click here.

Allen & Gledhill ranked top tier in Benchmark Litigation Asia-Pacific 2023
根据亚太年度争议解决榜单,本所继续在商业与交易、破产、国际仲裁 - 国内事务所、知识产权、劳工与雇佣以及航运等类别中排名第一梯队。此外,在白领犯罪类别,本所再次被列为前列推荐事务所。
本所的马来西亚联营律所 Rahmat Lim & Partners 在建筑、劳工与雇佣、商业与交易领域也取得了更好的排名。此外,该分所还保持了在竞争/反垄断、知识产权和航运领域的排名。该指南还将两位合伙人评为“诉讼之星”,另有一位合伙人被评为“未来之星”。
Allen & Gledhill’s Litigation Department continues to receive top tier rankings in the latest edition of Benchmark Litigation Asia-Pacific 2023. In addition, 18 of our Partners have been ranked as Litigation Stars, with another five Partners ranked as Future Stars in the same guide.
According to Benchmark, our Firm continues to be ranked Tier 1 in the categories of Commercial and Transactions, Insolvency, International Arbitration – Domestic firms, Intellectual Property, Labour and Employment, and Shipping. We have also maintained our Highly Recommended ranking in the White Collar Crime category.
We are also happy to announce that we have achieved a higher ranking in following three categories:
- Construction - Tier 1 (Tier 2 in 2022)
- Family and Matrimonial - Tier 2 (Tier 3 in 2022)
- Private Client - Highly Recommended (Recommended in 2022)
Rahmat Lim & Partners, our associate firm in Malaysia, has also managed to achieve a higher ranking in the areas of Construction, Labour and Employment, and Commercial and Transactions. They have also maintained their ranking for Competition/Antitrust, Intellectual Property and Shipping. The guide has also ranked two Partners as a Litigation Stars and another as a Future Star.
Benchmark exclusively covers the litigation and disputes market and the latest edition of the guide is based on research conducted for work completed in 2022. As part of this, researchers conduct extensive interview with litigators, dispute resolution specialists, and their clients to identify the world’s leading litigation firms and lawyers.

Allen & Gledhill named Singapore: Firm of the Year at The Legal 500 Southeast Asia Awards 2023
《法律500强》于2023年5月11日星期四公布了东南亚地区榜单,安盛被评选为年度新加坡最佳律师事务所。除此之外,安盛还被评选为项目和能源年度最佳律所。我所的合伙人Vivian Ang、Dr Stanley Lai (资深大律师) 以及Daren Shiau分别被评为年度航运和运输律师、年度知识产权律师和年度反垄断和竞争律师,进一步彰显了他们在各自业务领域的思想领导力和深厚的专业知识。
Allen & Gledhill has been named the Singapore Law Firm of the Year at The Legal 500 Southeast Asia Awards 2023 which was held on Thursday, 11 May 2023.
On top of being named Singapore Law Firm of the Year, we were also named Projects and Energy Law Firm of the Year. Our Partners – Vivian Ang, Dr Stanley Lai, SC, and Daren Shiau have additionally been recognised as the Shipping and Transport Lawyer of the Year, Intellectual Property Lawyer of the Year, and Antitrust and Competition Lawyer of the Year respectively, further highlighting their thought leadership and expertise in these practice areas.
The Legal 500 Southeast Asia Awards recognise the leading firms, lawyers/barristers and in-house counsels who have contributed to the regional and global markets.
For more information, please click here.

Allen & Gledhill recognised in world’s top international arbitration practices worldwide
安盛律师事务所在《全球仲裁评论》的年度GAR 百强榜(第16版)中连续第十一年被其评为世界顶级国际仲裁业务律所之一。
Allen & Gledhill has been ranked as one of the world’s top international arbitration practices by Global Arbitration Review in its annual GAR 100 rankings (16th edition) for the eleventh consecutive year.
Firms are ranked based on a number of factors, including track record, value of current portfolio as counsel, number of arbitral hearings and the number of arbitrator appointments a firm’s members are handling over a two-year period.

Allen & Gledhill wins Singapore Corporate & Finance Domestic Law Advisers of the Year award at Chambers Asia Pacific and Greater China Region Awards 2023
2023年5月4日,国际权威法律评级机构钱伯斯(Chambers & Partners)公布了“2023年度亚太和大中华区法律大奖”,在获奖名单中,安盛律师事务所荣获年度新加坡企业与金融国内法律顾问大奖,这也是本所连续第四次获此殊荣,也是自2010年钱伯斯设立该奖项以来,本所第八次获得该奖项,是新加坡本地律师事务所中获此奖项最多的律所。
我们在马来西亚的联营律所 Rahmat Lim & Partners 也首次获得马来西亚年度律师事务所奖。钱伯斯亚太区和大中华区奖项旨在推选并认可在该区域的关键司法管辖区拥有卓越成就的律师事务所,嘉奖其在过去一年内取得的令人瞩目的成就,包括出色的工作、令人印象深刻的战略增长和卓越的客户服务。根据最新版《钱伯斯亚太指南》中的研究,奖项表彰了亚太区和大中华区杰出的国际及国内律所。
Allen & Gledhill has won the Singapore Corporate & Finance Domestic Law Advisers of the Year award at the Chambers Asia Pacific and Greater China Region Awards 2023.
This is the fourth consecutive time Allen & Gledhill has won this Award, and the eighth time our Firm has received this recognition from Chambers and Partners, the most among Singapore law firms, since the inception of the Awards in 2010.
Our associate firm in Malaysia, Rahmat Lim & Partners, has also won the Malaysia Law Firm of the Year award for the first time.
The Chambers Asia Pacific and Greater China Region Awards recognise a law firm’s pre-eminence in key jurisdictions in the region and also reflect notable achievements over the past 12 months, including outstanding work, impressive strategic growth and excellence in client service. They honour the work of national and international law firms across the region based on the research carried out for the recent edition of the Chambers Asia-Pacific guide.

Allen & Gledhill Intellectual Property Practice maintains top tier rankings for Trade mark work in Managing IP’s IP Stars 2023
本所在马来西亚的联营律所 Rahmat Lim & Partners 也被公认为相同类别的领先事务所。
Allen & Gledhill’s Intellectual Property Practice has maintained its top tier rankings in the Trade mark Disputes and Trade mark Prosecution categories of the IP Stars 2023 rankings released by Managing IP.
Our associate firm in Malaysia, Rahmat Lim & Partners, has also been recognised as a leading firm in the same categories.
For more information, please click here.

Allen & Gledhill named Regional Law Firm of the Year for Asia-Pacific, Middle East and Africa at the prestigious GCR Awards 2023
在安盛于2019年《全球竞争评论》(GCR)颁奖礼上被评为地区年度最佳律师事务所(亚太、中东及非洲)之后,其竞争与反垄断业务部 在2023年再次被评为该地区最佳竞争业务部。此外,本所还获得亚太、中东及非洲年度最佳合并控制事项奖(大韩航空/韩亚航空)。评选结果于2023年3月28日(星期二)在华盛顿举行的颁奖礼上公布。这是安盛继2019年首次被评为地区年度最佳律师事务所后,第二次获得此奖项。安盛也是东南亚唯一一家获得该奖项的律师事务所。
Allen & Gledhill's Competition & Antitrust Practice has once again been recognised as the top competition practice in the region, after being named Regional Law Firm of the Year – Asia-Pacific, Middle East and Africa at the Global Competition Review (GCR) Awards 2023. We also won the Merger Control Matter of the Year – Asia-Pacific, Middle East and Africa (Korean Air/Asiana Airlines). The results were announced at the awards ceremony in Washington, DC on Tuesday, 28 March 2023. This is the second time Allen & Gledhill has won the Regional Law Firm of the Year award after first clinching the award in 2019. Allen & Gledhill is also the only South-east Asian law firm to have ever received this award.
The Regional Law Firm of the Year award is based on peer and client nominations and recognises a firm based solely in Asia-Pacific, the Middle East and Africa on the basis of having an outstandingly successful 2022 in terms of the quality and quantity of its competition work.
GCR is a leading antitrust and competition law journal and news service published by Law Business Research. Now in its 13th year, the awards by GCR honours the world’s top antitrust lawyers, academics, economists and government enforcers for their competition work in 2018.

Allen & Gledhill named National Law Firm of the Year (Singapore) at IFLR Asia-Pacific Awards 2023
自 2000 年 IFLR 亚太奖设立以来,这是该所第 22 次荣获新加坡国家律师事务所奖。
- 证券化和结构性融资(Astrea 7 ABS 发行)
这是本所连续第二年荣获此交易奖。 2022 年,我们因参与Bayfront ABS发行而获得年度证券化和结构性融资交易。
IFLR 亚太奖旨在表彰该地区最具创新性的交易以及参与这些交易的公司。 IFLR 于 1982 年首次出版,是市场领先的金融法律出版物,面向国际金融以及金融机构、企业和私人执业领域的律师。
Allen & Gledhill has been named National Law Firm of the Year (Singapore) at the prestigious International Financial Law Review (IFLR) Asia-Pacific Awards on 22 March.
This is the 22nd time the Firm has won the country law firm award for Singapore, since the inception of the IFLR Asia-Pacific Awards in 2000.
Further to the Firm award, we have been recognised for our involvement in the following Deal of the Year Award:
- Securitisation and structured finance (Astrea 7 ABS Issuance)
This is the 2nd consecutive year we have been recognised for this deal award. In 2022, we were recognised for our involvement in the Securitisation and Structured Finance Deal of the Year (Bayfront ABS Issuance).
The IFLR Asia-Pacific Awards recognises the region’s most innovative deals, and the firms that worked on them. First published in 1982, IFLR is a market-leading financial law publication for lawyers specialising in international finance and finance institutions, corporates and in private practice.

Allen & Gledhill wins Singapore Patent Firm of the Year at Asia IP Awards 2022 and maintains top tier ranking in the Asia IP Copyright Survey 2023 rankings
此外,本所在2023年《亚洲知识产权》版权观察榜单中再次取得最高排名。本所的马来西亚联营律所 Rahmat Lim & Partners 亦在该榜单中居于前列。
Allen & Gledhill’s Intellectual Property Practice won the Singapore Patent Firm of the Year award for Singapore at the recent Asia IP Awards 2022.
Additionally, the Practice has once again achieved Tier 1 ranking in the Asia IP Copyright Survey for 2023. Our associate Firm in Malaysia, Rahmat Lim & Partners was also ranked Tier 1 in the same survey.
For more information on the Asia IP Awards 2022, please click here.
For more information on the Asia IP Copyright Survey 2023 rankings, please click here.

Allen & Gledhill recognised in the inaugural Asian Legal Business Asia's Top 15 ESG Law Firms 2023
Allen & Gledhill has been recognised in the inaugural list for Asia's Top 15 ESG Law Firms 2023 by Asian Legal Business.
The list spotlights law firms that have delivered exceptional legal services to businesses by addressing ESG considerations while achieving long-term prosperity.
For more information on the Asia's Top 15 ESG Law Firms 2023 list, please click here.

Allen & Gledhill recognised as a top tier firm by World Trademark Review 1000
安盛的知识产权业务部再次被2023年度《WTR 1000全球领先商标事务所名录》评为执行与诉讼以及商标申请与战略领域的顶级律师事务所。值得注意的是,在执行与诉讼类别中,本所排名已从银上升至金。
本所的合伙人也再次被WTR 1000 2023评为领军人物。资深律师Dr Stanley Lai在执行与诉讼类别中的排名从银上升至金,而Vignesh Vaerhn则首次在执行与诉讼以及申请与战略类别中获得排名。Low Pei Lin和Tham Kok Leong也分别在申请与战略及交易类别中保持领先地位。
此外,马来西亚联营律所 Rahmat Lim & Partners 也被评为知识产权业务领先的律师事务所,其合伙人Pauline Khor被该刊物评为申请与战略领域的领军人物。
WTR 1000是致力于识别全球领先商标法律服务提供方的名录。
Allen & Gledhill’s Intellectual Property Practice has once again been recognised as a top tier firm in the areas of Enforcement and Litigation as well as Prosecution and Strategy by WTR 1000 in their 2023 rankings. Notably, in the category of Enforcement and Litigation, our Firm has moved up from Silver to Gold.
Our Firm’s Partners, also continue to be recognised as leading individuals in WTR 1000 2023. Dr Stanley Lai, SC has moved up in his ranking from Silver to Gold in the category of Enforcement and Litigation, while Vignesh Vaerhn has been ranked for the first time in the categories of Enforcement and Litigation, and Prosecution and Strategy. Low Pei Lin and Tham Kok Leong have also maintained their rankings as leading individuals in the categories of Prosecution and Strategy and Transactions respectively.
In addition, our associate firm in Malaysia, Rahmat Lim & Partners, has been ranked as a leading Intellectual Property Practice, with Partner Pauline Khor recognised as a leading individual for Prosecution and Strategy in the same publication.
WTR 1000 is a directory dedicated to identifying the world’s leading trademark legal service providers.
For more information, please click here.

Allen & Gledhill and its network firms continue to be recognised as leading law firms in South-east Asia in The Legal 500 Asia Pacific 2023
与去年相比,本所的联营律所 Rahmat Lim & Partners 律师事务所在银行与金融、企业与并购、劳工与雇佣、房地产与建筑、以及项目与能源领域继续获得第一梯队排名,并在海事与航空门类中的排名提升至第一梯队。此外,还有九名律师被列入名人堂或领军人物。
本所缅甸分所在企业与并购以及项目领域继续获得第一梯队排名,这是缅甸本土律所仅有的两个上榜门类。执行董事Minn Naing Oo继续被评为这两个门类的领军人物。董事Oh Hsiu-Hau继续被评为企业与并购领域的领军人物,并被首次表彰为项目门类的推介人物。
本所的加盟所Soemadipradja & Taher律师事务所在争端解决以及劳工与雇佣领域继续获得第一梯队排名。此外,该所还有五人被列入名人堂、领军人物或明日之星。
Allen & Gledhill and its network firms continue to be recognised as leading law firms in South-east Asia in The Legal 500 Asia Pacific 2023. Our Firm continues to have the highest number of Tier 1 practice rankings and lawyers ranked as Hall of Fame or Leading Individuals, Next Generation Partners or Rising Stars. This year, 44 lawyers are ranked compared to 40 from last year. For more information about the rankings of Allen & Gledhill (Singapore), please click here.
Our associate firm, Rahmat Lim & Partners, continues to be ranked Tier 1 across five practices, namely Banking and finance, Corporate and M&A, Labour and employment, Real estate and construction as well as Projects and energy. They have also improved on their ranking in the Shipping category and were ranked Tier 2. Additionally, nine lawyers are ranked as Hall of Fame or Leading Individuals, or as Next Generation Partners. For more information about the rankings of Rahmat Lim & Partners, please click here.
Our Myanmar office continues to be ranked Tier 1 in Corporate and M&A as well as Projects, the only two categories covered for local firms in Myanmar. Managing Director, Minn Naing Oo, continues to be ranked as a Leading Individual in the two categories. Director, Oh Hsiu-Hau continues to be ranked as a Leading Individual in the area of Corporate and M&A, and also continues to be recognised as a Recommended individual in Projects. For more information about the rankings of Allen & Gledhill (Myanmar), please click here.
Our network firm, Soemadipradja & Taher continues to be ranked Tier 1 in Dispute resolution as well as Labour and employment. Additionally, they have five individuals ranked as Hall of Fame or Leading Individuals, or as Rising Stars. For more information about the rankings of Soemadipradja & Taher, please click here.
Our Vietnam office is ranked for the first time in Corporate and M&A, and Projects and energy, despite only being established in October 2020. For more information about the rankings of Allen & Gledhill (Vietnam), please click here.
The Legal 500 Asia Pacific is one of the top legal publications which provide unbiased commentary and insight into the legal marketplaces of 25 Asia Pacific jurisdictions. The rankings reflect the results of detailed analysis of law firm submissions and thousands of interviews with GCs and private practice lawyers, and is conducted by a team of experienced researchers.

Allen & Gledhill and Rahmat Lim & Partners ranked in top bands by Global Competition Review (23rd edition)
本所的马来西亚联营律所 Rahmat Lim & Partners 律师事务所继续被评为GCR百强榜(2023 年版)中的“推介”律所。
Allen & Gledhill continues to be ranked in the top band of “Elite” by Global Competition Review (GCR) in its GCR100 2023 listing of the world’s top competition practices. Our Competition & Antitrust Practice is “one of the region’s largest dedicated in-house competition economics teams”, and has been ranked in the top band since GCR began covering Singapore as a jurisdiction in 2013.
Our associate firm in Malaysia, Rahmat Lim & Partners, continues to be recognised as a “Recommended” firm in the 2023 edition of GCR100.
GCR is a leading antitrust and competition law journal and news service published by Law Business Research.

Allen & Gledhill recognised in world’s top data practices worldwide
Allen & Gledhill has once again been ranked as one of the world’s top data practices by Global Data Review in its annual GDR 100 rankings (2023).
Firms are ranked based on a number of factors, including capabilities, track record, and market reputation of the leading firms in the field.

Allen & Gledhill and its network firms continue to be recognised as leading law firms in South-east Asia by Chambers in 2023 rankings
本所的联营律所 Rahmat Lim & Partners 继续在排名中表现出色,获得4项第一梯队排名(企业/并购领域、项目、基础设施与能源领域以及房地产领域),并有13名律师受到表彰。在受表彰的律师中,有三名获得第一梯队排名。
本所的联络网律所 Soemadipradja & Taher 在争端解决领域继续获得第一梯队排名。该所有6名律师受到表彰,其中两人被评为业界贤达/获得第一梯队排名。此外,安盛在企业与金融(国际律所)(基于海外执业经验的专长)门类中继续在该国名列前茅。
Allen & Gledhill continues to maintain its leading position in South-east Asia in the latest rankings released by Chambers and Partners.
Our Firm continues to have the highest number of Band 1 practice rankings and recognised lawyers in the country in the Chambers Asia-Pacific 2023 edition. In total, we have received 18 Band 1 practice rankings, with 62 lawyers recognised by the publication. Of the lawyers who were recognised, 23 were ranked Band 1 or as an exceptional individual (Senior Statesperson/Star/Eminent Practitioner).
Additionally, our Firm was ranked Band 1 in the 2023 edition of the Chambers FinTech Guide released earlier this month with our Partner ranked in the top band.
Our associate firm, Rahmat Lim & Partners, continues to perform well in the rankings, with four Band 1 practice rankings (Banking & Finance, Corporate/M&A, Projects, Infrastructure & Energy, and Real Estate) and 13 recognised lawyers. Of the recognised lawyers, three were ranked Band 1.
Our Myanmar office continues to be ranked Band 1 in General Business Law in Myanmar with two recognised lawyers.
Our network firm, Soemadipradja & Taher, continues to maintain its rankings, with a Band 1 practice ranking in Dispute Resolution. They have six recognised lawyers, with two ranked Band 1 or as an exceptional individual. In addition, Allen & Gledhill has maintained its ranking in the country under the Corporate & Finance (International Firms) (Expertise Based Abroad) category.

Allen & Gledhill recognised as leading law firm in the 2022 Asia IP Patent Rankings
安盛的知识产权业务继续被亚洲知识产权评为专利工作的领先业务,在其 2022 年专利排名中,其专利争议和专利审查均排名第一。
我们在马来西亚的联营律所 Rahmat Lim & Partners 一直维持其排名,在同一项调查中,在专利争议方面排名第一,在专利审查方面排名第二。
Allen & Gledhill’s Intellectual Property Practice continues to be recognised as a leading practice for Patent work by Asia IP, with a Tier 1 ranking for both Patent Contentious and Patent Prosecution in their 2022 Patent Rankings.
Our associate firm in Malaysia, Rahmat Lim & Partners has maintained their rankings, and were ranked Tier 1 for Patent Contentious and Tier 2 ranking for Patent Prosecution in the same survey.

Five lawyers from Allen & Gledhill featured in IFLR Asia Best Lawyers 2022 guide
安盛很高兴地宣布,本所五位合伙人入选最新版IFLR 2020亚洲最佳律师指南,该指南评选出获得同行和客户最高和最一致好评的顶级个人法律执业者。
Allen & Gledhill is pleased to announce that five Partners have been featured in the latest edition of the IFLR Asia Best Lawyers guide, which identifies the top individual legal practitioners who have received the highest and most consistent praise from their peers and clients.
You may view their profiles by clicking on their names below:

Dr Stanley Lai, SC recognised in Asian Legal Business Asia Top 15 Intellectual Property Lawyers 2022
我们很高兴地宣布,我们的合伙人,资深律师 Dr Stanley Lai被ALB评为2022年亚洲 15 名最佳知识产权律师之一。
We are pleased to announce that our Partner Dr Stanley Lai, SC has been named as one of Asia’s Top 15 Intellectual Property Lawyers in 2022 by Asian Legal Business.
This list highlights the achievements of Intellectual Property lawyers across Asia who have consistently delivered high-quality Intellectual Property work and set high standards in the Intellectual Property space, in addition to earning accolades from their colleagues, superiors and clients.

Allen & Gledhill and its network firms maintains top tier rankings in ALB M&A Rankings 2022
我们很高兴地宣布,在ALB发布的 2022 年并购排名报告中,安盛的并购业务继续位列新加坡国内律所类别第一级。我们的越南办事处也首次进入越南类别排名。
在同一份报告中,我们的联营律所 Rahmat Lim & Partners 保持了马来西亚的一级排名,而我们的联络网律所 Soemadipradja & Taher 则保持了印度尼西亚的二级排名。
We are pleased to announce that our Mergers & Acquisitions Practice continues to be ranked Tier 1 in the Singapore domestic firm category of the M&A Rankings 2022 report released by Asian Legal Business. Our Vietnam office has also been ranked for the first time in the Vietnam category.
In the same report, our associate firm Rahmat Lim & Partners has maintained its Tier 1 ranking in Malaysia, and our network firm, Soemadipradja & Taher has maintained its Tier 2 ranking in Indonesia.
The rankings are based on information drawn from firm submissions, Thomson Reuters M&A data, interviews, editorial resources and market suggestions to identify and rank the top firms for M&A in Asia.

Allen & Gledhill continues to be the only Singapore law firm ranked Tier 1 in World Tax 2023
我们的律师 Sunit Chhabra 和 Lim Pek Bur 也在 2023 年世界税务中获得认可。Sunit Chhabra 在一般企业税和税务争议类别中被评为“高度尊敬律师”,而 Lim Pek Bur 在间接税和税务争议类别中被评为“高度尊敬律师” 以及 "税收类别女性律师"。
世界税务排名是一个提供最高效税务专业人士排名和简介的目录,涵盖各大洲 90 多个司法管辖区。
Allen & Gledhill has maintained its Tier 1 ranking for the Singapore category of World Tax 2023. We are the only Singapore law firm ranked in this tier.
Our lawyers, Sunit Chhabra and Lim Pek Bur, are also recognised in World Tax 2023. Sunit Chhabra is ranked as ‘Highly Regarded’ in the General Corporate Tax and Tax Controversy categories, while Lim Pek Bur is ranked as ‘Highly Regarded’ in the Indirect Tax and Women in Tax categories.
World Tax is produced in association with the International Tax Review, providing rankings and profiles of the most effective tax practitioners in more than 100 jurisdictions globally.

Allen & Gledhill recognised as Tier 1 firm for M&A and Restructuring and Insolvency by IFLR1000, with most number of lawyers recognised across all practices
根据 IFLR1000 发布的排名,安盛的并购及重组和破产业务被列为一级业务,并拥有最多的受IFLR千强榜表彰的律师。在受表彰的 70 名律师中,其中 3 名律师被评为市场领导者,17 名律师被评为备受推崇的律师,49 名律师被评为著名律师,1 名律师被评为新星合伙人。我们缅甸办事处的 2 名律师也被评为“备受推崇”,另外 2 名律师被评为“杰出执业者”。
我们在马来西亚的联营律所 Rahmat Lim & Partners 继续在并购方面被评为第一级。他们拥有 18 名受表彰的律师,其中 14 名被评为“高度受尊敬的律师”,2 名被评为“新星合伙人”,2 名被评为“杰出执业者”。
我们在印度尼西亚的联络网律所 Soemadipradja & Taher 继续被公认为并购、重组和破产方面的顶级公司,并有 2 名被评为“备受推崇”的律师。
Allen & Gledhill’s Mergers & Acquisitions and Restructuring & Insolvency Practices have been ranked as Tier 1 practices according to the final group of rankings released by IFLR1000. Individually, our Firm also has the most number of recognised lawyers across all practices in Singapore. In total, 70 of our lawyers are named, with 3 lawyers recognised as Market Leaders, 17 as Highly Regarded, 49 as Notable Practitioners, and 1 as a Rising Star Partner. 2 lawyers from our Myanmar office have also been ranked as Highly Regarded and another 2 have been recognised as Notable Practitioners.
Our associate firm in Malaysia, Rahmat Lim & Partners, continues to be ranked Tier 1 for Mergers & Acquisitions. They also have 18 recognised lawyers, with 14 named as Highly Regarded, 2 as Rising Star Partners and 2 recognised as Notable Practitioners.
Our network firm in Indonesia, Soemadipradja & Taher, continues to be recognised as a top tier firm for Mergers & Acquisitions and Restructuring & Insolvency. They also have 2 lawyers ranked as Highly Regarded.

Allen & Gledhill Intellectual Property Practice ranked as leading firm for Copyright & related rights, as well as Intellectual Property transactions rankings in Managing IP’s IP STARS 2022
安盛的知识产权业务再次被评为知识产权交易顶级律所,在《知识产权管理》发布的 2022知识产权之星律所排名中保持其版权及相关工作类别领先律所的排名。
Allen & Gledhill’s Intellectual Property Practice has once again been recognised as a top tier firm for IP transactions and maintained its ranking as a leading firm in the Copyright & related rights category of the IP STARS 2022 firm rankings, released by Managing IP.

Allen & Gledhill maintains its top tier ranking for Project development in the latest edition of IFLR1000
我们很高兴地宣布,根据 IFLR1000 发布的最新排名,我们公司的能源、基础设施和项目业务继续在项目开发类别中排名第一。 安盛(缅甸)也保持了金融和企业的一级排名以及项目开发的二级排名。
我们在马来西亚的联营律所 Rahmat Lim & Partners 在项目开发:能源和项目开发:基础设施类别中继续排名第一级。
我们在印度尼西亚的联络网律所 Soemadipradja & Taher 也保持了项目开发顶级公司的排名。
IFLR1000 自 1990 年以来一直在提供法律市场情报,并且仍然是唯一致力于根据金融和企业交易工作对律师事务所和律师进行排名的国际法律名录。
We are pleased to announce that our Firm’s Energy, Infrastructure & Projects Practice continues to be ranked Tier 1 in the Project development category, according to the latest rankings released by IFLR1000. Allen & Gledhill (Myanmar) have also maintained its Tier 1 ranking for Financial and corporate and Tier 2 ranking for Project development.
Our associate firm in Malaysia, Rahmat Lim & Partners, continues to be ranked Tier 1 in the categories of Project development: Energy, and Project development: Infrastructure.
Our network firm in Indonesia, Soemadipradja & Taher, have also maintained its ranking as a top tier firm for Project Development.
IFLR1000 has been producing legal market intelligence since 1990 and remains the only international legal directory dedicated to ranking law firms and lawyers on the basis of financial and corporate transactional work.

Allen & Gledhill maintains leading position in IAM Patent 1000’s firm and individual rankings
安盛的知识产权业务在最新版 IAM Patent 1000 强排名中得到认可。我们的知识产权业务在诉讼类别中被评为“金级”,在起诉类别中被评为“银级”,在交易类别中被评为“推荐级”,我们的合伙人,资深律师Stanley Lai、Low Pei Lin 和 Tham Kok Leong 继续获奖分别被评为诉讼、起诉和交易类别的领军人物。
我们在马来西亚的联营律所 Rahmat Lim & Partners 也在诉讼类别中被评为“铜牌”,并继续被列为起诉类别中的推荐事务所。合伙人 Pauline Khor 也被公认为诉讼和起诉领域的顶级律师。
IAM Patent 1000 是一个致力于识别世界领先专利专业人士的名录。
Allen & Gledhill’s Intellectual Property Practice has been recognised in the latest edition of the IAM Patent 1000 rankings. Our Intellectual Property Practice has been ranked “Gold” in the Litigation category, “Silver” in the Prosecution category, and "Recommended” in the Transaction category, and our Partners Dr Stanley Lai, SC, Low Pei Lin, and Tham Kok Leong continue to be recognised as leading individuals in the Litigation, Prosecution and Transaction categories respectively.
Our associate firm in Malaysia, Rahmat Lim & Partners were also ranked “Bronze” in the Litigation category, and continues to be listed as a recommended firm in the Prosecution category. Partner Pauline Khor is also recognised as a top lawyer in both the individual categories of Litigation and Prosecution.
IAM Patent 1000 is a directory dedicated to identifying the world’s leading patent professionals.

The Allen & Gledhill network recognised in Who’s Who Legal’s Southeast Asia 2022
在最新的《法律名人录:东南亚 2022》指南中,安盛律师事务所及其联盟所继续被评为东南亚领先的律师事务所。本所在东南亚中是获得认可次数最多的律师事务所。
我们被公认为“顶级律师事务所”,“在东南亚拥有强大的影响力,在该地区设有五个办事处”。我们的律师总共在 25 个业务领域上榜 82 次,其中许多律师因其奉献精神和经验而受到称赞。
《法律名人录:2022 年东南亚》是该地区法律市场的深入指南,重点介绍了 30 多个商业法领域的顶尖律师和专家。
The Allen & Gledhill network continues to be recognised as leading law firms in South-east Asia in the latest Who’s Who Legal: Southeast Asia 2022 guide. Our Firm was credited with the most number of listings, across the most number of practice areas in South-east Asia for Singapore.
We are recognised as a “top-tier law firm” which possesses “strong presence in Southeast Asia with five offices across the region”. In total, our lawyers were listed 82 times across 25 practice areas, with many being lauded for their dedication and experience.
Who’s Who Legal: Southeast Asia 2022 is an in-depth guide to the region's legal marketplace, highlighting the top lawyers and experts across over 30 areas of business law.

Allen & Gledhill maintains top position in IFLR1000’s Capital Markets and Investment Funds rankings
根据 IFLR1000 最新公布的排名,安盛的资本市场业务和投资基金业务继续在新加坡资本市场:债务、资本市场:股票方面排名第一,并且是唯一一家在投资基金方面排名第一的公司。 我们在马来西亚的联营律所 Rahmat Lim & Partners 在资本市场:债务和资本市场:股权方面均保持了二级排名。
IFLR1000 是全球领先的金融和公司律师事务所和律师的指南。他们目前研究约 170 个国家的司法管辖区,并根据交易工作对律师事务所和律师进行排名。
Allen & Gledhill’s Capital Markets Practice and Investment Funds Practice continues to be ranked Tier 1 in Singapore for Capital Markets: Debt, Capital Markets: Equity, and is the only firm ranked Tier 1 for Investment Funds, according IFLR1000’s Capital Markets and Investment Funds rankings.
Our associate firm in Malaysia, Rahmat Lim & Partners, maintained their Tier 2 ranking for both Capital Markets: Debt and Capital Markets: Equity. Soemadipradja & Taher, our network firm in Indonesia, was recognised as a leading firm for both Capital Markets: Debt and Capital Markets: Equity.
IFLR1000 is the guide to the world's leading financial and corporate law firms and lawyers. They currently research around 170 national jurisdictions and rank law firms and lawyers on the basis of transactional work.

Allen & Gledhill’s Intellectual Property Practice recognised in Managing IP’s IP STARS 2022
安盛的知识产权业务在《知识产权管理》发布的《2022 年知识产权之星:专利》律所排名中保持了专利争议和专利起诉类别的顶级排名。除此之外,我们的律师还被该出版物评为顶级知识产权律师。 资深律师Stanley Lai被评为“专利明星”和“商标明星”,而Low Pei Lin则被评为“专利明星”。
我们在马来西亚的联营律所 Rahmat Lim & Partners 也被评为同类领先公司,Pauline Khor 被评为商标明星。
Allen & Gledhill’s Intellectual Property Practice has maintained its top tier rankings in the Patent Contentious and Patent Prosecution categories of the IP Stars 2022: Patent firm rankings, which was released by Managing IP. In addition to this, our lawyers were also ranked as top Intellectual Property lawyers by the publication. Dr Stanley Lai, SC, was ranked Patent star and Trade mark star, while Low Pei Lin was ranked Patent star.
Our associate firm in Malaysia, Rahmat Lim & Partners, has also been recognised as a leading firm in the same categories, with Pauline Khor being ranked as a Trade mark star.

Allen & Gledhill named Best Law Firm in Singapore in FinanceAsia Country Awards 2022
安盛很高兴在 2022 年《亚洲金融》国家奖中连续第三年被评为新加坡最佳律师事务所。
Allen & Gledhill is pleased to be named the Best Law Firm in Singapore for the third consecutive year in the FinanceAsia Country Awards 2022.
FinanceAsia's Country Awards is a series of awards that recognise the best banks, brokers, law firms in Asia’s domestic markets, as well as ratings agencies.
This award recognises outstanding law firms which have undertaken ground-breaking transactions, demonstrated creativity in service to clients, as well as successfully navigated complex regulatory issues across multiple jurisdictions and practice areas.

Allen & Gledhill wins eight Firm awards at the Asian Legal Business Southeast Asia Law Awards 2022
安盛在于 5 月 25 日(星期三)在新加坡举行的 2022 年 ALB 东东南亚法律业界颁奖礼中获得最多奖项的律师事务所。
- 年度银行和金融服务律师事务所
- 年度最佳国际仲裁律师事务所
- 年度海事律师事务所
- 年度最佳私募股权与风险投资律师事务所
- 年度重组与破产律师事务所
- 新加坡年度知识产权律师事务所
- 新加坡年度最佳诉讼律师事务所
- 年度科技、媒体和电信律师事务所
Allen & Gledhill has won eight Firm awards, the most of any law firm at the ALB SE Asia Law Awards 2022, which took place in Singapore on Wednesday, 25 May.
The awards that we received are:
- Banking and Financial Services Law Firm of the Year
- International Arbitration Law Firm of the Year
- Maritime Law Firm of the Year
- Private Equity & Venture Capital Law Firm of the Year
- Restructuring & Insolvency Law Firm of the Year
- Singapore Intellectual Property Law Firm of the Year
- Singapore Litigation Law Firm of the Year
- Technology, Media and Telecommunications Law Firm of the Year
Our Firm is the first ever recipient of the Private Equity & Venture Capital Law Firm of the Year, and have also won the Litigation Firm of the Year as well as the Technology, Media and Telecommunications Law Firm of the year for the first time at these awards.
The ALB SE Asia Law Awards is an annual event celebrating the success of the region’s leading law firms, in-house counsel, dealmakers and deals.

Allen & Gledhill maintains Tier 1 ranking according to IFLR1000’s latest Banking and Finance rankings
根据 IFLR1000 发布的最新排名,安盛屡获殊荣的银行与金融业务继续位列银行与金融领域第一级。在马来西亚,我们的联营律所 Rahmat Lim & Partners 也保持了银行和金融领域的一级排名。
IFLR1000 是全球领先的金融和公司律师事务所和律师的指南。他们目前研究约 170 个国家的司法管辖区,并根据交易工作对律师事务所和律师进行排名。
Allen & Gledhill’s award winning Banking & Finance Practice continues to be ranked Tier 1 for Banking and Finance according to the latest results released by IFLR1000. In Malaysia, our associate firm, Rahmat Lim & Partners have also maintained their Tier 1 ranking for Banking and Finance.
IFLR1000 is the guide to the world's leading financial and corporate law firms and lawyers. They currently research around 170 national jurisdictions and rank law firms and lawyers on the basis of transactional work.

Allen & Gledhill wins two Firm of the Year awards at Benchmark Litigation Asia-Pacific Awards 2022
安盛在 2022 年争议解决榜单奖中荣获两项事务所奖项:
- 年度最佳劳工与就业律所
- 年度白领犯罪律所
争议解决榜单于 2022 年 5 月 26 日星期四举行的虚拟颁奖典礼上公布获奖者信息。
Allen & Gledhill has won two firm awards at the Benchmark Litigation Asia-Pacific Awards 2022:
- Labour and Employment Firm of the Year
- White-Collar Crime Firm of the Year
Further to the two firm awards, our Firm was also awarded the Impact Case of the Year award.
The results were announced during a virtual awards ceremony on Thursday, 26 May 2022.
Benchmark Litigation awards are judged according to innovation, complexity and impact. Winners are chosen according to research conducted through extensive interviews with litigators, dispute resolution specialists and their clients to identify the leading litigators and firms. The awards celebrate leading litigators and most impactful disputes across Asia-Pacific based upon the information captured in the submission for the latest edition of Benchmark Litigation Asia-Pacific. It is aimed at those who have displayed outstanding achievement in advising clients on local law matters, across a range of practice areas.

Allen & Gledhill ranked in ALB Intellectual Property Rankings 2022
在2022 年的ALB 知识产权排名中,安盛的知识产权业务在版权/商标以及专利类别中继续排名第一。
除此之外,我们的联营律所 Rahmat Lim & Partners 在同一份报告中保持了版权/商标的第一级排名和专利的第二级排名。
Allen & Gledhill’s Intellectual Property Practice continues to be ranked Tier 1 in the categories of Copyright/Trademarks as well as Patents in the latest ALB Intellectual Property Rankings 2022.
In addition to this, our associate firm, Rahmat Lim & Partners has maintained its Tier 1 ranking in Copyright/Trademark and Tier 2 ranking for Patents in the same report.
We are also pleased to announce that our Vietnam office has also been ranked for the first time in both the Patents and Copyright/Trademarks categories.
The rankings are based on information drawn from firm submissions, Thomson Reuters data, interviews, editorial resources and market suggestions to identify and rank the top firms for Intellectual Property in Asia.

Allen & Gledhill maintains top tier rankings for trademark in the 2022 Asia IP Trademark Survey
安盛的知识产权业务在 2022 年亚洲知识产权商标调查中的商标争议和商标起诉方面保持了第一级排名。
我们在马来西亚的联营律所 Rahmat Lim & Partners 的排名也有所上升,在同一项调查中获得了商标争议的一级排名。
Allen & Gledhill’s Intellectual Property Practice has maintained its Tier 1 rankings for Trademark Contentious and Trademark Prosecution in the 2022 Asia IP Trademark Survey.
Our associate firm in Malaysia, Rahmat Lim & Partners has also climbed up the rankings, achieving Tier 1 ranking for Trademark Contentious in the same survey.

Allen & Gledhill ranked top tier in Benchmark Litigation Asia-Pacific 2022
安盛在2022年的争议解决榜单涵盖的业务领域中获得顶级排名。在争议解决榜单对 2021 年完成的工作进行的审查中,我们公司在商业和交易、破产、国际仲裁(国内律所)、知识产权、劳工和就业以及航运方面继续排名第一级,在建筑方面排名第二级。同时,本所也保持了在家庭和婚姻以及白领犯罪类别中的排名,并在私人客户类别中被评为推荐律所。
我们在马来西亚的联营律所 Rahmat Lim & Partners 在建筑、劳工和就业领域排名第二级,在商业和交易领域排名第三 级。他们还保持了竞争/反垄断和航运方面的排名。此外,他们也被重新列入知识产权类别。除执业排名外,三名合伙人被评为诉讼之星,另外两名合伙人被评为未来之星。
我们在印度尼西亚的联络网律所 Soemadipradja & Taher 在商业和交易方面继续排名第二级,其中一位合作伙伴被评为诉讼明星。
Allen & Gledhill has received top tier rankings in the practice areas covered by Benchmark Litigation Asia-Pacific 2022. In the review conducted by Benchmark for work completed in 2021, our Firm continues to be ranked Tier 1 in Commercial and Transactions, Insolvency, International Arbitration – Domestic firms, Intellectual Property, Labour and Employment, Shipping, as well as Tier 2 for Construction. We have also maintained our rankings in the Family and Matrimonial as well as the White Collar Crime categories, and were ranked as a recommended practice in the Private Client category.
In addition, 17 Partners have been ranked as Litigation Stars and five Partners ranked as Future Stars.
Rahmat Lim & Partners, our associate firm in Malaysia, has been ranked Tier 2 in Construction and Labour and Employment, as well as Tier 3 in Commercial and Transactions. They have also maintained their ranking for Competition/Antitrust and Shipping. Additionally, they have been newly ranked in the Intellectual Property category. On top of the practice rankings, three Partners have been ranked as a Litigation Stars with another two Partners ranked as Future Stars.
Soemadipradja & Taher, our network firm in Indonesia, continues to be ranked Tier 2 in Commercial and Transactions, with a Partner ranked as a Litigation Star.
Benchmark exclusively covers the litigation and disputes market, researchers conduct extensive interview with litigators, dispute resolution specialists and their clients to identify the world’s leading litigation firms and lawyers.

Allen & Gledhill maintains top tier ranking in the Asia IP Copyright Survey 2022 rankings
安盛的知识产权业务在 2022 年亚洲知识产权版权调查中再次获得一级排名。
我们在马来西亚的联营律所 Rahmat Lim & Partners 在同一项调查中也被评为顶级律所。
Allen & Gledhill’s Intellectual Property Practice has once again achieved Tier 1 ranking in the Asia IP Copyright Survey for 2022.
Our associate Firm in Malaysia, Rahmat Lim & Partners was also ranked as a top tier firm in the same survey.

Allen & Gledhill Intellectual Property Practice maintains top tier rankings for Trade mark work in Managing IP's IP Stars 2022
安盛的知识产权业务《知识产权管理》发布的 2022 年知识产权之星排名中保持了商标争议和商标起诉类别的顶级排名。
我们在马来西亚的联营律所 Rahmat Lim & Partners 也被评为同类领域的领先律所。
Allen & Gledhill's Intellectual Property Practice has maintained its top tier rankings in the Trade mark Contentious and Trade mark Prosecution categories of the IP Stars 2022 rankings released by Managing IP.
Our associate firm in Malaysia, Rahmat Lim & Partners, has also been recognised as a leading firm in the same categories.

Allen & Gledhill wins Singapore Corporate & Finance Domestic Law Advisers award at Chambers Asia-Pacific Awards 2022
安盛荣获 2022 年钱伯斯亚太奖的新加坡企业与金融国内法律顾问奖。
这是安盛连续第三次荣获该奖项,也是自 2010 年该奖项设立以来本所第七次获得钱伯斯的认可,是新加坡律所中获此殊荣次数最多的律师事务所。
《钱伯斯亚太奖》表彰了律师事务所在该地区主要司法管辖区的卓越地位,也反映了过去 12 个月的显着成就,包括出色的工作、令人印象深刻的战略增长和卓越的客户服务。他们根据最新版《钱伯斯亚太指南》进行的研究,表彰该地区国内和国际律师事务所的工作。
Allen & Gledhill has won the Singapore Corporate & Finance Domestic Law Advisers award at the Chambers Asia-Pacific Awards 2022.
This is the third consecutive time Allen & Gledhill has won this Award, and the seventh time our Firm has received this recognition from Chambers and Partners, the most among Singapore law firms, since the inception of the Awards in 2010.
The Chambers Asia-Pacific Awards recognise a law firm’s pre-eminence in key jurisdictions in the region and also reflect notable achievements over the past 12 months, including outstanding work, impressive strategic growth and excellence in client service. They honour the work of national and international law firms across the region based on the research carried out for the recent edition of the Chambers Asia-Pacific guide.

Allen & Gledhill wins top awards at IFLR Asia-Pacific Awards 2022
Allen & Gledhill has been named Regional Law Firm of the Year at the prestigious International Financial Law Review (IFLR) Asia-Pacific Awards. This is the fifth time our Firm has won the regional law firm award, having been the first South-east Asian law firm to receive this award in 2014.
In addition, our Firm has once again been named National Law Firm of the Year (Singapore). Our Firm has won the country law firm award for Singapore 21 times since the inception of the IFLR Asia-Pacific Awards in 2000.
Further to the two firm awards, we have been recognised for our involvement in the Securitisation and Structured Finance Deal of the Year (Bayfront Infrastructure Capital ABS Issuance).
These awards are especially meaningful given that it is our 120th anniversary this year. They are a recognition of our Firm’s leading position in the region; and they highlight our notable achievements, impressive strategic growth and commitment to excellence that have become the hallmark of our Firm.
Results of the awards were announced by IFLR on 17 March.
The IFLR Asia-Pacific Awards recognises the region’s most innovative deals, and the firms that worked on them. First published in 1982, IFLR is a market-leading financial law publication for lawyers specialising in international finance and finance institutions, corporates and in private practice.

Allen & Gledhill recognised in world’s top international arbitration practices worldwide
安盛律师事务所在《全球仲裁评论》的年度GAR 百强榜(第15版)中连续第十年被其评为世界顶级国际仲裁业务律所之一。
Allen & Gledhill has been ranked as one of the world’s top international arbitration practices by Global Arbitration Review in its annual GAR 100 rankings (15th edition) for the tenth consecutive year since 2013.
Firms are ranked based on a number of factors, including track record, value of current portfolio as counsel, number of arbitral hearings and the number of arbitrator appointments a firm’s members are handling over a two-year period.

Allen & Gledhill recognised as a top tier firm by World Trademark Review 1000
安盛的知识产权业务在 2022年的 WTR 1000 排名中再次被评为执法和诉讼以及起诉和战略领域的顶级律师事务所。值得提出的是,在执行和诉讼类别中,本所从铜牌提升至银牌。
本所的合伙人,资深律师Stanley Lai和Low Pei Lin也分别被评为 WTR 1000 2022 执法和诉讼领域、起诉和战略领域的领军人物。另外,我们的合伙人 Tham Kok Leong 首次在交易类别获得中排名。
此外,我们在马来西亚的联营律所 Rahmat Lim & Partners 被评为领先的知识产权业务,合伙人 Pauline Khor 在同一出版物中被评为起诉和战略领域的领军人物。
WTR 1000 是一个致力于识别全球领先商标法律服务提供商的名录。
Allen & Gledhill’s Intellectual Property Practice has once again been recognised as a top tier firm in the areas of Enforcement and Litigation as well as Prosecution and Strategy by WTR 1000 in their 2022 rankings. Notably, in the category of Enforcement and Litigation, our Firm has moved up from Bronze to Silver.
Our Firm’s Partners, Dr Stanley Lai, SC and Low Pei Lin have also been recognised as leading individuals in WTR 1000 2022 for Enforcement and Litigation, and Prosecution and Strategy respectively. Separately, our Partner Tham Kok Leong has been ranked for the first time in the category of Transactions.
In addition, our associate Firm in Malaysia, Rahmat Lim & Partners, has been ranked as a leading Intellectual Property Practice, with Partner Pauline Khor recognised as a leading individual for Prosecution and Strategy in the same publication.
WTR 1000 is a directory dedicated to identifying the world’s leading trademark legal service providers.

Allen & Gledhill recognised in world’s top data practices worldwide
Allen & Gledhill has been ranked as one of the world’s top data practices by Global Data Review in its annual GDR 100 rankings (2022).
Firms are ranked based on a number of factors, including capabilities, track record, and market reputation of the leading firms in the field.

Allen & Gledhill and its network firms continue to be recognised as leading law firms in South-east Asia in The Legal 500 Asia Pacific 2022
与去年相比,本所的联营律所 Rahmat Lim & Partners 律师事务所今年获得了更多的第一梯队业务排名。该所在银行与金融、企业与并购、房地产与建筑以及项目与能源领域继续获得第一梯队排名,并将其在劳工与雇佣门类中的排名提升至第一梯队排名。此外,还有六名律师被列入名人堂或领军人物。
本所缅甸分所在企业与并购以及项目领域继续获得第一梯队排名,这是缅甸本土律所仅有的两个上榜门类。执行董事Minn Naing Oo继续被评为这两个门类的领军人物。董事Oh Hsiu-Hau继续被评为企业与并购领域的领军人物,并被首次表彰为项目门类的推介人物。
本所的联络网律所 Soemadipradja & Taher 在争端解决以及劳工与雇佣领域继续获得第一梯队排名。此外,该所还有四人被列入名人堂、领军人物或明日之星。
Allen & Gledhill and its network firms continue to be recognised as leading law firms in South-east Asia in The Legal 500 Asia Pacific 2022. Our Firm continues to have the highest number of Tier 1 practice rankings and lawyers recognised as Hall of Fame or Leading Individuals, Next Generation Partners or Rising Stars. This year, 40 lawyers have been ranked compared to 36 from last year. For more information about the rankings of Allen & Gledhill (Singapore), please click here.
Our associate firm, Rahmat Lim & Partners has achieved more Tier 1 rankings this year compared to last year. They continue to be ranked Tier 1 in Banking and finance, Corporate and M&A, Real estate and construction as well as Projects and energy, and have improved on their ranking in the Labour and employment category to Tier 1. Additionally, six lawyers have been named as Hall of Fame or Leading Individuals. For more information about the rankings of Rahmat Lim & Partners, please click here.
Our Myanmar office continues to be ranked Tier 1 in Corporate and M&A as well as Projects, the only two categories covered for local firms in Myanmar. Managing Director, Minn Naing Oo, continues to be named as a Leading Individual in the two categories. Director, Oh Hsiu-Hau continues to be named as a Leading Individual in the area of Corporate and M&A, and has been newly recognised as a Recommended individual in the Projects category. For more information about the rankings of Allen & Gledhill (Myanmar), please click here.
Our network firm, Soemadipradja & Taher continues to be ranked Tier 1 in Dispute resolution as well as Labour and employment. Additionally, they have four individuals named as Hall of Fame or Leading Individuals or as Rising Stars. For more information about the rankings of Soemadipradja & Taher, please click here.
Our Vietnam office has been identified as a Firm to Watch in the Corporate and M&A category, despite being established only in October 2020.
The Legal 500 Asia Pacific is one of the top legal publications which provide unbiased commentary and insight into the legal marketplaces of 25 Asia Pacific jurisdictions. The rankings reflect the results of detailed analysis of law firm submissions and thousands of interviews with GCs and private practice lawyers, and is conducted by a team of experienced researchers.

Allen & Gledhill named Who’s Who Legal Singapore Firm of the Year for the 13th time
安盛律师事务所在法律名人录颁奖典礼上被评为 2021 年度新加坡律师事务所。
这是安盛继 2006 年首次获得新加坡国家奖之后,第 13 次获得该奖项。本所共有 51 名律师获此殊荣,其中 9 名律师被评为全球精英思想领袖或思想家领导们。
此外,我们的合伙人 Vivian Ang 连续第二年被评为年度航运律师。
法律名人录是世界领先的法律从业者和非律师咨询专家名录之一。自 2005 年以来,法律名人录奖项旨在表彰国际法律市场上各个执业领域和行业中最优秀的律师和事务所。
Allen & Gledhill has been named Singapore Firm of the Year 2021 at the Who’s Who Legal (WWL) Awards.
This is the 13th time that Allen & Gledhill has won the country award for Singapore, having first received it in 2006. In total, 51 lawyers in our Firm were recognised, of which nine of them have been recognised as Global Elite Thought Leaders or Thought Leaders.
In addition, our Partner, Vivian Ang has been named as Lawyer of the Year for Shipping, for the second year in a row.
WWL is one of the world’s leading directories of legal practitioners and non-lawyer consulting experts. Since 2005, WWL Awards commends the very best lawyers and firms in the international legal market across various practice areas and industries.

Allen & Gledhill and its network firms continue to be recognised as leading law firms in South-east Asia by Chambers and Partners in their 2022 rankings
本所的联营律所 Rahmat Lim & Partners 继续在排名中表现出色,获得3项第一梯队排名(企业/并购领域、项目、基础设施与能源领域以及房地产领域),并有13名律师受到表彰。在受表彰的律师中,有三名获得第一梯队排名。
本所的联络网律所 Soemadipradja & Taher 在争端解决领域继续获得第一梯队排名。该所有五名律师受到表彰,其中一人被评为业界元老。此外,安盛在企业与金融(国际律所)(基于海外执业经验的专长)门类中继续在该国名列前茅。
Allen & Gledhill continues to maintain its leading position in South-east Asia in the latest rankings released by Chambers and Partners.
Our Firm continues to have the highest number of Band 1 practice rankings and recognised lawyers in the country in the Chambers Asia-Pacific 2022 edition. In total, we have received 17 Band 1 practice rankings, with 59 lawyers recognised by the publication. Of the lawyers who were recognised, 23 were ranked as an exceptional individual (Star/Senior Statesperson/Eminent Practitioner/Band1), the most of any law firm in Singapore.
Additionally, our Firm was ranked Band 1 in the 2022 edition of the Chambers FinTech Guide released earlier this week with one Partner ranked in the top band.
Our associate firm, Rahmat Lim & Partners, continues to perform well in the rankings, with three Band 1 rankings (Corporate/M&A, Projects, Infrastructure & Energy, and Real Estate) and 13 recognised lawyers. Of the recognised lawyers, three were ranked Band 1.
Our Myanmar office continues to be ranked Band 1 in General Business Law in Myanmar with two recognised lawyers.
Our network firm, Soemadipradja & Taher, continues to be ranked Band 1 in Dispute Resolution. They have five recognised lawyers, one of whom has been ranked as a Senior Statesperson. In addition, Allen & Gledhill continues to be ranked in the country under the Corporate & Finance (International Firms) (Expertise Based Abroad) category.
For more information on our rankings please click here.

Allen & Gledhill and Rahmat Lim & Partners ranked in top bands by Global Competition Review (22nd edition)
本所的马来西亚联营律所 Rahmat Lim & Partners 继续被评为GCR百强榜(2022 年版)中的“推介”律所。
Allen & Gledhill continues to be ranked in the top band of “Elite” by Global Competition Review (GCR) in its GCR100 2022 listing of the world’s top competition practices. Our Competition & Antitrust Practice is “distinguished by its in-house economics expertise”, and has been ranked in the top band since GCR began covering Singapore as a jurisdiction in 2013.
Our associate firm in Malaysia, Rahmat Lim & Partners, continues to be recognised as a “Recommended” firm in the 2022 edition of GCR100.
GCR is a leading antitrust and competition law journal and news service published by Law Business Research.

Allen & Gledhill wins Regional Law Firm of the Year at The Legal 500 Southeast Asia Legal Awards 20/21
安盛律师事务所在2021年11月25日(星期四)以虚拟形式举行的20/21年度首届东南亚律所500强法律业界颁奖礼上,被评为地区年度最佳律师事务所。本所被评为“一家引领市场的律所,在马来西亚、越南、印度尼西亚和缅甸等法域拥有令人赞叹的地区影响力”,《律所500强》指出,安盛 “被认为拥有无与伦比的技术人才,并具有商业及国际视野”。
Allen & Gledhill has been named the Regional Law Firm of the Year at the inaugural The Legal 500 Southeast Asia Legal Awards 20/21 which took place virtually on Thursday, 25 November 2021.
Recognised as “a market-leading firm with an impressive regional presence in jurisdictions including Malaysia, Vietnam, Indonesia and Myanmar”, The Legal 500 notes that A&G is “considered to be home to unparalleled technical talent combined with a commercial and international outlook”.
The Legal 500 Southeast Asia Legal Awards 20/21 recognises teams or individuals whose work has exceeded expectations and raised standards over the past 24 months.

Allen & Gledhill recognised as one of the top 30 law firms for cross-border restructuring and insolvency matters by Global Restructuring Review
GRR30强律所评选旨在表彰GRR百强榜中排名前30位的律所,而GRR百强榜是全球领先的跨境重组及破产业务年度指南。该指南旨在认定可由GRR推介为开展国际层面的破产及重组工作的安全帮手的世界各地的顶级律所。在被评为GRR30强律所之前,本所自2017年推出该项评选以来一直被选入GRR 百强榜。
Allen & Gledhill’s Restructuring & Insolvency Practice has been ranked as one of the world’s top 30 practices for cross-border restructuring and insolvency matters by Global Restructuring Review (GRR) in its annual GRR 30 2021 rankings.
The GRR 30 recognises the top 30 firms from the GRR 100, an annual guide to the world’s leading cross-border restructuring and insolvency practices. The guide aims to determine the top law firms from around the world GRR can recommend as a safe pair of hands for carrying out insolvency and restructuring work with an international dimension. Prior to our ranking in the GRR 30, our Firm has been ranked in GRR 100 since its introduction in 2017.

Allen & Gledhill recognised as one of the top law firms in Singapore by The Straits Times
根据海峡时报 (ST) 的“2022 年新加坡最佳律师事务所”调查,安盛再次被评为新加坡顶级律师事务所之一。
Allen & Gledhill has once again been recognised as one of the top law firms in Singapore, according to The Straits Times (ST) in its “Singapore’s Best Law Firms 2022” survey.
We would like to thank our clients and friends for their faith in us, and for continuing to be the driving force behind our desire to raise the bar in terms of legal excellence in the region.

Allen & Gledhill and its network firms continue to be recognised as leading law firms in South-east Asia in The Legal 500 Asia Pacific 2021
本所的马来西亚联营律所 Rahmat Lim & Partners 在银行与金融、企业与并购、房地产与建筑以及项目与能源领域继续获得第一梯队排名。该所有六名律师被评为名人堂人物或领军人物。
本所的缅甸大区分所在企业与并购以及项目领域继续获得第一梯队排名,这是缅甸本土律所仅有的两个获奖门类。执行董事Minn Naing Oo继续被评为这两个门类的领军人物。董事Oh Hsiu-Hau亦首次被评为企业与并购领域的领军人物。此外,该所的所有其他董事均被评为关键律师。
本所的印度尼西亚联络网律所 Soemadipradja & Taher 在争端解决以及劳工与雇佣领域继续获得第一梯队排名。此外,该所亦有四人被评为名人堂人物、领军人物或新世代合伙人。
Allen & Gledhill and its network firms continue to be recognised as leading law firms in South-east Asia in The Legal 500 Asia Pacific 2021. Our Firm continues to have the highest number of Tier 1 practice rankings and lawyers recognised as Hall of Fame Individuals, Leading Individuals, Next Generation Partners or Rising Stars, with a total of 36 lawyers ranked. Additionally, we have achieved more Tier 1 practice rankings and lawyers ranked as Hall of Fame and Leading Individuals as compared to last year.
Our associate firm in Malaysia, Rahmat Lim & Partners continues to be ranked Tier 1 in Banking and finance, Corporate and M&A, Real estate and construction as well as Projects and energy. They have six lawyers ranked as Hall of Fame Individuals or Leading Individuals.
Our Myanmar office continues to be ranked Tier 1 in Corporate and M&A as well as Projects, the only two categories covered for local firms in Myanmar. Managing Director, Minn Naing Oo, continues to be listed as a Leading Individual in the two categories. Director, Oh Hsiu-Hau has also been newly recognised as a Leading Individual in the area of Corporate and M&A. Additionally, all of our other Directors have been named as key lawyers.
Our network firm in Indonesia, Soemadipradja & Taher continues to be ranked Tier 1 in Dispute resolution as well as Labour and employment. Additionally, they have four individuals ranked as Hall of Fame Individuals, Leading Individuals or Next Generation Partners.

Allen & Gledhill continues to be recognised as one of the top 100 corporate investigations practices worldwide by Global Investigations Review
Allen & Gledhill’s White Collar & Investigations Practice has been ranked as one of the world’s top investigations practices for the fourth consecutive year by Global Investigations Review (GIR) in its annual GIR 100 2021 rankings.
The GIR 100 is an annual guide to the world’s leading cross-border investigations practices. The guide aims to determine the top 100 firms from around the world which handle sophisticated cross-border government-led and internal investigations.

Allen & Gledhill clinches major regional awards at ALB SE Asia Law Awards 2021
- 东南亚年度最佳律师事务所
- 新加坡年度最佳律师事务所
- 年度最佳银行与金融服务领域律师事务所
- 年度最佳劳工与雇佣领域律师事务所
- 年度最佳房地产领域律师事务所
- 年度最佳重组与破产领域律师事务所
- 新加坡年度最佳知识产权领域律师事务所
- 年度最佳税务与信托领域律师事务所
- 年度最佳债务市场交易(中型)- 亚腾美国酒店信托公司的债券发行
- 年度最佳债务市场交易(溢价)- 新加坡飞腾REIT的中期票据计划发行
- 年度最佳股权市场交易(中型)- 长信传媒IPO
- 年度最佳股权市场交易(溢价)- 新加坡航空的认股权发行
本所的缅甸大区分所 - 安盛(缅甸)分所 - 荣获年度新兴律师事务所大奖,本所的马来西亚联营律所 Rahmat Lim & Partners 因参与年度最佳并购交易(溢价)- 正大集团收购乐购在泰国及马来西亚的业务 - 而获得表彰。
Allen & Gledhill had our best showing at the Asian Legal Business (ALB) SE Asia Law Awards 2021 which took place virtually on 21 October 2021. We received a total of 12 wins, more than any other law firm, including retaining the honour of being named SE Asia Law Firm of the Year for the fourth consecutive year, as well as the Singapore Law Firm of the Year accolade.
Our Firm secured eight Firm awards and was recognised for our involvement in four Deals of the Year. These are:
- SE Asia Law Firm of the Year
- Singapore Law Firm of the Year
- Banking and Financial Services Firm of the Year
- Labour and Employment Law Firm of the Year
- Real Estate Law Firm of the Year
- Restructuring and Insolvency Law Firm of the Year
- Singapore Intellectual Property Law Firm of the Year
- Tax and Trusts Law Firm of the Year
- Debt Market Deal of the Year (Midsize) – ARA US Hospitality Trust's Debt Issuance
- Debt Market Deal of the Year (Premium) – Ascendas REIT's Issuance of MTN Programme
- Equity Market Deal of the Year (Midsize) – GHY Culture and Media's IPO
- Equity Market Deal of the Year (Premium) – Singapore Airline's Rights Issue
Our Myanmar office, Allen & Gledhill (Myanmar) took home the Rising Law Firm of the Year award, and our associate firm in Malaysia Rahmat Lim & Partners was recognised for their involvement in the M&A Deal of the Year (Premium) – CP Group's Acquisition of Tesco’s Businesses in Thailand and Malaysia.
The ALB SE Asia Law Awards is an annual event celebrating the success of the region’s leading law firms, in-house counsel, dealmakers and deals.

Allen & Gledhill recognised as leading law firm in the 2021 Asia IP Patent Rankings
安盛的知识产权业务继续被 Asia IP 评为专利工作的领先业务,在其 2021 年专利排名中,在专利争议方面排名第一,在专利审方面查排名第二。
我们在马来西亚的联营律所 Rahmat Lim & Partners 一直维持其排名,在同一项调查中,在专利争议方面排名第一,在专利审查方面排名第二。
Allen & Gledhill’s Intellectual Property Practice continues to be recognised as a leading practice for Patent work by Asia IP, with a Tier 1 ranking for Patent Contentious and a Tier 2 ranking for Patent Prosecution in their 2021 Patent Rankings.
Our associate firm in Malaysia, Rahmat Lim & Partners has maintained their rankings, and were ranked Tier 1 for Patent Contentious and Tier 2 ranking for Patent Prosecution in the same survey.

Allen & Gledhill recognised as leading firm for Copyright & related rights in Managing IP’s IP STARS 2021
根据《知识产权管理》发布的《2021 年知识产权之星:版权及相关工作排名》,安盛的知识产权业务被评为版权及相关工作领域的顶级律师事务所。
Allen & Gledhill’s Intellectual Property Practice has been recognised as a top tier firm for Copyright & related rights according to the IP Stars 2021: Copyright & related rights ranking released by Managing IP.

Allen & Gledhill and its network firms ranked in ALB M&A Rankings 2021
在ALB发布的 2021 年并购排名报告中,安盛继续位列新加坡国内类别第一级。
在同一份报告中,我们的联营律所 Rahmat Lim & Partners 保持了马来西亚并购领域的第一级排名,而我们在印度尼西亚的联络网律所 Soemadipradja & Taher 则保持了印度尼西亚第二级的排名。
Allen & Gledhill continues to be ranked Tier 1 in the Singapore Domestic category of the M&A Rankings 2021 report released by Asian Legal Business.
In the same report, our associate firm Rahmat Lim & Partners has maintained its ranking in Tier 1 for M&A in Malaysia, and our network firm in Indonesia, Soemadipradja & Taher has maintained its ranking in Tier 2 in Indonesia.
The rankings are based on information drawn from firm submissions, Thomson Reuters M&A data, interviews, editorial resources and market suggestions to identify and rank the top firms for M&A in Asia.

Allen & Gledhill maintains top position in latest IFLR1000 rankings, with most number of lawyers recognised across all practices
本所的马来西亚联营律所 Rahmat Lim & Partners 在项目开发(能源)以及项目开发(基础设施)两个领域的排名均上升至第一梯队排名,并继续在并购领域获得第一梯队排名。该所亦有15名律师受到表彰,其中10名律师被评为备受推崇律师,5名律师被评为业界知名律师。
本所的印度尼西亚联络网律所 Soemadipradja & Taher 在项目开发、并购、重组与破产领域一直保有顶级律所的排名。该所亦有两名律师被评为备受推崇律师。
Allen & Gledhill’s Energy, Infrastructure & Projects, Mergers & Acquisitions and Restructuring & Insolvency Practices have once again been ranked Tier 1 in the latest set of rankings released by IFLR1000, while Allen & Gledhill (Myanmar) continues to be ranked Tier 1 for Financial and corporate, and Tier 2 for Project development. Additionally, our Firm has the most number of recognised lawyers across all practices in Singapore in the same rankings. In total, 72 of our lawyers are named, with 3 lawyers recognised as Market Leaders, 17 as Highly Regarded, 50 as Notable Practitioners, and 2 as Rising Stars. Two lawyers from our Myanmar office have also been ranked as Highly Regarded and another 2 have been recognised as Notable Practitioners.
Our associate firm in Malaysia, Rahmat Lim & Partners has climbed up the rankings and achieved Tier 1 for both Project development: Energy and Project development: Infrastructure, and continues to be ranked Tier 1 for M&A. They also have 15 recognised lawyers, with 10 named as Highly Regarded and 5 as Notable Practitioners.
Our network firm in Indonesia, Soemadipradja & Taher has maintained its ranking as a top tier firm for Project development, M&A, and Restructuring and insolvency. They also have 2 lawyers ranked as Highly Regarded.
IFLR1000 is the guide to the world's leading financial and corporate law firms and lawyers. They currently research around 170 national jurisdictions and rank law firms and lawyers on the basis of transactional work.

Allen & Gledhill recognised as top law firm in Who’s Who Legal’s Southeast Asia 2021 guide
Allen & Gledhill continues to be recognised as a leading law firm in South-east Asia in the latest Who’s Who Legal: Southeast Asia 2021 guide. Our Firm was credited with the most number of listings, across the most number of practice areas in South-east Asia due to our “considerable breadth of experience” and “strong presence” in the region. In total, our lawyers were listed 70 times across 23 practice areas, with many being lauded for their dedication and experience.
Who’s Who Legal: Southeast Asia 2021 is an in-depth guide to the region's legal marketplace, highlighting the top lawyers and experts across over 30 areas of business law.

Allen & Gledhill recognised as leading firm for Intellectual Property Transactions in Managing IP’s IP STARS 2021
根据《知识产权管理》发布的《2021 年知识产权之星:知识产权交易排名》,安盛的知识产权业务被评为知识产权交易领域的顶级律师事务所。
Allen & Gledhill’s Intellectual Property Practice has been recognised as a top tier firm for IP Transactions according to the IP Stars 2021: IP Transactions ranking released by Managing IP.

Allen & Gledhill recognised in world’s top international arbitration practices worldwide
安盛律师事务所在《全球仲裁评论》的年度GAR 百强榜(第14版)中连续第九年被其评为世界顶级国际仲裁业务律所之一。
Allen & Gledhill has been ranked as one of the world’s top international arbitration practices by Global Arbitration Review in its annual GAR 100 rankings (14th edition) for the ninth consecutive year.
Firms are ranked based on a number of factors, including track record, value of current portfolio as counsel, number of arbitral hearings and the number of arbitrator appointments a firm’s members are handling over a two-year period.

Allen & Gledhill maintains leading position in IAM Patent 1000’s firm and individual rankings
安盛的知识产权业务在最新版 IAM Patent 1000 强排名中得到认可。我们的知识产权业务在诉讼类别中被评为“金级”,在起诉类别中被评为“银级”,在交易类别中被评为“推荐级”,我们的合伙人, 资深律师Stanley Lai, Low Pei Lin 和 Tham Kok Leong均获得认可并分别被评为诉讼、起诉和交易领域的领军人物。
我们在马来西亚的联营律所 Rahmat Lim & Partners 继续被列为检方类别的推荐律师事务所,Pauline Khor 也被推荐为检方的顶级律师。
IAM Patent 1000 是一个致力于识别世界领先专利专业人士的名录。
Allen & Gledhill’s Intellectual Property Practice has been recognised in the latest edition of the IAM Patent 1000 rankings. Our Intellectual Property Practice has been ranked “Gold” in the Litigation category, “Silver” in the Prosecution category and “Recommended” in the Transaction category, and our Partners Dr Stanley Lai, SC, Low Pei Lin, and Tham Kok Leong were recognised as leading individuals in the Litigation, Prosecution and Transaction categories respectively.
Our associate firm in Malaysia, Rahmat Lim & Partners continue to be listed as a recommended firm in the Prosecution category, with Pauline Khor being recommended as a top lawyer for Prosecution as well.
IAM Patent 1000 is a directory dedicated to identifying the world’s leading patent professionals.

Allen & Gledhill Partners recognised in Benchmark Litigation Asia-Pacific’s Top 100 Women in Litigation 2021
安盛很高兴地宣布,三名律师入选 《争议解决榜单》2021 年诉讼领域 100 强女性律师名单。我们事务所拥有新加坡最多的顶尖女性律师。
合伙人 Vivian Ang、Bernice Loo 和 Corina Song 是入选 2021年《争议解决榜单》诉讼领域 100 强女性律师名单的 11 名新加坡女律师之一。Vivian 是国际仲裁和航运领域的领先律师,Bernice 是家庭和婚姻领域的领先律师,Corina则是航运领域的领先律师。该指南旨在认可领参与近代历史上一些最具影响力的诉讼案件,以及作为各自领域的顶尖律师得了客户和同行来之不易的尊重,从而赢得了自己的地位的女性律师。
Allen & Gledhill is pleased to announce that three lawyers have been listed in Benchmark Litigation Asia-Pacific’s Top 100 Women in Litigation 2021. Our Firm has the most number of leading female lawyers in Singapore.
Partners Vivian Ang, Bernice Loo and Corina Song are among the 11 Singapore female lawyers who have been recognised in Benchmark Litigation Asia-Pacific’s Top 100 Women in Litigation 2021. Vivian is a leading lawyer for International Arbitration and Shipping, Bernice is a leading lawyer for Family and Matrimonial, and Corina is a leading lawyer for Shipping. The guide profiles leading women litigators who have earned their place by participating in some of the most impactful litigation matters in recent history, as well as by earning the hard-won respect of clients and peers as top players in their respective fields.

Allen & Gledhill maintains top position in IFLR1000’s Capital Markets and Investment Funds rankings
根据 IFLR1000 的资本市场和投资基金排名,安盛的资本市场业务和投资基金业务继续在新加坡资本市场:债务、资本市场:股票方面排名第一,并且是唯一一家在投资基金方面排名第一的公司。
我们在马来西亚的联营律所 Rahmat Lim & Partners 在资本市场:债务和资本市场:股权方面均保持了二级排名。 Soemadipradja & Taher 是我们在印度尼西亚的联络网律所,被公认为资本市场:债务和资本市场:股权的领先公司。
IFLR1000 是全球领先的金融和公司律师事务所和律师的指南。他们目前研究约 170 个国家的司法管辖区,并根据交易工作对律师事务所和律师进行排名。
Allen & Gledhill’s Capital Markets Practice and Investment Funds Practice continues to maintain its Tier 1 rankings for Capital Markets: Debt, Capital Markets: Equity, and is the only firm ranked Tier 1 for Investment Funds according to IFLR1000’s Capital Markets and Investment Funds rankings.
The Capital Markets Practice at our associate firm in Malaysia, Rahmat Lim & Partners maintained its Tier 2 ranking for both Capital Markets: Debt and Capital Markets: Equity. Soemadipradja & Taher, our network firm in Indonesia was recognised as a leading firm for both Capital Markets: Debt and Capital Markets: Equity.
IFLR1000 is the guide to the world's leading financial and corporate law firms and lawyers. They currently research around 170 national jurisdictions and rank law firms and lawyers on the basis of transactional work.

Allen & Gledhill’s Intellectual Property Practice and lawyers recognised in Managing IP’s IP STARS 2021
安盛的知识产权业务在《知识产权管理》发布的《2021 年知识产权之星:专利公司排名》中,在专利争议和专利起诉类别中保持着顶级排名。除此之外,我们的律师还被该出版物评为顶级知识产权律师。 资深律师Stanley Lai 被评为专利明星和商标明星,Low Pei Lin 被评为专利明星,而Gloria Goh 被评为商标明星。Low Pei Lin也被《知识产权管理》评为 2021 年知识产权领域前 250 名女性。
我们在马来西亚的联营律所 Rahmat Lim & Partners 也被评为同类领先公司,律师Pauline Khor 则被评为商标明星。
Allen & Gledhill’s Intellectual Property Practice has maintained its top tier rankings in the Patent Contentious and Patent Prosecution categories in the IP Stars 2021: Patent firm rankings, which was released by Managing IP. In addition to this, our lawyers were ranked as top Intellectual Property lawyers by the publication. Dr Stanley Lai, SC, was ranked Patent star and Trade mark star, with Low Pei Lin ranked as Patent star, and Gloria Goh ranked as Trade mark star. Pei Lin was also recently recognised by Managing IP in their top 250 women in IP 2021 report.
Our associate firm in Malaysia, Rahmat Lim & Partners, has also been recognised as a leading firm in the same categories, with Pauline Khor being recognised as a Trade mark star.

Allen & Gledhill lawyer ranked in Who’s Who Legal: Thought Leaders – Restructuring & Insolvency 2021 Guide
安盛很高兴地宣布,本所合伙人 Andrew Chan 被《法律名人录》(WWL) 评为重组与破产的思想领袖。《《法律名人录:思想领袖 - 2021 年重组与破产指南》》收录了最重要的重组从业者,他们在某些领域拥有专业知识和经验。世界上最重要和最前沿的任务。指南中认可的个人因其“创新、启发和超越为客户提供服务的能力”而受到赞扬。
Allen & Gledhill is pleased to announce that our Partner, Andrew Chan has been ranked as a Thought Leader in Who’s Who Legal (WWL): Thought Leaders – Restructuring & Insolvency 2021. The guide features foremost restructuring practitioners with expertise and experience in relation to some of the world’s most significant and cutting-edge mandates. Individuals who are recognised in the guide are lauded for “their ability to innovate, inspire, and go above and beyond to deliver for their clients”.

Allen & Gledhill maintains Tier 1 ranking according to IFLR1000’s latest Banking and Finance rankings
IFLR1000 公布了 最新版第一批亚太国家排名。作为第一组排名,发布了的新加坡和马来西亚的银行和金融类别以及印度尼西亚的银行和项目融资类别的律所排名表。
安盛 继续在 2021 年 IFLR1000 新加坡银行和金融领域排名第一。在马来西亚,我们的联营律所 Rahmat Lim & Partners 也保持了其银行和金融领域的第一级排名,而我们在印度尼西亚的联络网律所 Soemadipradja & Taher 继续保持银行和项目融资类别的二级排名。
IFLR1000 是全球领先的金融和公司律师事务所和律师的指南。他们目前研究约 170 个国家的司法管辖区,并根据交易工作对律师事务所和律师进行排名。
Allen & Gledhill’s award winning Banking & Finance Practice continues to maintain its Tier 1 ranking for Banking and Finance according to the latest results released by IFLR1000. In Malaysia, our associate firm, Rahmat Lim & Partners have also maintained their Tier 1 ranking for Banking and Finance, while Soemadipradja & Taher, our network firm in Indonesia, has achieved the Tier 2 ranking in both the Banking and Project Finance Categories.
IFLR1000 is the guide to the world's leading financial and corporate law firms and lawyers. They currently research around 170 national jurisdictions and rank law firms and lawyers on the basis of transactional work.

Allen & Gledhill named Best Law Firm in Singapore in FinanceAsia Country Awards 2021
安盛在《亚洲金融》2021 年国家奖中被评为新加坡最佳律师事务所。
《亚洲金融》 的国家奖是一系列奖项,旨在表彰亚洲国内市场上最好的银行、经纪商、律师事务所以及评级机构。
Allen & Gledhill is pleased to be named the Best Law Firm in Singapore for the second consecutive year in the FinanceAsia Country Awards 2021.
FinanceAsia's Country Awards is a series of awards that recognise the best banks, brokers, law firms, as well as ratings agencies in Asia’s domestic markets.
This award recognises outstanding law firms which have undertaken ground-breaking transactions, demonstrated creativity in service to clients, and successfully navigated complex regulatory issues across multiple jurisdictions and practice areas.

Allen & Gledhill wins two Firm of the Year awards at Benchmark Litigation Asia-Pacific Awards 2021
安盛在 2021 年基准诉讼亚太奖中荣获两项事务所奖项:
- 年度商业和交易公司
- 年度最佳劳工与就业公司
争议解决榜单奖项的结果于 2021 年 5 月 27 日(星期四)在虚拟仪式上公布。
Allen & Gledhill has won two firm awards at the Benchmark Litigation Asia-Pacific Awards 2021:
The results were announced in the virtual ceremony on Thursday, 27 May 2021.
Benchmark Litigation awards are judged according to innovation, complexity and impact. Winners are chosen according to research conducted through extensive interviews with litigators, dispute resolution specialists and their clients to identify the leading litigators and firms. The awards celebrate leading litigators and the most impactful disputes across Asia-Pacific based upon the information captured in the submission for the latest edition of Benchmark Litigation Asia-Pacific. It is aimed at those who have displayed outstanding achievement in advising clients on local law matters, across a range of practice areas.

Allen & Gledhill ranked in Asian Legal Business Intellectual Property Rankings 2021
除此之外,我们的联营律所 Rahmat Lim & Partners 在同一份报告中保持了版权/商标的 Tier 1 排名和专利的 Tier 2 排名。
Allen & Gledhill’s Intellectual Property Practice continues to be ranked Tier 1 in the categories of Copyright/Trademarks as well as Patents in the latest Asian Legal Business Intellectual Property Rankings 2021.
In addition to this, our associate firm, Rahmat Lim & Partners has maintained its Tier 1 ranking in Copyright/Trademark and Tier2 ranking for Patents in the same report.
The rankings are based on information drawn from firm submissions, Thomson Reuters' data, interviews, editorial resources and market suggestions to identify and rank the top firms for Intellectual Property in Asia.

Allen & Gledhill maintains top tier rankings for trademark in the 2021 Asia IP Trademark Survey

Allen & Gledhill ranked top tier in Benchmark Litigation Asia-Pacific 2021
安盛在2021年争议解决榜单中涵盖的业务领域中获得顶级排名。在争议解决榜单对 2020年完成的工作进行的审查中,本所在商业和交易、破产、国际仲裁(国内)、航运以及知识产权领域继续排名第一,在建筑领域排名第二。此外,我们保持了家庭和婚姻、白领犯罪领域的排名,也获得认可。我们今年也在劳工和就业以及私人客户类别获得认可。
除此之外,本所有 15 人被评为争议解决之星,2 人被评为未来之星。
我们在马来西亚的联营律所 Rahmat Lim & Partners 在建筑业与劳工和就业排名第二,在商业和交易与方面排名第三。该所的竞争/反垄断排名有所提高,并首次在航运领域获得认可。此外,还有一名律师被评为争议解决之星,两名被评为未来之星。
我们在印度尼西亚的联络网律所 Soemadipradja & Taher 在商业和交易方面被评为第二级,其中一位律师被评为诉讼明星。
Allen & Gledhill has received top tier rankings in the practice areas covered by Benchmark Litigation Asia-Pacific 2021. In the review conducted by Benchmark for work completed in 2020, our Firm continues to be ranked Tier 1 in Commercial and Transactions, Insolvency, International Arbitration – Domestic firms, Intellectual Property, Shipping, as well as Tier 2 for Construction. We have maintained our ranking for Family and Matrimonial and improved our ranking for White Collar Crime. We are newly ranked Tier 1 for Labour and Employment, and have also been recognised in the Private Client category this year.
In addition, 15 Partners have been ranked as Litigation Stars and two Partners have been ranked as Future Stars.
Rahmat Lim & Partners, our associate firm in Malaysia, has been ranked Tier 2 in Construction and Labour and Employment, as well as Tier 3 in Commercial and Transactions. The Firm has improved its ranking for Competition/Antitrust and is recognised for Shipping for the first time. On top of the practice rankings, two Partners have been ranked as a Litigation Stars and another two Partners have been ranked as Future Stars.
Soemadipradja & Taher, our network firm in Indonesia, has been ranked Tier 2 in Commercial and Transactions, with a Partner ranked as a Litigation Star.
Benchmark exclusively covers the litigation and disputes market, researchers conduct extensive interview with litigators, dispute resolution specialists and their clients to identify the world’s leading litigation firms and lawyers.

Allen & Gledhill Partners recognised in IFLR1000 Women Leaders 2021 – Asia Pacific
安盛很荣幸地宣布,本所的三名合伙人Margaret Chin、Lim Mei和Tan Tze Gay被列入《IFLR1000 2020年亚太区女性领军人物指南》。
We are pleased to announce that three of our Partners, Margaret Chin, Lim Mei, and Tan Tze Gay have been named in IFLR1000 Women Leaders 2021 – Asia-Pacific, a guide that recognises the elite cohort of leading female transactional lawyers in the world. They were chosen because of their impressive track records, in addition to being consistently recommended by their clients and peers for the quality of their service and advice. Our Partners are among the 13 female lawyers who are exclusively named in Singapore, and all three of them have been listed in the guide since its inaugural edition in 2018.

Allen & Gledhill wins Singapore Corporate & Finance Domestic Law Advisers award at Chambers Asia-Pacific Awards 2021
国际权威法律评级机构钱伯斯(Chambers & Partners)公布了“2021年度亚太法律大奖”,在获奖名单中,安盛律师事务所荣获年度新加坡企业与金融国内法律顾问大奖。
Allen & Gledhill has won the Singapore Corporate & Finance Domestic Law Advisers award at the Chambers Asia-Pacific Awards 2021.
This is the sixth time Allen & Gledhill has received recognition from Chambers and Partners, the most among Singapore law firms, since the inception of the Awards in 2010.
The Chambers Asia-Pacific Awards recognise a law firm’s pre-eminence in key jurisdictions in the region and also reflect notable achievements over the past 12 months, including outstanding work, impressive strategic growth and excellence in client service. They honour the work of national and international law firms across the region based on the research carried out for the recent edition of the Chambers Asia-Pacific guide.

Allen & Gledhill Intellectual Property Practice maintains top tier rankings for trade mark work in Managing IP’s IP Stars 2021
我们在马来西亚的联营律所 Rahmat Lim & Partners 也被评为同类领域的领先公司。
Allen & Gledhill’s Intellectual Property Practice has maintained its top tier rankings in the trade mark contentious and trade mark prosecution categories of the IP Stars 2021 rankings released by Managing IP.
Our associate firm in Malaysia, Rahmat Lim & Partners, has also been recognised as a leading firm in the same categories.

Allen & Gledhill named Most Innovative National Law Firm of the Year (Singapore) at the IFLR Asia-Pacific Awards 2021
Allen & Gledhill has once again been named the Most Innovative National Law Firm of the Year (Singapore) at the prestigious International Financial Law Review (IFLR) Asia-Pacific Awards 2021. This is the 20th time that Allen & Gledhill has won the country law firm award for Singapore since the inception of the IFLR Asia-Pacific Awards in 2000.
Results for the awards were announced by IFLR on 25 March.
The IFLR Asia-Pacific Awards recognises the region’s most innovative deals, and firms that worked on them. First published in 1982, IFLR is a market-leading financial law publication for lawyers specialising in international finance and finance institutions, corporates and in private practice.

Allen & Gledhill maintains top tier ranking in the Asia IP Copyright Survey 2021 rankings
安盛的知识产权业务在 2021 年亚洲知识产权版权调查中再次获得第一级排名。
我们在马来西亚的联营律所 Rahmat Lim & Partners 在同一项调查中排名获得第一级排名,排名相比去年有所提高。
Allen & Gledhill’s Intellectual Property Practice has once again achieved the Tier 1 ranking in the Asia IP Copyright Survey for 2021.
Our associate Firm in Malaysia, Rahmat Lim & Partners have also improved their position from last year, and were ranked Tier 1 in the same survey.

Allen & Gledhill’s Intellectual Property Practice continues to be ranked as a leading practice in World Trademark Review 1000 2021
安盛的知识产权业务在 2021 年版WTR 1000 中再次被评为执法和诉讼以及起诉和策略类别的领先业务。
本所的合伙人,资深律师Dr Stanley Lai和Low Pei Lin也分别被评为 WTR 1000 2021 执法和诉讼领域、起诉和战略领域的领军人物。
此外,我们在马来西亚的联营律所 Rahmat Lim & Partners 被评为领先的知识产权业务,Pauline Khor 在同一出版物中被评为起诉和战略方面的领军人物。
WTR 1000 是一个致力于识别全球领先商标法律服务提供商的名录。
Allen & Gledhill’s Intellectual Property Practice has once again been recognised as a leading practice in the 2021 edition of The World Trademark Review 1000 (“WTR 1000”) in both the Enforcement and Litigation, and Prosecution and Strategy categories.
Our Firm’s Partners, Dr Stanley Lai, SC and Low Pei Lin have also been recognised as leading individuals in WTR 1000 2021 for Enforcement and Litigation, and Prosecution and Strategy respectively.
In addition, our associate firm in Malaysia, Rahmat Lim & Partners, has been ranked as a leading Intellectual Property Practice, with Pauline Khor recognised as a leading individual for Prosecution and Strategy in the same publication.
WTR 1000 is a directory dedicated to identifying the world’s leading trade mark legal service providers.

Allen & Gledhill lawyers named in Who’s Who Legal Thought Leaders: Competition 2021
安盛很高兴地宣布,本所的合伙人 Elsa Chen 和 Daren Shiau 再次被评为法律名人录 思想领袖。我们的首席经济学家兼合伙人 Elsa Chen 也仍然是唯一一位被评为新加坡思想领袖地经济学家。该指南也自成立以来,将合伙人Daren Shiau评为思想领袖。
《法律名人记录:思想领袖 – 竞争指南》指南汇集了世界上一些最重要的竞争律师和经济学家的洞察力、专业知识和智慧。选择个人不仅是因为他们“在世界上一些最重要和最前沿的法律事务上提供咨询的丰富专业知识和经验”,而且还因为“他们具有创新、启发和超越为客户提供服务的能力。”
Allen & Gledhill is pleased to announce that our Partners Elsa Chen and Daren Shiau have once again been named as Thought Leaders in Who’s Who Legal (WWL) Thought Leaders: Competition 2021. Our Chief Economist and Partner, Elsa Chen also continues to be the only Economist named as a Thought Leader in Singapore. Our Partner, Daren Shiau has been named as a Thought Leader in the same guide since its inception.
WWL Thought Leaders: Competition 2021 is a guide that brings together the insight, expertise and wisdom of some of the world’s foremost competition lawyers and economists. Individuals were chosen not only for their “vast expertise and experience advising on some of the world’s most significant and cutting-edge legal matters”, but also for “their ability to innovate, inspire, and go above and beyond to deliver for their clients.”

Seven Allen & Gledhill lawyers ranked in Who’s Who Legal: Banking 2021 guide
安盛很高兴地宣布,七名合伙人入选法律名人录 《法律名人录:2021 年全球银行业指南》。 《法律名人录:2021 年全球银行业指南》为世界各地领先的银行业律师提供了深入的指南,这些律师因其在代表金融机构及其企业客户处理一系列融资和监管事务方面拥有丰富的专业知识而脱颖而出。您可以通过点击下面他们的名字来查看他们的个人资料:
银行业 - 金融科技
- Adrian Ang(亚太地区两位全球精英思想领袖之一,也是东南亚唯一一位)
- Tham Kok Leong
- Alexander Yap
- Kok Chee Wai (亚太区全球精英思想领袖)
- Mark Hudspeth
- Julie Sim
银行业 - 监管
- Adrian Ang
- Francis Mok(亚太地区全球精英思想领袖)
此外,我们的合作伙伴 Adrian Ang 和 Francis Mok 在 法律名人记录:思想领袖 – GBRR 2021 指南中获得认可。该指南以最重要的银行监管律师为特色,他们在世界上一些最重要和最前沿的任务方面拥有专业知识和经验。获得认可的律师因其创新、启发和超越为客户提供服务的能力而受到称赞。
Allen & Gledhill is pleased to announce that seven Partners have been ranked in Who’s Who Legal (WWL): Banking 2021 guide. WWL: Banking provides an in-depth guide to the leading banking lawyers around the world, who are singled out for their considerable expertise in representing financial institutions and their corporate clients in a host of financing and regulatory matters. You may view their profiles by clicking on their names below:
Banking - Fintech
- Adrian Ang (one of two Global Elite Thought Leaders in Asia-Pacific and the only one in South-east Asia)
- Tham Kok Leong
- Alexander Yap
Banking - Finance
- Kok Chee Wai (a Global Elite Thought Leader for Asia-Pacific)
- Mark Hudspeth
- Julie Sim
Banking - Regulatory
- Adrian Ang
- Francis Mok (a Global Elite Thought Leader for Asia-Pacific)
In addition, our Partners, Adrian Ang and Francis Mok are recognised in the WWL: Thought Leaders – GBRR 2021 guide. The guide features foremost banking regulatory lawyers with expertise and experience in relation to some of the world’s most significant and cutting-edge mandates. Lawyers who are recognised are lauded for their ability to innovate, inspire, and go above and beyond to deliver for their clients.

Allen & Gledhill and Rahmat Lim & Partners ranked in top bands by Global Competition Review (21th edition)
本所的马来西亚联营律所 Rahmat Lim & Partners 继续被评为GCR百强榜(2021年版)中的“推介”律所。
Allen & Gledhill continues to be ranked in the top band of “Elite” by Global Competition Review (GCR) in its GCR100 2021 listing of the world’s top competition practices. The Practice is described as “highly regarded” and a “fixture in the elite category”, having been ranked in the top band since GCR began covering Singapore as a jurisdiction in 2013.
Our associate firm in Malaysia, Rahmat Lim & Partners, continues to be recognised as a “Recommended” firm in the 2021 edition of GCR100.
GCR is a leading antitrust and competition law journal and news service published by Law Business Research.

Allen & Gledhill and its network firms continue to be recognised as leading law firms in South-east Asia by Chambers and Partners in its 2021 rankings
本所的联营律所 Rahmat Lim & Partners 取得了比去年更好的表现,获得3项第一梯队业务排名(企业/并购领域、项目、基础设施与能源领域以及房地产领域),并有11名律师受到表彰。
我们的联络网律所 Soemadipradja & Taher 继续在争端解决领域获得第一梯队排名。该所有六名律师受到表彰,其中一人被评为“业界元老”。此外,安盛亦提升了在企业与金融(国际律所)(基于海外执业经验的专长)门类业务在该国的排名。
Allen & Gledhill continues to maintain its leading position in South-east Asia in the latest rankings released by Chambers and Partners.
Our Firm continues to have the highest number of Band 1 practice rankings and recognised lawyers in the country in the Chambers Asia-Pacific 2021 edition. We have achieved more Band 1 practice rankings as compared to last year, with 17 practices in the top tier. A total of 52 lawyers have been recognised by the publication, of which 20 lawyers are ranked Band 1 or as an exceptional individual (Senior Statesperson/Star/Eminent Practitioner).
Additionally, our Firm was ranked Band 1 in the 2021 edition of the Chambers FinTech Guide released last week with one Partner ranked in the top band.
Our associate firm, Rahmat Lim & Partners, achieved a better showing than last year, with three Band 1 practice rankings (Corporate/M&A, Projects, Infrastructure & Energy, and Real Estate) and 11 recognised lawyers.
Our Myanmar office continues to be ranked Band 1 in General Business Law in Myanmar with two recognised lawyers.
Our network firm, Soemadipradja & Taher, continues to be ranked Band 1 in Dispute Resolution. They have six recognised lawyers, one of whom has been ranked as a "Senior Statesperson". In addition, Allen & Gledhill has improved our ranking in the country under the Corporate & Finance (International Firms) (Expertise Based Abroad) category.

Allen & Gledhill Partners, Andrew Chan and Edward Tiong ranked in Who’s Who Legal: Restructuring & Insolvency 2021 Global Guide
安盛很高兴地宣布,本所的两名合伙人 Andrew Chan 和 Edward Tiong 入选最新版《法律名人录:2021 年重组与破产全球指南》。该指南确定了具有杰出经验和专业知识的领先重组和破产律师,他们为众多国内和国际客户提供了破产程序、公司重组、清算和不良交易方面的咨询服务。
自 1996 年以来,《法律名人录》一直在基于全面、独立的研究来甄别商法领域最重要的法律从业者和专家。
Allen & Gledhill is pleased to announce that our Partners, Andrew Chan and Edward Tiong have been ranked in the latest edition of Who’s Who Legal: Restructuring & Insolvency 2021 global guide. The guide identifies leading restructuring and insolvency lawyers with outstanding experience and expertise who have advised a wide variety of domestic and international clients on insolvency proceedings, corporate restructurings, liquidations and distressed transactions.
Who’s Who Legal has been identifying the foremost legal practitioners and experts in business law based upon comprehensive, independent research since 1996.

Allen & Gledhill ranked in top 100 Restructuring & Insolvency practices worldwide by Global Restructuring Review 2020
Allen & Gledhill has been ranked as one of the world’s top Restructuring & Insolvency practices by Global Restructuring Review (GRR) in its fourth edition of GRR 100 rankings.
The GRR 100 is an annual guide to the world’s leading cross-border restructuring and insolvency practices. The guide aims to determine the top law firms from around the world GRR can recommend as a safe pair of hands for carrying out insolvency and restructuring work with an international dimension.

Allen & Gledhill Partner, Peh Aik Hin, ranked in Who’s Who Legal: Litigation 2020 Global Guide
安盛很高兴地宣布,本所合伙人 Peh Aik Hin 在最新版《法律名人录 - 2020 年诉讼全球指南》中被评为未来领袖。该指南甄选了全球最重要的诉讼律师,他们在这一充满争议的环境中因其出色的能力而被挑选出来,以及诉讼领域年龄在 45 岁或以下的杰出从业者,作为市场的未来领导者。
自 1996 年以来,《法律名人录》一直在基于全面、独立的研究来甄别商法领域最重要的法律从业者和专家。
Allen & Gledhill is pleased to announce that our Partner, Peh Aik Hin has been ranked as a Future Leader in the latest edition of Who’s Who Legal: Litigation 2020 global guide. The guide identifies the foremost litigators around the world who are singled out for their outstanding ability within this contentious context, as well as standout practitioners in the litigation field aged 45 or younger as future leaders in the market.
Who’s Who Legal has been identifying the foremost legal practitioners and experts in business law based upon comprehensive, independent research since 1996.

Allen & Gledhill and Rahmat Lim & Partners win Deal of the Year awards at FinanceAsia Achievement Awards 2020
安盛因参与凯德商用信托 (CapitaLand Mall Trust) 和凯德商业信托 (CapitaLand Commercial Trust) 价值 82 亿新元(合 61 亿美元)的合并而荣获 2020 年亚洲金融成就奖“年度大趋势交易 – 房地产”奖。
我们的联营律所 Rahmat Lim & Partners 还因其在亚通 6 亿美元和 8.67 亿令吉(1.68 亿美元)伊斯兰可持续发展相关银团融资中所发挥的作用而荣获“年度伊斯兰金融交易”奖。
Allen & Gledhill has won the “Megatrend Deal of the Year – Property” award at the FinanceAsia Achievement Awards 2020, for our involvement in the S$8.2 billion (US$6.1 billion) merger of CapitaLand Mall Trust and CapitaLand Commercial Trust.
Our associate firm, Rahmat Lim & Partners also won the “Islamic Finance Deal of the Year” award for their role in Axiata’s US$600 million and RM867 million (US$168 million) syndicated Islamic sustainability-linked financing.
FinanceAsia's Achievement Awards is a series of awards that recognise the best financial markets transactions and issuers in the past year in Asia.
These awards recognise outstanding law firms which have undertaken ground-breaking transactions, demonstrated creativity in service to clients, as well as successfully navigated complex regulatory issues across multiple jurisdictions and practice areas.

Allen & Gledhill Partner, Adrian Ang, named in Global Banking Regulation Review 45 under 45 2020
安盛很高兴地宣布,本所合伙人 Adrian Ang 入选首届全球银行业监管审查 (GBRR) 2020 年 45 under 45名单。Adrian Ang 是新加坡唯一一位入围该名单的私人执业律师。
GBRR 45 岁以下 45 岁以下人士名单展示了来自世界各地的 45 名领先的下一代银行监管专家,他们的年龄均在 45 岁以下。GBRR 为银行监管专业人士提供新闻和见解,涵盖审慎监管、衍生品、银行公司治理、金融科技、不当行为和监管执法。
Allen & Gledhill is pleased to announce that our Partner, Adrian Ang has been named in the inaugural Global Banking Regulation Review (GBRR) 45 under 45 2020 list. Adrian is the only private practice lawyer in Singapore who is recognised in the list.
The GBRR 45 under 45 list showcases 45 leading next generation banking regulation specialists from around the world, who are all under the age of 45. GBRR is a provider of news and insight for banking regulation professionals covering prudential regulation, derivatives, bank corporate governance, fintech, misconduct and regulatory enforcement.

Allen & Gledhill Partner, Vivian Ang, named Shipping Lawyer of the Year at Who’s Who Legal Awards 2020
安盛很高兴地宣布,我们的合伙人 Vivian Ang 在 2020 年法律名人录 (WWL) 颁奖典礼上被评为年度航运律师。
WWL 是世界领先的法律从业者和非律师咨询专家名录之一。自 2005 年以来,WWL 奖旨在表彰国际法律市场上各个执业领域和行业中最优秀的律师和事务所。
Allen & Gledhill is pleased to announce that our Partner, Vivian Ang has been named as Lawyer of the Year for Shipping at the Who’s Who Legal (WWL) Awards 2020.
WWL is one of the world’s leading directories of legal practitioners and non-lawyer consulting experts. Since 2005, WWL Awards commends the very best lawyers and firms in the international legal market across various practice areas and industries. Individuals who score the highest recommendation in the research conducted by WWL will be named as WWL Lawyer or Expert of the Year.

Allen & Gledhill recognised as one of the top law firms in Singapore
安盛被海峡时报 (ST) 在其“2021 年新加坡最佳律师事务所”调查中评为新加坡顶级律师事务所之一。该调查由 ST 和德国著名市场研究公司 Statista 联合开展,由 15 个法律执业类别的专业人士投票选出新加坡顶级律师事务所。
我们是唯一一家在所有类别上均排名的律师事务所,有 10 项业务领域获得五星级评级。我们的结果总结如下:
- 银行和金融法
- 民事纠纷解决(诉讼、仲裁、调解)
- 公司法和商法
- 产权转让
- 破产和重组
- 知识产权法
- 人力与就业
- 海事和航运法
- 并购
- 房地产法(商业地产、建筑、基金)
- 慈善机构、非营利协会和公益组织
- 刑法
- 家规
- 私人财富管理
- 过失和责任法(专业/医疗/事故)
Allen & Gledhill has been recognised as one of top law firms in Singapore by The Straits Times (ST) in its “Singapore’s Best Law Firms 2021” survey. Conducted by ST and renowned German-based market research company, Statista, the survey recognises the top law firms in Singapore as voted for by professionals in 15 legal practice categories.
We are the only law firm ranked across all categories, with 10 practices receiving a five-star rating. A summary of our results are as follows:
Five-star rating
- Banking and finance law
- Civil dispute resolution (litigation, arbitration, mediation)
- Company and commercial law
- Conveyancing
- Insolvency and restructuring
- Intellectual property law
- Manpower and employment
- Maritime and shipping law
- Mergers and acquisitions
- Real estate law (commercial property, construction, funds)
Four-star rating
- Charities, not-for-profit associations and pro bono
- Criminal law
- Family law
- Inheritance and succession, private wealth management
- Negligence and liability law (professional/medical/accidents)
The “Singapore’s Best Law Firms” survey was conducted online between 9 June 2020 and 8 August 2020. With more than 10,000 firm recommendations received, a total of 4,716 professionals participated in this survey.

Allen & Gledhill recognised in top 100 corporate investigations practices worldwide
安盛律师事务所在《全球调查评论》(GIR)的2020年度GIR 百强榜中,被评为全球企业调查业务百强律所之一。
Allen & Gledhill has been ranked as one of the world’s top investigations practices by Global Investigations Review (GIR) in its annual GIR 100 2020 rankings.
The GIR 100 is an annual guide to the world’s leading cross-border investigations practices. The guide aims to determine the top 100 firms from around the world which handle sophisticated cross-border government-led and internal investigations.

Six Allen & Gledhill lawyers listed in Who’s Who Legal Thought Leaders: Global Elite 2020 guide
安盛很荣幸地宣布,本所有六位合伙人被列入《法律名人录 - 2020年全球精英思想领袖指南》。
- Adrian Ang - 银行 | 金融科技(新加坡唯一上榜的律师)
- Vivian Ang - 保险&再保险及航运
- Jerry Koh - 资本市场(新加坡唯一上榜的律师)
- Kok Chee Wai - 银行
- Andrew M Lim - 并购与治理(新加坡唯一上榜的律师)
- Daren Shiau - 竞争(新加坡唯一上榜的律师)
作为《法律名人录》给予的最高荣誉,被列入《法律名人录 - 全球精英思想领袖指南》的个人包括在《法律名人录》最近一轮调查过程中获得最多同行、企业法律顾问和其他市场来源提名的前百分之二的律师。该指南表彰多个业务领域的杰出从业人员,他们在全球一些最重要和最前沿的法律事务上拥有丰富的专业知识和经验,同时彰显其在为客户提供服务时创新、激励和超越期待的能力。
Allen & Gledhill is pleased to announce that six Partners have been listed in Who’s Who Legal (WWL) Thought Leaders: Global Elite 2020 guide.
Six of our Partners have been named “Global Elite Thought Leaders” across seven practice areas. You may view their profiles by clicking on their names below:
- Adrian Ang - Banking | Fintech (the only lawyer ranked in Singapore)
- Vivian Ang - Insurance & Reinsurance as well as Shipping
- Jerry Koh - Capital Markets (the only lawyer ranked in Singapore)
- Kok Chee Wai - Banking
- Andrew M Lim - M&A and Governance (the only lawyer ranked in Singapore)
- Daren Shiau - Competition (the only lawyer ranked in Singapore)
As the highest accolade given by WWL, individuals who are listed in the WWL Thought Leaders: Global Elite guide comprise the top two per cent. of all the nominees who have obtained the highest number of nominations from peers, corporate counsel and other market sources in the most recent research cycle of WWL. The guide recognises eminent practitioners across multiple practice areas who have vast expertise and experience advising on some of the world’s most significant and cutting-edge legal matters, and have demonstrated their ability to innovate, inspire, and go above and beyond to deliver for their clients.
WWL has been identifying the foremost lawyers and experts in business law based upon comprehensive, independent research since 1996.

Allen & Gledhill secures major regional awards at ALB SE Asia Law Awards 2020
- 年度最佳银行与金融服务领域律师事务所
- 年度最佳企业公民权领域律师事务所
- 年度最佳海事律师事务所
- 年度最佳房地产律师事务所
- 新加坡年度最佳知识产权律师事务所
- 年度最佳股权市场交易(中型)- 联实全球商业房地产投资信托(REIT)的IPO
- 年度最佳并购交易(中型)- 雅诗阁房地产投资信托(REIT)兼并腾飞酒店信托
Allen & Gledhill has been named SE Asia Law Firm of the Year, retaining our title for the third consecutive year, at the recent Asian Legal Business (ALB) SE Asia Law Awards 2020 which took place virtually on Thursday, 15 October 2020.
In addition to the regional award, we clinched five other Firm Awards and received recognition for our involvement in two Deal Awards:
- Banking and Financial Services Firm of the Year
- Corporate Citizenship Law Firm of the Year
- Maritime Law Firm of the Year
- Real Estate Law Firm of the Year
- Singapore Intellectual Property Law Firm of the Year
- Equity Market Deal of the Year (Midsize) – Lendlease Global Commercial REIT’s IPO
- M&A Deal of the Year (Midsize) – Ascott REIT's Merger with Ascendas Hospitality Trust
Our Firm won a total of eight awards, our best showing in the last five years and the most awarded law firm at this event.
The ALB SE Asia Law Awards is an annual event celebrating the success of the region’s leading law firms, in-house counsel, dealmakers and deals.

Six lawyers from the Allen & Gledhill network featured in IFLR Asia Best Lawyers 2020 guide
安盛很高兴地宣布,本所五位合伙人入选最新版IFLR 2020亚洲最佳律师指南,该指南评选出获得同行和客户最高和最一致好评的顶级个人法律执业者。
- Margaret Chin
- Kok Chee Wai
- Andrew M Lim
- Lim Mei
- Lim Wei Ting
此外,我们在马来西亚的联营律所 Rahmat Lim & Partners 的执行合伙人 Azman bin Othman Luk 也获得了同一指南的认可。
Allen & Gledhill is pleased to announce that five Partners have been featured in the latest edition of the IFLR Asia Best Lawyers guide, which identifies the top individual legal practitioners who have received the highest and most consistent praise from their peers and clients.
You may view their profiles by clicking on their names below:
In addition, Azman bin Othman Luk, Managing Partner of Rahmat Lim & Partners, our associate firm in Malaysia has been recognised in the same guide.

Allen & Gledhill lawyer ranked in Who’s Who Legal: Arbitration 2021 Global Guide
安盛很高兴地宣布,我们国际仲裁业务合伙人兼联席主管 Dinesh Dhillon 被《全球仲裁评论》联合列入最新版《法律名人录 - 2021 年全球仲裁指南》。该指南甄选了世界上最优秀的仲裁律师,他们因其在解决复杂国际纠纷方面的专业知识而受到强烈推荐。
自 1996 年以来,《法律名人录》一直在基于全面、独立的研究来甄别商法领域最重要的法律从业者和专家。
Allen & Gledhill is pleased to announce that Dinesh Dhillon, Partner and Co-Head of our International Arbitration Practice, has been ranked in the latest edition of the Who’s Who Legal: Arbitration 2021 global guide, in association with Global Arbitration Review. The guide identifies the world’s best arbitration lawyers, who are highly recommended for their expertise in resolving complex international disputes.
Who’s Who Legal has been identifying the foremost legal practitioners and experts in business law based upon comprehensive, independent research since 1996.

Allen & Gledhill continues to be the only Singapore law firm ranked Tier 1 in World Tax 2021
我们的律师 Sunit Chhabra 和 Lim Pek Bur 也在 2021 年世界税务中获得认可。Sunit Chhabra 在一般企业税和税务争议类别中被评为“高度尊敬律师”,而 Lim Pek Bur 在间接税和税务争议类别中被评为“高度尊敬律师” 以及 "税收类别女性律师"。
世界税务排名是一个提供最高效税务专业人士排名和简介的目录,涵盖各大洲 90 多个司法管辖区。
Allen & Gledhill has maintained its Tier 1 ranking for the Singapore category of World Tax 2021. We are the only Singapore law firm ranked in this tier.
Our lawyers Sunit Chhabra and Lim Pek Bur were also recognised in World Tax 2021. Sunit Chhabra is ranked as ‘Highly Regarded’ in the General Corporate Tax and Tax Controversy categories while Lim Pek Bur is ranked as ‘Highly Regarded’ in the Indirect Tax and Women in Tax categories.
World Tax is a directory which provides rankings and profiles of the most effective tax practitioners in the world, covering almost 90 jurisdictions based on every continent.

Allen & Gledhill maintains top tier rankings in IFLR1000’s thirtieth edition for M&A, Financial and Corporate and continues to have the highest number of recognised lawyers in Singapore
本所的马来西亚联营律所 Rahmat Lim & Partners 一直保有其在并购门类中的第一梯队排名,并有10名合伙人被评为“备受推崇律师”,这在马来西亚律所中是获奖人数最多的。
本所的印度尼西亚联络网律所 Soemadipradja & Taher 亦保有其在并购门类中的第二梯队排名。在最新一版的IFLR千强榜中,Soemadipradja & Taher 的两名律师继续被评为“备受推崇律师”。
IFLR1000 has announced the final group of national Asia-Pacific rankings for its thirtieth edition. As part of the final group, the ranking tables for M&A (for Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia) and Financial and Corporate (for Myanmar only) as well as individual rankings for all practices were released.
Allen & Gledhill continues to be ranked Tier 1 in Singapore for M&A and has the highest number of lawyers recognised by IFLR1000. Among the Recognised Lawyers, 22 Partners are ranked as leading individuals with three of them named as ‘Market Leaders’, defined by IFLR1000 as “true leaders of their field…[who] have a track record of high profile innovative deals and are recognised as the standout performers in their country or practice area”.
Our associate firm in Malaysia, Rahmat Lim & Partners, has maintained its Tier 1 ranking in the M&A category and has 10 Partners recognised as ‘Highly Regarded Lawyers’, the highest number among Malaysia law firms.
Allen & Gledhill (Myanmar) has moved up the ranks to Tier 1 in the Financial and Corporate category. All four of our Directors in Myanmar were recognised in IFLR1000’s thirtieth edition, with two of them named as ‘Highly Regarded Lawyers’.
Our network firm in Indonesia, Soemadipradja & Taher, has also maintained its Tier 2 rankings in the M&A category. Two lawyers from Soemadipradja & Taher continue to be recognised as ‘Highly Regarded Lawyers’ in the latest edition of the IFLR1000 rankings.
IFLR1000 has been producing legal market intelligence since 1990 and remains the only international legal directory dedicated to ranking law firms and lawyers on the basis of financial and corporate transactional work.

Allen & Gledhill recognised at Benchmark Litigation Asia-Pacific Awards 2020
Allen & Gledhill 因参与以下两项年度事务奖项而获得2020年争议解决榜单奖项的认可:
- B2C2 v 奎因
- 调查委员会调查新加坡卫生服务机构患者数据库遭受的网络攻击
- 年度最佳事务所——新加坡
- 年度最佳破产事务所
争议解决榜单奖项根据创新性、复杂性和影响力进行评判。获奖者是根据对诉讼、争议解决专家及其客户的广泛访谈进行的研究选出的,以确定领先的诉讼律师和律师事务所。该奖项旨在表彰争议解决榜单涵盖的 11 个业务领域和 14 个司法管辖区的最重要的领导者。它针对的是那些在一系列业务领域就当地法律事务向客户提供咨询方面表现出杰出成就的人士。
Allen & Gledhill has been recognised by Benchmark Litigation Asia-Pacific Awards 2020 for our involvement in the following two Matters of the Year awards:
- B2C2 v Quoine
- Committee of Inquiry into the cyber attack on Singapore Health Services’ patient database
In addition to the Matters of the Year awards, our Firm was named Runner Up for the following Firm of the Year awards:
- Firm of the Year – Singapore
- Insolvency Firm of the Year
Benchmark Litigation awards are judged according to innovation, complexity and impact. Winners were chosen according to research conducted through extensive interviews with litigation, dispute resolution specialists and their clients to identify the leading litigators and firms. The awards recognise the foremost leaders in 11 practice areas and 14 jurisdictions covered by Benchmark Litigation Asia-Pacific directory. It is aimed at those who have displayed outstanding achievement in advising clients on local law matters, across a range of practice areas.

Allen & Gledhill and its network firms ranked in ALB M&A Rankings 2020
在ALB发布的 2020 年并购排名报告中,安盛继续位列新加坡国内类别第一级。
我们的联营律所 Rahmat Lim & Partners 在马来西亚并购领域保持第一级排名,而我们的联络网律所 Soemadipradja & Taher 在同一报告中在印度尼西亚排名第二。
Allen & Gledhill continues to be ranked Tier 1 in the Singapore Domestic category of the M&A Rankings 2020 report released by Asian Legal Business.
Our associate firm, Rahmat Lim & Partners has maintained its ranking in Tier 1 for M&A in Malaysia and our network firm, Soemadipradja & Taher is ranked in Tier 2 in Indonesia in the same report.
The rankings are based on information drawn from firm submissions, Thomson Reuters M&A data, interviews, editorial resources and market suggestions to identify and rank the top firms for M&A in Asia.

Allen & Gledhill ranked top tier in Asialaw Profiles and Asialaw Leading Lawyers 2021
安盛在 《亚洲法律概况》所涵盖的执业领域和行业领域中均获得顶级排名,其中获得最多新加坡顶级执业领域排名。我们在 13 个业务领域中的 11 个业务领域中被评为“优秀”,在另外两个业务领域中被评为“强烈推荐”。此外,本所在 8 个行业领域中的 6 个领域被评为“杰出”,在其他两个领域被评为“推荐”,并有 30 位律师被《亚洲法律领先律师》评选为“杰出律师”,其中11位律师被评为“精英律师”。有关安盛(新加坡)排名的更多信息,请点击此处。
我们在马来西亚的联营律所 Rahmat Lim & Partners 在 9 个执业领域和 6 个行业领域排名,并拥有 8 名领先律师。
我们的缅甸办事处在一般商业法方面被评为“强烈推荐”(《亚洲法律概况》 涵盖的唯一业务领域),并在四个行业领域排名,其中三位合伙人被评为领先律师。
我们在印度尼西亚的联络网律所 Soemadipradja & Taher 在六个执业领域和六个行业领域排名,并拥有六位领先律师。
Allen & Gledhill has received top tier rankings in the practice areas and industry sectors covered by Asialaw Profiles, with the highest number of top tier practice area rankings in Singapore. We have been ranked “Outstanding” in 11 out of 13 practice areas and “Highly recommended” in the other two practice areas. In addition, our Firm is ranked “Outstanding” in six out of eight industry sectors and is “Recommended” in the other two sectors. Thirty of our lawyers have been recognised as Leading Lawyers in Asialaw Leading Lawyers, and 11 of whom have been recognised as “Elite practitioner”.
Our associate firm in Malaysia, Rahmat Lim & Partners, has been ranked in nine practice areas and six industry sectors, and it has eight Leading Lawyers.
Our Myanmar office is ranked “Highly recommended” for general business law (the only practice area covered by Asialaw Profiles), and has been ranked in four industry sectors with three of our Partners being recognised as Leading Lawyers.
Our network firm in Indonesia, Soemadipradja & Taher, has been ranked in six practice areas and six industry sectors, and it has six Leading Lawyers.

Nine Allen & Gledhill lawyers ranked in Who’s Who Legal: Capital Markets 2020 Global Guide
安盛很荣幸地宣布,本所有八位合伙人入选最新版的《法律名人录 - 2020年全球资本市场指南》,并被列为推荐个人,其被视为相应专业领域的领军人物。
- Margaret Chin
- Leonard Ching
- Chua Bor Jern
- Rhys Goh
- Jerry Koh
- Magdalene Leong
- Tan Tze-Gay
- Teh Hoe Yue
- Yeo Wico
Allen & Gledhill is pleased to announce that nine Partners have been ranked in the latest edition of the Who’s Who Legal: Capital Markets 2020 global guide, which identifies the most prominent capital markets lawyers around the globe.
Nine of our A&G lawyers have been named as recommended individuals, who are considered to be leading names in their profession. You may view their profiles by clicking on their names below:
- Margaret Chin
- Leonard Ching
- Chua Bor Jern
- Rhys Goh
- Jerry Koh
- Magdalene Leong
- Tan Tze-Gay
- Teh Hoe Yue
- Yeo Wico
Who’s Who Legal has been identifying the foremost legal practitioners and experts in business law based upon comprehensive, independent research since 1996.

Allen & Gledhill maintains top tier rankings in IFLR1000’s thirtieth edition for Project Development and Restructuring and Insolvency
我们在马来西亚的联营律所 Rahmat Lim & Partners 在项目开发涵盖的所有三个领域(即基础设施、电力以及石油和天然气)保持了第二级。
我们在印度尼西亚的联络网律所 Soemadipradja & Taher 也保持了项目开发和重组及破产方面的排名。
IFLR1000 自 1990 年以来一直在提供法律市场情报,并且仍然是唯一致力于根据金融和企业交易工作对律师事务所和律师进行排名的国际法律名录。
IFLR1000 has announced the third group of national Asia-Pacific rankings for its thirtieth edition. As part of the third group, the ranking tables for Project Development (for Singapore, Malaysia, Myanmar and Indonesia) and Restructuring and Insolvency (for Singapore and Indonesia only) were released.
Allen & Gledhill continues to be ranked Tier 1 in Singapore for Project Development and Restructuring and Insolvency and Allen & Gledhill (Myanmar) has moved up the ranks to Tier 2 in the Project Development category.
Our associate firm in Malaysia, Rahmat Lim & Partners, has maintained its Tier 2 rankings in all three areas covered under Project Development, namely Infrastructure, Power, and Oil and Gas.
Our network firm in Indonesia, Soemadipradja & Taher, has also maintained its rankings for both Project Development and Restructuring and Insolvency.
IFLR1000 has been producing legal market intelligence since 1990 and remains the only international legal directory dedicated to ranking law firms and lawyers on the basis of financial and corporate transactional work.

Eight Allen & Gledhill lawyers ranked in Who’s Who Legal M&A and Governance 2020 Global Guide
安盛很荣幸地宣布,本所有八位合伙人入选最新版的《法律名人录 - 2020年全球并购与治理指南》,该指南列出了全球处理高知名度企业交易、治理和外国投资审查事务的最佳律师。
合伙人Andrew M Lim是新加坡两名被评为全球并购精英思想领袖的律师之一,该奖项旨在表彰考察后被视为出类拔萃的执业律师。安盛另有七名律师被列为推荐个人,其被视为相应专业领域的领军人物。如需查看上述八位律师的个人资料,请点击下方姓名:
- Christine Chan(企业治理领域推荐律师)
- Lee Kim Shin(并购领域推荐律师)
- Andrew M Lim(全球并购精英思想领袖)
- Lim Mei (并购领域推荐律师)
- Christina Ong(企业治理领域推荐律师)
- Prawiro Widjaja(并购领域推荐律师)
- Yap Lune Teng(企业治理领域推荐律师)
- Richard Young(并购与企业治理领域推荐律师)
Allen & Gledhill is pleased to announce that eight Partners have been ranked in the latest edition of the Who’s Who Legal M&A and Governance 2020 global guide, which identifies the foremost lawyers handling high-profile corporate transactions, governance and foreign investment review matters globally.
Partner Andrew M Lim is one of two lawyers in Singapore to be named a Global Elite Thought Leader for M&A, which recognises practitioners that are the best of the best in the research. Seven other A&G lawyers have been included as recommended individuals, who are considered to be leading names in their profession. You may view the profiles of the eight lawyers by clicking on their names below:
- Christine Chan (Recommended in Corporate Governance)
- Lee Kim Shin (Recommended in M&A)
- Andrew M Lim (Global Elite Thought Leader in M&A)
- Lim Mei (Recommended in M&A)
- Christina Ong (Recommended in Corporate Governance)
- Prawiro Widjaja (Recommended in M&A)
- Yap Lune Teng (Recommended in Corporate Governance)
- Richard Young (Recommended in M&A and Corporate Governance)
Who’s Who Legal has been identifying the foremost legal practitioners and experts in business law based upon comprehensive, independent research since 1996.

Allen & Gledhill Intellectual Property Practice ranked as leading firm for copyright & related rights work in Managing IP’s IP STARS 2020
在《知识产权管理》发布的知识产权之星2020 事务所排名中,安盛再次保持其版权及相关工作类别领先事务所的排名。
Allen & Gledhill has once again maintained its ranking as a leading firm in the copyright & related rights category of the IP STARS 2020 firm rankings, which was released by Managing IP.

Allen & Gledhill is a leading law firm for Capital Markets and Investment Funds in IFLR1000’s thirtieth edition
IFLR1000 公布了第三十届的第二组亚太国家排名。作为第二组排名,发布了资本市场(新加坡、马来西亚和印度尼西亚)和投资基金(新加坡)的律所排名表。
安盛继续在新加坡资本市场:债务和资本市场:股权方面排名第一,同时被公认为投资基金(新加坡区域的新类别)领域的领先律师事务所。我们在马来西亚的联营律所 Rahmat Lim & Partners 以及我们在印度尼西亚的联络网律所 Soemadipradja & Taher 保持了资本市场:债务和资本市场:股权的二级排名。
IFLR1000 自 1990 年以来一直在提供法律市场情报,并且仍然是唯一致力于根据金融和企业交易工作对律师事务所和律师进行排名的国际法律名录。
IFLR1000 has announced the second group of national Asia-Pacific rankings for its thirtieth edition. As part of the second group, the ranking tables for Capital Markets (for Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia) and Investment Funds (for Singapore) were released.
Allen & Gledhill continues to be ranked Tier 1 in Singapore for Capital Markets: Debt and Capital Markets: Equity, and have been recognised as a leading law firm for Investment Funds (a new category for Singapore). Our associate firm in Malaysia, Rahmat Lim & Partners, as well as our network firm in Indonesia, Soemadipradja & Taher have maintained their Tier 2 rankings for Capital Markets: Debt and Capital Markets: Equity.
IFLR1000 has been producing legal market intelligence since 1990 and remains the only international legal directory dedicated to ranking law firms and lawyers on the basis of financial and corporate transactional work.

Allen & Gledhill maintains top tier rankings for trademark in the 2020 Asia IP Trademark Survey
安盛在 2020 年亚洲知识产权商标调查中,在商标争议和商标起诉方面保持了第一级排名。
我们在马来西亚的联营律所 Rahmat Lim & Partners 在商标争议方面被该出版物评为第二级。
Allen & Gledhill has maintained its Tier 1 rankings for Trademark Contentious and Trademark Prosecution in the 2020 Asia IP Trademark Survey.
Our associate firm in Malaysia, Rahmat Lim & Partners has attained Tier 2 for Trademark Contentious by the publication.

Allen & Gledhill recognised in world’s top international arbitration practices worldwide
安盛律师事务所在《全球仲裁评论》的年度GAR 百强榜(第13版)中,连续第八年被评为世界顶级国际仲裁业务律所之一。
Allen & Gledhill has been ranked as one of the world’s top international arbitration practices by Global Arbitration Review in its annual GAR 100 rankings (13th edition) for the eighth consecutive year.
Firms are ranked based on a number of factors, including track record, value of current portfolio as counsel, number of arbitral hearings and the number of arbitrator appointments a firm’s members are handling over a two-year period.

Allen & Gledhill Intellectual Property Practice ranked in IAM Patent 1000 2020
安盛的知识产权业务在最新版 IAM Patent 1000 强排名中被评为领先业务。我们的知识产权业务在诉讼类别中被评为“金级”,在起诉类别中被评为“银级”,在交易类别中被评为“推荐”。
本所的合伙人, 资深律师 Dr Stanley Lai、Low Pei Lin和Tham Kok Leong也分别被评为诉讼、起诉和交易领域的领军人物。他们被 IAM Patent 1000 评为“……专利诉讼、起诉和交易的三大巅峰,提供从头到尾的知识产权服务。”
此外,我们在马来西亚的联营律所 Rahmat Lim & Partners 已被评为马来西亚分会的起诉类别。合伙人 Pauline Khor 也被评为诉讼领域的领军人物。
IAM Patent 1000 是一个致力于识别世界领先专利专业人士的名录。
Allen & Gledhill’s Intellectual Property Practice has been recognised in the latest edition of the IAM Patent 1000 rankings. Our Intellectual Property Practice has been ranked “Gold” in the Litigation category, “Silver” in the Prosecution category and “Recommended” in the Transaction category.
Our Firm’s Partners, Dr Stanley Lai, SC, Low Pei Lin, and Tham Kok Leong were also recognised as leading individuals in the Litigation, Prosecution and Transaction categories respectively. They were noted by IAM Patent 1000 to be “…the three pinnacles of patent litigation, prosecution and transactions, delivering cradle-to-grave IP services.”
In addition, our associate firm in Malaysia, Rahmat Lim & Partners has been ranked in the Prosecution category for the Malaysia chapter. Partner Pauline Khor has also been recognised as a leading individual in the Litigation category.
IAM Patent 1000 is a directory dedicated to identifying the world’s leading patent professionals.

Allen & Gledhill maintains top tier rankings in IFLR1000 2021 for Banking and Finance
IFLR1000 公布了 2021 年最新版第一批亚太国家排名。作为第一组排名,发布了的新加坡和马来西亚的银行和金融类别以及印度尼西亚的银行和项目融资类别的律所排名表。
安盛 继续在 2021 年 IFLR1000 新加坡银行和金融领域排名第一。在马来西亚,我们的联营律所 Rahmat Lim & Partners 也保持了其银行和金融领域的第一级排名,而我们在印度尼西亚的联络网律所, Soemadipradja & Taher 继续保持银行和项目融资类别的二级排名。
IFLR1000 是全球领先的金融和公司律师事务所和律师的指南。他们目前研究约 170 个国家的司法管辖区,并根据交易工作对律师事务所和律师进行排名。
IFLR1000 has announced the first group of national Asia-Pacific rankings for its latest 2021 edition. As part of the first group, the ranking tables for the Banking and Finance category in Singapore and Malaysia, along with the Banking and Project Finance categories in Indonesia were released.
Allen & Gledhill continues to be ranked Tier 1 in Singapore for Banking and Finance by IFLR1000 2021. In Malaysia, our associate firm, Rahmat Lim & Partners, has also maintained their Tier 1 ranking for Banking and Finance, while our network firm in Indonesia, Soemadipradja & Taher continues to maintain its Tier 2 rankings for the categories of Banking and Project Finance.
IFLR1000 is the guide to the world's leading financial and corporate law firms and lawyers. They currently research around 170 national jurisdictions and rank law firms and lawyers on the basis of transactional work.

Allen & Gledhill Intellectual Property Practice maintains top tier rankings for patent work in Managing IP’s IP STARS 2020
我们在马来西亚的联营律所 Rahmat Lim & Partners 也被评为同类领域的领先律所。
Allen & Gledhill has once again maintained top tier rankings in the patent contentious and patent prosecution categories of the IP STARS 2020: Patent firm rankings, which was released by Managing IP.
Our associate firm in Malaysia, Rahmat Lim & Partners, has also been recognised as a leading firm in the same categories.

Allen & Gledhill female lawyers recognised in IFLR1000 Women Leaders 2020 – Asia-Pacific and Benchmark Litigation Asia-Pacific's Top 100 Women in Litigation 2020
安盛很荣幸地宣布,本所的几位女律师已被列入《IFLR1000 2020年亚太区女性领军人物指南》和“2020年亚太地区百强诉讼女律师”。
其中三位合伙人Margaret Chin、Lim Mei和Tan Tze Gay被列入《IFLR1000 2020年亚太区女性领军人物指南》,该指南旨在表彰全球领先的女性交易律师精英。本所合伙人是新加坡11位入选女性律师中的成员,自2018年创刊以来一直被列入该指南。
此外,合伙人Vivian Ang和Corina Song是首批被列入Benchmark Litigation“2020年亚太地区百强诉讼女律师”的8位新加坡女律师之一。Vivian是国际仲裁和航运领域的领先律师,而Corina是航运领域的领先律师。该指南介绍了杰出的女诉讼律师,她们参与了近代一些最具影响力的诉讼,并作为各自领域的顶尖律师赢得了客户和同行来之不易的尊重,也因此赢得上述荣誉。
Allen & Gledhill is pleased to announce that several of our female lawyers have been listed in two publications, IFLR1000 Women Leaders 2020 – Asia-Pacific and Benchmark Litigation Asia-Pacific's Top 100 Women in Litigation 2020.
Three of our Partners Margaret Chin, Lim Mei and Tan Tze Gay have been named in IFLR1000 Women Leaders 2020 – Asia-Pacific, a guide that recognises the elite cohort of leading female transactional lawyers in the world. Our Partners are among the 11 female lawyers who are exclusively named in Singapore, and have been listed in the guide since its inaugural edition in 2018.
In addition, Partners Vivian Ang and Corina Song are among the eight Singapore female lawyers who have been recognised in the inaugural edition of Benchmark Litigation Asia-Pacific's Top 100 Women in Litigation 2020. Vivian is a leading lawyer for International Arbitration and Shipping, while Corina is a leading lawyer for Shipping. The guide profiles leading women litigators who have earned their place by participating in some of the most impactful litigation matters in recent history, as well as by earning the hard-won respect of clients and peers as top players in their respective fields.
Earlier this year in April 2020, Allen & Gledhill announced that seven of our lawyers have been inducted into the inaugural Hall of Fame by The Legal 500. Our Firm has the most number of lawyers named in the Hall of Fame in Singapore.

Allen & Gledhill named Best Law Firm in Singapore in FinanceAsia’s Country Awards 2020
安盛在《亚洲金融》2020 年国家奖中被评为新加坡最佳律师事务所。
《亚洲金融》 的国家奖是一系列奖项,旨在表彰亚洲国内市场上最好的银行、经纪商、律师事务所以及评级机构。
Allen & Gledhill has been named Best Law Firm in Singapore in FinanceAsia’s Country Awards 2020.
FinanceAsia's Country Awards is a series of awards that recognise the best banks, brokers, law firms in Asia’s domestic markets, as well as ratings agencies.
This award recognises outstanding law firms which have undertaken ground-breaking transactions, demonstrated creativity in service to clients, as well as successfully navigated complex regulatory issues across multiple jurisdictions and practice areas.

Allen & Gledhill Intellectual Property Practice ranked Tier 1 by Asian Legal Business
在ALB发布的 2020 年知识产权排名报告中,安盛继续位列新加坡专利和版权/商标工作第一级。该排名基于从公司提交的材料、访谈、市场建议和其他编辑资源中获取的信息,以确定亚洲知识产权领域的顶级公司并对其进行排名。
此外,我们的联营律所 Rahmat Lim & Partners 在马来西亚也获得了同一份报告的认可。
Allen & Gledhill continues to be ranked Tier 1 for Patents and Copyright/Trademarks work in Singapore in the Intellectual Property Rankings 2020 report released by Asian Legal Business. The rankings are based on information drawn from firm submissions, interviews, market suggestions and other editorial resources to identify and rank the top firms for intellectual property in Asia.
In addition, our associate firm, Rahmat Lim & Partners, has been recognised in Malaysia in the same report.

Allen & Gledhill named Most Innovative National Law Firm of the Year (Singapore) at the IFLR Asia-Pacific Awards 2020
此外,本所还因参与年度高收益交易(Medco Energi Internasional)而受到表彰。
Allen & Gledhill has been named Most Innovative National Law Firm of the Year (Singapore) at the prestigious International Financial Law Review (IFLR) Asia-Pacific Awards 2020. This is the 19th time that Allen & Gledhill has won the country law firm award for Singapore since the inception of the IFLR Asia-Pacific Awards in 2000.
In addition, our Firm was recognised for our involvement in the High Yield Deal of the Year (Medco Energi Internasional).
Results for the awards were published by IFLR on Thursday, 7 May 2020.
The IFLR Asia-Pacific Awards recognises the region’s most innovative deals, and firms that worked on them. First published in 1982, IFLR is a market-leading financial law publication for lawyers specialising in international finance and finance institutions, corporates and in private practice.
Over the years, Allen & Gledhill has been recognised as a leading law firm by many leading legal publishers. Earlier this year, our Firm was named Singapore Corporate & Finance Domestic Law Advisers at the Chambers Asia-Pacific Awards 2020.

Allen & Gledhill ranked top tier in Benchmark Litigation Asia-Pacific 2020
安盛在2020年争议解决榜单中涵盖的业务领域中获得顶级排名。在争议解决榜单对 2019年完成的工作进行的审查中,本所在商业和交易、破产、国际仲裁(国内)、航运以及知识产权领域继续排名第一,在建筑领域排名第二。此外,我们在家庭和婚姻、白领犯罪领域也获得认可。
除此之外,本所有 13 人被评为争议解决之星,2 人被评为未来之星。
我们在马来西亚的联营律所 Rahmat Lim & Partners 在建筑业排名第二,在商业和交易与劳工和就业方面排名第三。该所首次在竞争与反垄断方面获得排名。除了实践排名之外,还有一名律师被评为争议解决之星,两名被评为未来之星。
我们在印度尼西亚的联络网律所 Soemadipradja & Taher 在商业和交易方面被评为二级,其中一位律师被评为诉讼明星。
Allen & Gledhill has received top tier rankings in the practice areas covered by Benchmark Litigation Asia-Pacific 2020. In the review conducted by Benchmark for work completed in 2019, our Firm continues to be ranked Tier 1 in Commercial and Transactions, Insolvency, International Arbitration – Domestic, Intellectual Property and Shipping, as well as Tier 2 in Construction. We have also been ranked for Family and Matrimonial and White Collar Crime.
In addition, 13 Partners have been ranked as Litigation Stars and two Partners have been ranked as Future Stars.
Rahmat Lim & Partners, our associate firm in Malaysia, has been ranked Tier 2 in Construction and Tier 3 in Commercial and Transactions, and Labor and Employment. The Firm is ranked for the first time for Competition/antitrust. On top of the practice rankings, one Partner has been ranked as a Litigation Star and two Partners have been ranked as Future Stars.
Soemadipradja & Taher, our network firm in Indonesia, has been ranked Tier 2 in Commercial and Transactions, with a Partner ranked as a Litigation Star.
Benchmark exclusively covers the litigation and disputes market, researchers conduct extensive interview with litigators, dispute resolution specialists and their clients to identify the world’s leading litigation firms and lawyers.

Seven Allen & Gledhill lawyers inducted into The Legal 500 Hall of Fame
- Vivian Ang (航运)
- Andrew Chan(重组和破产)
- Margaret Chin(资本市场:股票和债务)
- Penny Goh (房地产)
- Andrew M Lim(企业与并购)
- Lim Mei (企业与并购)
- Tan Tze Gay(资本市场:股票和债务)
此外,我们马来西亚联营律所 Rahmat Lim & Partners 的合伙人 Pauline Khor 也入选马来西亚知识产权名人堂。
我们印度尼西亚联络网律所 Soemadipradja & Taher 的高级合伙人 Rahmat Soemadiradja 也入选印度尼西亚项目和能源名人堂。
今年早些时候的 2020 年 1 月,安盛在 2020年亚太《法律500强》中被评为东南亚领先律师事务所,拥有最多的一级执业排名和被列为最多领军人物的律师数量。
Allen & Gledhill is pleased to announce that seven of our lawyers have been inducted into the inaugural Hall of Fame by The Legal 500. Our Firm has the most number of lawyers named in the Hall of Fame in Singapore. You may view the profiles of the seven Hall of Fame lawyers by clicking on their names below:
- Vivian Ang (Shipping)
- Andrew Chan (Restructuring and Insolvency)
- Margaret Chin (Capital Markets: Equity and Debt)
- Penny Goh (Real Estate)
- Andrew M Lim (Corporate and M&A)
- Lim Mei (Corporate and M&A)
- Tan Tze Gay (Capital Markets: Equity and Debt)
In addition, Partner, Pauline Khor of our associate firm in Malaysia, Rahmat Lim & Partners, has been recognised in the Hall of Fame for Intellectual Property in Malaysia.
Senior Partner, Rahmat Soemadipradja of our network firm in Indonesia, Soemadipradja & Taher has been admitted in the Hall of Fame for Projects and Energy in Indonesia.
The Legal 500 Hall of Fame highlights individuals who are at the pinnacle of the profession and have received constant praise from their clients for continued excellence. The requirement for this honour includes being ranked as a Leading Individual by The Legal 500 for at least eight years consecutively. For more information about The Legal 500 Hall of Fame, please click here.
Earlier this year in January 2020, Allen & Gledhill has been recognised as a leading law firm in South-east Asia in The Legal 500 Asia Pacific 2020, with the highest number of Tier 1 practice rankings and lawyers listed as Leading Individuals in Singapore.

Allen & Gledhill named Singapore Corporate & Finance Domestic Law Advisers at Chambers Asia-Pacific Awards 2020
自 2010 年钱伯斯设立该奖项以来,这是安盛第五次获得认可,是新加坡律师事务所中获得认可最多次数的律师事务所。
Allen & Gledhill has won the Singapore Corporate & Finance Domestic Law Advisers award at the Chambers Asia-Pacific Awards 2020.
This is the fifth time Allen & Gledhill has received recognition from Chambers and Partners, the most among Singapore law firms, since the inception of the Awards in 2010.
The Chambers Asia-Pacific Awards honour the work of national and international law firms across the region based on the research carried out for the recent edition of the Chambers Asia-Pacific guide. They recognise a law firm’s pre-eminence in key jurisdictions in the region and also reflect notable achievements over the past 12 months, including outstanding work, impressive strategic growth and excellence in client service.

Allen & Gledhill Intellectual Property Practice maintains top tier rankings for trade mark work in Managing IP’s IP Stars 2020
在《知识产权管理》 发布的 2020 年知识产权之星排名中,安盛在商标争议和商标起诉类别中保持着顶级排名。
我们在马来西亚的联营律所 Rahmat Lim & Partners 也被评为同类领域的领先律所。
Allen & Gledhill has maintained its top tier rankings in the trade mark contentious and trade mark prosecution categories of the IP Stars 2020 Firm Rankings release by Managing IP.
Our associate firm in Malaysia, Rahmat Lim & Partners, has also been recognised as a leading firm in the same categories.

Allen & Gledhill maintains top tier ranking in the Asia IP Copyright Survey 2020 rankings
在 Asia IP 2020年版权排名中,安盛在新加坡的版权工作方面保持了第一级排名。
我们在马来西亚的联营律所 Rahmat Lim & Partners 也被该出版物评为版权第二级。
Allen & Gledhill’s Intellectual Property Practice has once again achieved the Tier 1 ranking in the Asia IP Copyright Survey 2020.
Our associate Firm in Malaysia, Rahmat Lim & Partners were ranked Tier 2 in the same survey.

Allen & Gledhill Intellectual Property Practice continues to be ranked as a leading practice in World Trademark Review 1000 2020
安盛的知识产权业务再次被 2020 年版的WTR 1000 评为领先业务。我们的知识产权业务在执法和诉讼以及起诉和战略类别中均获得认可。
本所的合伙人,资深律师Stanley Lai和Low Pei Lin也分别被评为 WTR 1000 2020 执法和诉讼领域、起诉和战略领域的领军人物。
此外,我们在马来西亚的联营律所 Rahmat Lim & Partners 被评为领先的知识产权律师事务所,Pauline Khor 在同一出版物中被评为起诉和战略领域的领军人物。
WTR 1000 是一个致力于识别全球领先商标法律服务提供商的名录。
Allen & Gledhill’s Intellectual Property Practice has once again been recognised as a leading practice in the 2020 edition of The World Trademark Review 1000 (“WTR 1000”). Our Intellectual Property Practice was recognised in both the Enforcement and Litigation, and Prosecution and Strategy categories.
Our Firm’s Partners, Dr Stanley Lai, SC and Low Pei Lin have also been recognised as leading individuals in WTR 1000 2020 for Enforcement and Litigation, and Prosecution and Strategy respectively.
In addition, our associate firm in Malaysia, Rahmat Lim & Partners, has been ranked as a leading intellectual property practice, with Pauline Khor recognised as a leading individual for Prosecution and Strategy in the same publication.
WTR 1000 is a directory dedicated to identifying the world’s leading trade mark legal service providers.

Allen & Gledhill wins Patent Firm of the Year - Singapore at Global IP Awards 2020
安盛律师事务所于 2020 年 1 月 29 日星期三在伦敦举行的 2020 年全球知识产权奖中荣获新加坡年度专利事务所奖。
2020 年全球知识产权奖旨在表彰知识产权公司 2019 年在诉讼、起诉和交易工作方面取得的杰出成就。基于 Global IP 驻欧洲的全职记者和专门研究人员的集体知识和见解,并借鉴了许多战略性成果Global IP 根据数据点确定了过去 12 个月内取得的成就值得认可的公司。总共有 113 个奖项颁发给了来自全球各地的公司,突显了全球企业知识产权团队所拥有的知识产权专业知识的深度和广泛性。
Allen & Gledhill has won the Patent Firm of the Year – Singapore award at the Global IP Awards 2020 which took place in London on Wednesday, 29 January 2020.
The Global IP Awards 2020 recognise the outstanding achievements of IP firms in litigation, prosecution and transactional work during 2019. Based on the collective knowledge and insight by Global IP’s full-time journalists and dedicated researchers based in Europe, and drawing on a number of strategic data points, Global IP identified the firms that deserve recognition for their achievements across the past 12 months. In total, 113 awards were awarded to firms from across the globe, highlighting the depth and spread of IP expertise available to corporate IP teams the world over.

Allen & Gledhill ranked in top band of “Elite” by Global Competition Review
本所的马来西亚联营律所 Rahmat Lim & Partners 是同一刊物推介的律所。GCR是一家领先的反垄断与竞争法期刊及新闻服务机构,由法律商业研究有限公司出版。
Allen & Gledhill continues to be ranked in the top band of “Elite” by Global Competition Review (GCR) in its GCR100 2020 listing of the world’s top competition practices. Our Competition & Antitrust Practice is recognised as an elite team backed by a group of talented competition economists and analysts to better provide clients with legal advice and economic analysis. Allen & Gledhill has been ranked in the top band of “Elite” since GCR began covering Singapore as a jurisdiction in 2013.
Our associate firm in Malaysia, Rahmat Lim & Partners is a recommended firm in the same publication.
GCR is a leading antitrust and competition publication and news service published by Law Business Research.

Allen & Gledhill voted Asian-mena Counsel In-House Community Firm of the Year 2019
- 反垄断/竞争
- 监管/合规
- 企业与并购
- 劳动就业
在马来西亚,我们的联营律所 Rahmat Lim & Partners 被评为 2019 年企业和并购类别年度最佳律所。
在印度尼西亚,我们的联络网律所 Soemadipradja & Taher 获得了反垄断/竞争和最具反应国内公司类别的荣誉奖。
Allen & Gledhill has been voted Asian-mena Counsel In-House Community Firm of the Year 2019 in five categories.
Apart from being awarded the Most Responsive Domestic Firm of the Year, Singapore, our Firm was also voted Firm of the Year for the following categories in Singapore:
- Anti-Trust / Competition
- Compliance / Regulatory
- Corporate and M&A
- Employment
In addition, we received Honourable Mentions in the categories of Capital Markets, International Arbitration and Projects and Project Financing.
In Malaysia, our associate firm, Rahmat Lim & Partners, was voted Firm of the Year 2019 in the Corporate and M&A category.
In Indonesia, our network firm, Soemadipradja & Taher received Honourable Mentions in the categories of Anti-Trust / Competition, and Most Responsive Domestic Firm.
This year, 3,376 in-house lawyers and buyers of legal services in 12 jurisdictions took part in this survey to express who their preferred external counsel in various areas are and why. These in-house counsel conveyed which law firms had served them best across a range of practice areas, which have been the most responsive to their needs, as well as those which have made a significant impression on them during the past year.

Allen & Gledhill ranked top-tier in Chambers FinTech 2020
安盛在2020 年《钱伯斯金融科技》新加坡管辖类别下的法律部分保持了第一级排名。该出版物指出,本所 “因其对金融科技领域法规的了解而受到特别赞扬”,并且客户因安盛对“法律意识的先驱”而表示认可。
Allen & Gledhill maintained its Band 1 ranking in the Legal section under the Singapore jurisdiction category in Chambers FinTech 2020. The publication notes that our Firm is “especially praised for its knowledge of the regulations in the FinTech space”, and that clients have acknowledged Allen & Gledhill to be “forerunners in their awareness of the laws”.
Chambers FinTech is a comprehensive guide to the leading FinTech professionals across the world. Chambers recommendations are based on several months of research by a dedicated, independent team conducting hundreds of in-depth interviews with leading innovators and experts worldwide.

Allen & Gledhill is a leading law firm in South-east Asia in The Legal 500 Asia Pacific 2020
本所的马来西亚联营律所 Rahmat Lim & Partners 在银行与金融、企业与并购、房地产与建筑以及项目与能源领域继续获得第一梯队排名。该所在争端解决领域将其排名提升至第二梯队,并产生六名领军人物。
本所的缅甸大区分所在企业与并购以及项目领域继续获得第一梯队排名,这是缅甸仅有的两个亚太律所500强上榜门类。执行董事Minn Naing Oo继续被评为这两个门类的领军人物。
本所的印度尼西亚联络网律所 Soemadipradja & Taher 在争端解决、劳工与雇佣以及房地产领域继续获得第一梯队排名。该所产生两名领军人物。
Allen & Gledhill maintains its position as a leading law firm in South-east Asia in The Legal 500 Asia Pacific 2020, with the highest number of Tier 1 practice rankings and lawyers listed as Leading Individuals in Singapore. Our Firm has achieved more Tier 1 practice rankings and Leading Individuals as compared to last year.
Our associate firm in Malaysia, Rahmat Lim & Partners continues to be ranked Tier 1 in Banking and Finance, Corporate and M&A, Real Estate and Construction as well as Projects and Energy. They have improved their ranking to Tier 2 in Dispute Resolution and have six Leading Individuals.
Our Myanmar office continues to be ranked Tier 1 in Corporate and M&A and Projects, the only two categories covered by The Legal 500 Asia Pacific for Myanmar. Managing Director, Minn Naing Oo, continues to be listed as a Leading Individual in the two categories.
Our network firm in Indonesia, Soemadipradja & Taher continues to be ranked Tier 1 in Dispute Resolution, Labour and Employment as well as Real Estate. They have two Leading Individuals.

Allen & Gledhill ranked in top 50 foreign law firms in RSG India Rankings
Allen & Gledhill has been ranked in the 21st position by RSG India Report 2019 in its Top 50 Foreign Law Firms rankings. Our Firm is the highest ranked firm among firms without a United Kingdom or United States sole or dual headquarters.
The research for the 2019 RSG assessed Indian law firms against 150 different key performance indicators and foreign law firms against 50 indicators. The report is digitally published for the first time and more information about the report can be found here.

Allen & Gledhill and its network firms, Rahmat Lim & Partners and Soemadipradja & Taher, recognised as leading law firms in South-east Asia in Chambers Asia-Pacific 2020
与去年相比,安盛在 2020 年版《钱伯斯亚太》中继续在新加坡取得更多第一级执业排名。我们事务所拥有 54 名排名律师,是新加坡排名律师数量最多的律师事务所,其中三人分别被评为“杰出执业者”、“高级政治家”和“明星个人”。
在马来西亚,我们的联营律所 Rahmat Lim & Partners 在企业/并购及项目、基础设施和能源领域继续排名第一,并拥有九名律师排名。
在印度尼西亚,本所的联络网律所 Soemadipradja & Taher 在争议解决方面继续排名第一。他们有五位高级律师排名,其中一位被认为是“高级政治家”。
Allen & Gledhill continues to achieve more Band 1 practice rankings in Singapore as compared to last year in the 2020 edition of Chambers Asia-Pacific. Our Firm has 54 ranked lawyers, the highest number of ranked lawyers in Singapore, and three of whom have been individually recognised as an ‘Eminent Practitioner’, a ‘Senior Statesperson’ and a ‘Star Individual’.
In Malaysia, our associate firm, Rahmat Lim & Partners, continues to be ranked Band 1 in Corporate/M&A and Projects, Infrastructure & Energy. They have nine ranked lawyers.
In Myanmar, Allen & Gledhill (Myanmar) has moved up its ranking to Band 1 in General Business Law in Myanmar. Two of our Myanmar lawyers were ranked.
In Indonesia, our network firm, Soemadipradja & Taher, continues to be ranked Band 1 in Dispute Resolution. They have five ranked lawyers, one of whom has been recognised as ‘Senior Statesperson’.

Allen & Gledhill recognised in top 100 corporate investigations practices worldwide
Allen & Gledhill has been ranked as one of the world’s top investigations practices by Global Investigations Review (GIR) in its annual GIR 100 2019 rankings.
The GIR 100 is an annual guide to the world’s leading cross-border investigations practices. The guide aims to determine the top 100 firms from around the world which handle sophisticated cross-border government-led and internal investigations.

Allen & Gledhill ranked in Asia IP Patent Survey 2019 Rankings
在 Asia IP 2019 年专利调查排名中,安盛在新加坡的专利纠纷和专利审查分类保持了第一级排名。
我们在马来西亚的联营律所 Rahmat Lim & Partners 在专利纠纷类别中的排名已提升至第一级,同时在同一出版物中的专利审查类别中保持第二级排名。
Allen & Gledhill has maintained its Tier 1 rankings in Patent Contentious and Patent Prosecution in Asia IP Patent Survey 2019 Rankings.
Our associate Firm in Malaysia, Rahmat Lim & Partners has improved its ranking to Tier 1 for Patent Contentious category, while maintaining its Tier 2 ranking in Patent Prosecution in the same publication.

Allen & Gledhill is the only Singapore law firm ranked Tier 1 in World Tax 2020
世界税务排名是一个提供最高效税务专业人士排名和简介的目录,涵盖各大洲 100 多个司法管辖区。
Allen & Gledhill has maintained its Tier 1 ranking for the Singapore category of World Tax 2020. We are the only Singapore law firm ranked in this tier.
World Tax is a directory which provides rankings and profiles of the most effective tax professionals, covering more than 100 jurisdictions located on every continent.

Allen & Gledhill maintains top tier rankings in IFLR1000 2020
在2020 年版 IFLR1000 中,安盛在所有新加坡执业领域中继续排名第一。这些领域包括银行和金融、资本市场:债务、资本市场:股权、公司和并购、项目开发以及重组和破产。此外,21 名合伙人被评为领军人物,为新加坡律师事务所中数量最多的。在这 21 家合作伙伴中,其中 3 家被评为“市场领导者”,被 IFLR1000 定义为“各自领域的真正领导者……拥有备受瞩目的创新交易记录,并被公认为所在国家或实践中的杰出表现者”区域”。
在马来西亚,我们的联营律所 Rahmat Lim & Partners 已将其企业和并购排名提升至第一级。他们还将其项目开发:电力和项目开发:石油和天然气排名提升至第二级。他们在其他领域保持了排名,包括银行和金融(第 1 级)、资本市场:债务(第 2 级)、资本市场:股权(第 2 级)和项目开发:基础设施(第 2 级)。 Rahmat Lim & Partners 拥有 10 名合伙人被评为“备受推崇的律师”,是马来西亚律师事务所中数量最多的。此外,两名合作伙伴在 2020 年版 IFLR1000 中被评为“新星”。
在缅甸,安盛(缅甸)在金融和企业类别中保持了二级排名。他们还首次在项目开发类别中获得了第三级排名。管理合伙人Minn Naing Oo 继续被公认为“备受推崇的律师”。
我们的联络网律所 Soemadipradja & Taher 在印度尼西亚 IFLR1000 涵盖的所有业务领域均进行了排名。他们在银行和金融、资本市场:债务、资本市场:股权、企业和并购、项目开发和项目融资等类别中获得二级排名。此外,他们还获得了重组和破产类别的第三级排名。 Soemadipradja & Taher 的两位律师还在最新版 IFLR1000 排名中被评为“备受推崇的律师”。
Allen & Gledhill continues to be ranked Tier 1 across all Singapore practice areas covered by IFLR1000 in its latest 2020 edition. These are Banking and Finance, Capital markets: Debt, Capital markets: Equity, Corporate and M&A, Project Development, and Restructuring and Insolvency. In addition, Allen & Gledhill has 21 Partners recognised as leading individuals, the highest number among Singapore law firms. Of these 21 Partners, three have been recognised as ‘Market Leaders’, defined by IFLR1000 as “true leaders of their field…[who] have a track record of high profile innovative deals and are recognised as the standout performers in their country or practice area”.
In Malaysia, our associate firm, Rahmat Lim & Partners, has improved its Corporate and M&A ranking to Tier 1. They have also improved their Project development: Power, and Project development: Oil and gas rankings to Tier 2. They maintained their rankings across the other practice areas covered by IFLR1000, namely, Banking and Finance (Tier 1), Capital markets: Debt (Tier 2), Capital markets: Equity (Tier 2), and Project development: Infrastructure (Tier 2). Rahmat Lim & Partners has ten Partners recognised as ‘Highly Regarded Lawyers’, the highest number among Malaysia law firms. Additionally, two Partners have been recognised as ‘Rising Stars’ in the 2020 edition of IFLR1000.
In Myanmar, Allen & Gledhill (Myanmar) has maintained its Tier 2 ranking for the Financial and Corporate category. They have also achieved Tier 3 ranking for the first time in the Project Development category. Managing Director, Minn Naing Oo continues to be recognised as a ‘Highly Regarded Lawyer’.
Our network firm, Soemadipradja & Taher, has been ranked across all practice areas covered by IFLR1000 in Indonesia. They achieved Tier 2 ranking in the categories of Banking and Finance, Capital markets: Debt, Capital markets: Equity, Corporate and M&A, Project Development, and Project Finance. Additionally, they achieved Tier 3 ranking for the category of Restructuring and Insolvency. Two lawyers from Soemadipradja & Taher have also been recognised as ‘Highly Regarded Lawyers’ in the latest edition of the IFLR1000 rankings.

Allen & Gledhill wins Firm of the Year at Benchmark Litigation Asia-Pacific Awards 2019
安盛于 2019 年 9 月 19 日星期四在香港举行的 2019 年基准诉讼亚太大奖中荣获新加坡年度最佳律师事务所奖。
- Goldilocks Investment Co Ltd v Noble Group Ltd
- 城市丰收教会违反信托案
- Global Switch 对 Arup 提起与数据中心断电相关的诉讼
争议解决榜单奖项根据创新性、复杂性和影响力进行评判。获奖者是根据对诉讼、争议解决专家及其客户的广泛访谈进行的研究选出的,以确定领先的诉讼律师和律师事务所。该奖项旨在表彰争议解决榜单中涵盖的 12 个司法管辖区中的最佳诉讼和争议解决事务所和律师。它针对的是那些在一系列业务领域就当地法律事务向客户提供咨询方面表现出杰出成就的人士。
Allen & Gledhill has won the Firm of the Year – Singapore award at the Benchmark Litigation Asia-Pacific Awards 2019 which took place in Hong Kong on Thursday, 19 September 2019.
In addition to the Firm of the Year award, our Firm was awarded the following Matters of the Year awards:
- Goldilocks Investment Co Ltd v Noble Group Ltd
- City Harvest Church Breach of Trust Case
- Global Switch lawsuit against Arup relating to data centre power outage
Bnchmark Litigation awards are judged according to innovation, complexity and impact. Winners were chosen according to research conducted through extensive interviews with litigations, dispute resolution specialists and their clients to identify the leading litigators and firms. The awards recognise the best litigation and dispute resolution firms and lawyers in each of the 12 jurisdictions covered by Benchmark Litigation Asia-Pacific directory. It is aimed at those who have displayed outstanding achievement in advising clients on local law matters, across a range of practice areas.

Allen & Gledhill and its network firms ranked in ALB M&A Rankings 2019
在《亚洲法律杂志》发布的 2019 年并购排名报告中,安盛继续位列新加坡国内类别第一级。
在同一份报告中,我们的联营律所 Rahmat Lim & Partners 保持了马来西亚第一级的排名,而我们的联络网律所 Soemadipradja & Taher 在印度尼西亚排名第二。
Allen & Gledhill continues to be ranked in Tier 1 in the Singapore Domestic category of the M&A Rankings 2019 report released by Asian Legal Business.
Our associate firm, Rahmat Lim & Partners has maintained its ranking in Tier 1 in Malaysia and our network firm, Soemadipradja & Taher is ranked in Tier 2 in Indonesia in the same report.
The rankings are based on information drawn from firm submissions, Thomson Reuters M&A data, interviews, editorial resources and market suggestions to identify and rank the top firms for M&A in Asia.

Allen & Gledhill ranked in top 100 Restructuring & Insolvency practices worldwide and recognised in Global Restructuring Awards 2019
安盛律师事务所在《全球重组评论》(GRR)的GRR百强榜(第三版)中,被评为全球重组与破产业务百强律所之一。百强榜于 2019 年 6 月 15 日在巴塞罗那举行的 GRR 第三届年度颁奖礼上揭晓。
在颁奖礼上,本所因参与来宝集团重组事宜而荣获 “跨境重组与破产创新” 奖。
Allen & Gledhill has been ranked as one of the world’s top Restructuring & Insolvency practices by Global Restructuring Review (GRR) in the third edition of GRR 100 rankings. This was unveiled at GRR’s third annual awards ceremony held on 15 June 2019 at Barcelona.
Our Firm also won the “Innovation in cross-border restructuring and insolvency” award for our involvement in the Noble Group Restructuring matter.
The GRR 100 is an annual guide to the world’s leading cross-border restructuring and insolvency practices. The guide aims to determine the top law firms from around the world GRR can recommend as a safe pair of hands for carrying out insolvency and restructuring work with an international dimension.

Allen & Gledhill Intellectual Property Practice ranked in IAM Patent 1000 2019
在 2018 年版 IAM Patent 1000 中,安盛的知识产权业务被该出版物研究的两个类别(即诉讼和交易以及起诉)列为领先业务。
本所的合伙人,资深律师Dr Stanley Lai和Low Pei Lin也分别被评为 2018 年 IAM Patent 1000 强中诉讼起诉领域的领军人物。
此外,本所在马来西亚的联营律所 Rahmat Lim & Partners 也被列为领先律师事务所。合伙人 Pauline Khor 也被公认为诉讼和交易领域的领先个人。
IAM Patent 1000 是一个致力于识别世界领先专利专业人士的名录。
In the 2019 edition of IAM Patent 1000, Allen & Gledhill’s Intellectual Property Practice has been ranked “Gold” in Litigation category and “Recommended” in Prosecution category.
Our Firm’s Partners, Dr Stanley Lai, SC and Low Pei Lin have also been recognised as top-tiered leading individuals in IAM Patent 1000 2019 for Litigation and Prosecution respectively.
In addition, our associate firm in Malaysia, Rahmat Lim & Partners, has been listed in the Litigation and Transaction and Prosecution categories for the Malaysia chapter. Partner Pauline Khor has also been recognised for Litigation and Transactions.
IAM Patent 1000 is a directory dedicated to identifying the world’s leading patent professionals.

Allen & Gledhill wins Editor’s Choice Impact Deal of the Year awards at Asialaw Regional Awards 2019
- 来宝集团重组(该地区具有里程碑意义的重组)
- 联盟收购Global Logistics Properties(亚洲最大的私募股权收购)
- 沃尔玛收购弗利普卡特(沃尔玛有史以来最大的电子商务领域投资)
Allen & Gledhill has won several Editor’s Choice Impact Deal of the Year awards at the Asialaw Regional Awards 2019 in Hong Kong on 30 May 2019, for our involvement in the following matters:
- Noble Group restructuring (a landmark restructuring in the region)
- Acquisition by a consortium of Global Logistic Properties (Asia’s largest private equity buyout)
- Walmart acquisition of Flipkart (Walmart’s largest-ever investment in e-commerce)
The Editor’s Choice Impact Deal of the Year awards recognise firms involved in cases and deals which had a national and regional impact in 2018.
Results for the Asialaw Regional Awards are based on the research conducted for the 2019 edition of Asialaw guide and firms were judged on innovation, complexity and impact.

Allen & Gledhill wins regional award at the In-House Community: Counsel of the Year Awards 2019
这是该刊物首次按不同的法域分别颁发该奖项 - 国际、东南亚、中东及印度。
Allen & Gledhill has won the Deal Firm of the Year – South East Asia, 2018 at the In House Community: Counsel of the Year Awards 2019 which took place in Hong Kong on 30 May 2019.
The award is given to the law firm with the most number of winning deals as well as the law firm which worked on most unique, innovative and complex deals.
This is the first time that the publication is giving out this award for the different jurisdictions - International, South-east Asia, Middle-east and India.

Allen & Gledhill maintains top tier rankings in IFLR1000 2019
在2019 年版 IFLR1000 中,安盛在所有新加坡执业领域中继续排名第一。这些领域包括银行和金融、资本市场、公司和并购、项目开发以及重组和破产。
此外,还有 23 名个人被评为领军人物,为新加坡律师事务所中人数最多的。在这 23 名个人中,有 4 名被 IFLR1000 评为“市场领导者”,被 IFLR1000 定义为其所在领域的真正领导者......[他们]拥有备受瞩目的创新交易记录,并被公认为所在国家或实践中的杰出表现者区域。
在缅甸,安盛(缅甸)在金融和企业类别中保持了二级排名,管理合伙人Minn Naing Oo 被认可为备受推崇的律师。
在马来西亚,我们的联营律所 Rahmat Lim & Partners 已将其银行和金融类别的排名提升至第一级,同时在 IFLR1000 涵盖的其他马来西亚业务领域(即资本市场、企业与并购以及项目开发)保持其排名。 Rahmat Lim & Partners 拥有马来西亚最多的排名律师,有 12 名合伙人获得 2019 年版 IFLR1000 认可。
Allen & Gledhill continues to be ranked Tier 1 across all Singapore practice areas covered by IFLR1000 in its latest 2019 edition. These are Banking and Finance, Capital Markets, Corporate and M&A, Project Development, and Restructuring and Insolvency.
In addition, 23 individuals have been ranked as leading lawyers, the highest number among Singapore law firms. Out of these 23 individuals, four have been recognised as “Market Leaders”, defined by IFLR1000 as true leaders of their field…[who] have a track record of high profile innovative deals and are recognised as the standout performers in their country or practice area.
In Myanmar, Allen & Gledhill (Myanmar) has maintained its Tier 2 ranking for the Financial and Corporate category, with Managing Director Minn Naing Oo recognised as a Highly Regarded lawyer.
In Malaysia, our associate firm, Rahmat Lim & Partners, has improved its ranking to Tier 1 for the Banking and Finance category, while maintaining its rankings across the other Malaysia practice areas covered by IFLR1000, namely Capital Markets, Corporate and M&A and Project Development. Rahmat Lim & Partners has the highest number of ranked lawyers in Malaysia with 12 Partners recognised in the 2019 edition of IFLR1000.

Allen & Gledhill Intellectual Property Practice ranked Tier 1 by Asian Legal Business 2019
在《亚洲法律杂志》发布的 2019 年知识产权排名报告中,安盛继续位列新加坡专利和版权/商标工作第一级。
此外,我们在马来西亚的联营律所 Rahmat Lim & Partners 在马来西亚也获得了同一份报告的认可。
Allen & Gledhill continues to be ranked Tier 1 for Patents and Copyright/Trademarks work in Singapore in the Intellectual Property Rankings 2019 report released by Asian Legal Business. The rankings are based on information drawn from firm submissions, interviews, market suggestions and other editorial resources to identify and rank the top firms for intellectual property in Asia.
In addition, our associate firm, Rahmat Lim & Partners, has been recognised in Malaysia in the same report.

Allen & Gledhill Intellectual Property Practice ranked as leading firm for copyright & related rights work in Managing IP’s IP Stars 2019
Allen & Gledhill has once again maintained its ranking as a leading firm in the copyright & related rights category of the IP Stars 2019 Firm Rankings released by Managing IP.

Allen & Gledhill maintains top tier rankings for trademark and copyright in Asia IP 2019 trademark and copyright survey rankings
在 Asia IP 2019 年商标和版权排名中,安盛在新加坡的商标申请、商标争议和版权方面保持了第一级排名。
我们在马来西亚的联营律所 Rahmat Lim & Partners 也被该出版物评为商标争议第一级和版权第二级。
Allen & Gledhill has maintained its Tier 1 rankings in Trademark Prosecution, Trademark Contentious and Copyright in Singapore in Asia IP’s 2019 Trademark and Copyright rankings.
Our associate Firm in Malaysia, Rahmat Lim & Partners was also ranked Tier 1 in Trademark Contentious and Tier 2 in Copyright by the publication.

Allen & Gledhill recognised as one of the top 25 law firms in Asia Pacific at Financial Times Innovative Lawyers Awards 2019
- 受到高度赞许:旨在帮助客户进入新市场及获得资本的法律咨询 - Astrea IV私募股权证券化
- 受到赞许:旨在实现业务增长与转型的法律咨询 - 专家级医疗专业知识在线平台
Allen & Gledhill has been named as one of the top 25 law firms headquartered in Asia Pacific by the Financial Times Innovative Lawyers Awards 2019.
We have also been recognised for our involvement in the “Legal Expertise” category for the following matters:
- Highly Commended: Legal advice to help clients access new markets and capital – Astrea IV private equity securitisation
- Commended: Legal advice to enable business growth and transformation - Online platform for specialist medical expertise
The winning matters were selected by the Financial Times on the basis of originality, leadership and impact.
The Financial Times Innovative Lawyers Awards honour the best work in the region. Now in its sixth year, these prestigious awards highlight law firms, in-house teams and outstanding individuals for the unique and innovative ways they deliver value to their clients.

Allen & Gledhill ranked top tier in Benchmark Litigation Asia-Pacific 2019
安盛在2019年争议解决榜单中涵盖的业务领域中获得顶级排名。在争议解决榜单对 2018 年完成的工作进行的审查中,本所在商业和交易、破产、国际仲裁(国内)和航运)领域继续排名第一,在建筑领域排名第二。此外,我们在家庭和婚姻、白领犯罪以及知识产权方面首次跻身第一级。
与去年相比,我们事务所的上榜个人数量有所增加,其中有 11 人被评为争议解决之星,2 人被评为未来之星。
我们在马来西亚的联营律所 Rahmat Lim & Partners 在建筑业排名第二,在商业和交易排名第三。该所首次在劳工和就业方面跻身第三级。除了实践排名之外,还有一名个人被评为争议解决之星,两名被评为未来之星。
Allen & Gledhill has received top tier rankings in the practice areas covered by Benchmark Litigation Asia-Pacific 2019. In the review conducted by Benchmark for work completed in 2018, our Firm continues to be ranked Tier 1 in Commercial and Transactions, Insolvency, International Arbitration – Domestic and Shipping, as well as Tier 2 in Construction. In addition, we have been ranked for the first time in Family and Matrimonial, White Collar Crime and in Tier 1 for Intellectual Property.
The number of ranked individuals from our Firm has increased as compared to last year, with eleven individuals ranked as Dispute Resolution Stars and two ranked as Future Stars.
Rahmat Lim & Partners, our associate firm in Malaysia, has been ranked Tier 2 in Construction and Tier 3 in Commercial and Transactions. The Firm is ranked for the first time in Tier 3 for Labour and Employment. On top of the practice rankings, one individual has been ranked as a Dispute Resolution Star and two have been ranked Future Stars.
Benchmark exclusively covers the litigation and disputes market, and researchers conduct extensive interviews with litigators and their clients to identify leading litigators and firms.

Allen & Gledhill Intellectual Property Practice maintains top tier rankings for trade mark and patent work in Managing IP’s IP Stars 2019
本所在马来西亚的联营律所 Rahmat Lim & Partners 也被公认为相同类别的领先事务所。
Allen & Gledhill has maintained top tier rankings in the trade mark contentious, trademark prosecution, patent contentious and patent prosecution categories of the IP Stars 2019 Firm Rankings released by Managing IP.
Our associate Firm in Malaysia, Rahmat Lim & Partners, has also been recognised as a leading firm in the same categories.

Allen & Gledhill clinches major regional award at ALB SE Asia Law Awards 2019
- 年度最佳银行与金融服务领域律师事务所
- 年度最佳房地产领域律师事务所
- 年度最佳重组与破产领域律师事务所
- 年度最佳债务市场交易(溢价)- 淡马锡金融(IV)债券设立中期票据(MTN)计划
- 年度最佳并购交易(溢价)- Grab收购Uber的东南亚业务(本所的马来西亚联营律所Rahmat Lim & Partners律师事务所以及本所的缅甸大区分所亦有参与)
Allen & Gledhill has been named SE Asia Law Firm of the Year at the recent Asian Legal Business (ALB) SE Asia Law Awards 2019 which took place in Singapore on Thursday, 11 April 2019.
In addition to the regional award, we were awarded three other firm awards and received recognition for our involvement in two deal awards:
- Banking and Financial Services Law Firm of the Year
- Real Estate Law Firm of the Year
- Restructuring and Insolvency Law Firm of the Year
- Debt Market Deal of the Year (Premium) - Temasek Financial (IV)'s Establishment of MTN Programme
- M&A Deal of the Year (Premium) - Grab’s Acquisition of Uber’s SE Asian Business (which also involved our Malaysian associate firm, Rahmat Lim & Partners and our Myanmar office)
In total, our Firm picked up six awards, the most to be given to a South-east Asian law firm at this Awards ceremony.
The ALB SE Asia Law Awards is an annual event celebrating the success of the region’s leading law firms, in-house counsel, dealmakers and deals.

Allen & Gledhill recognised in top 100 international arbitration practices worldwide
安盛律师事务所在《全球仲裁评论》的年度GAR 百强榜中,连续第七年被评为世界顶级国际仲裁业务律所之一。
Allen & Gledhill has been ranked as one of the world’s top international arbitration practices by Global Arbitration Review (12th edition) in its annual GAR100 rankings for the 7th consecutive year.
Firms are ranked based on a number of factors, including track record, value of current portfolio as counsel, number of arbitral hearings and the number of arbitrator appointments a firm’s members are handling over a two-year period.

Allen & Gledhill wins major regional award at GCR Awards 2019
Allen & Gledhill has been named Regional Law Firm of the Year – Asia Pacific, Middle East and Africa at the Global Competition Review (GCR) Awards 2019. The results were announced at the awards ceremony in Washington, DC on 26 March 2019. The Regional Firm of the Year award is based on peer and client nominations and recognises a firm based solely in Asia-Pacific, the Middle East and Africa on the basis of having an outstandingly successful 2018 in terms of the quality and quantity of its competition work.
This is the first time Allen & Gledhill has won the regional law firm award and is the first South-east Asian law firm to receive this award. Allen & Gledhill also won the GCR Award for Behavioural Matter of the Year – Asia-Pacific, Middle East & Africa in 2013.
GCR is a leading antitrust and competition law journal and news service published by Law Business Research. Now in its ninth year, the awards by GCR honours the world’s top antitrust lawyers, academics, economists and government enforcers for their competition work in 2018.

Allen & Gledhill recognised at The Asian Lawyer Asia Legal Awards 2019
- 年度最佳金融交易:破产与重组 - 来宝集团重组
- 年度最佳并购交易:东南亚 - Grab收购Uber的东南亚业务(本所的马来西亚联营律所Rahmat Lim & Partners亦有参与)
- 年度最佳TMT交易 - 沃尔玛收购弗利普卡特
Allen & Gledhill has been recognised by The Asian Lawyer Asia Legal Awards 2019 for our involvement in the following three deal awards:
- Finance Deal of the Year: Insolvency and Restructuring – Noble Group restructuring
- M&A Deal of the Year: Southeast Asia – Grab’s acquisition of Uber’s Southeast Asia business (which also involved our Malaysian associate firm, Rahmat Lim & Partners)
- TMT Deal of the Year – Walmart’s acquisition of Flipkart
The winning deals were selected by The Asian Lawyer on the basis of innovation, significance and groundbreaking element.
The Asia Legal Awards honour the best work in the region. Across the coverage of practice areas and disciplines, The Asia Legal Awards intend to identify the most important transactions and cases with the most complex and outstanding legal work in Asia.
The Asia Legal Awards celebrate stand-out achievements of law firms over the past 12 months, based on research by editorial staff of The American Lawyer, The Asian Lawyer and China Law & Practice.

Allen & Gledhill recognised in Asian-mena Counsel Deals of the Year 2018
Allen & Gledhill 因参与以下被评为 2018 年度交易的事务而获得 Asian-mena Counsel 的认可:
- Astrea IV 私募股权证券
- Bayfront基础设施资本基础设施项目融资证券化
- ESR-Reit 与 Viva Industrial Trust 合并
- Grab 收购 Uber 的东南亚业务(其中还涉及我们的马来西亚联营公司 Rahmat Lim & Partners)
- 三菱日联银行收购 Danamon 银行 40% 的股份
- Posco ICT SIAC 针对日立的仲裁程序
- 淡马锡零售债
- 沃尔玛收购 Flipkart
- TMH Telecom 缅甸 IPO(由我们缅甸办事处牵头)
- 星桥腾飞集团和淡马锡控股投资腾飞印度物流
- DyStar Global Holdings (新加坡) v Kiri Industries & Ors
- IHH Healthcare 收购 Fortis Healthcare
Asian-mena Counsel 是内部社区的一部分,该社区由超过 21,000 名内部律师以及负责新丝绸之路沿线组织内法律和合规问题的人士组成,他们通过年度内部大会与这些人联系一系列活动、Asian-mena Counsel 杂志和每周简报,以及内部社区在线论坛。
Allen & Gledhill has been recognised by Asian-mena Counsel for our involvement in the following matters which were named Deals of the Year 2018:
- Astrea IV private equity securitisation
- Bayfront Infrastructure Capital infrastructure project finance securitisation
- ESR-Reit merger with Viva Industrial Trust
- Grab acquisition of SE Asian operations of Uber (which also involved our Malaysian associate firm, Rahmat Lim & Partners)
- MUFG Bank acquisition of 40% stake in Bank Danamon
- Posco ICT SIAC arbitration proceeding against Hitachi
- Temasek retail bond
- Walmart acquisition of Flipkart
- TMH Telecom Myanmar IPO (led by our Myanmar office)
Our Firm received the highest number of wins among Asian law firms.
In addition, Allen & Gledhill received Honourable Mentions for the following matters:
- Ascendas-Singbridge Group and Temasek Holdings investment in Ascendas India Logistics
- DyStar Global Holdings (Singapore) v Kiri Industries & Ors
- IHH Healthcare acquisition of Fortis Healthcare
Asian-mena Counsel is part of the In-House Community, which comprises over 21,000 individual in-house lawyers and those with a responsibility for legal and compliance issues within organisations along the New Silk Road, who they reach through the annual In-House Congress circuit of events, Asian-mena Counsel magazine and Weekly Briefing, and the In-House Community online forum.

Allen & Gledhill wins top regional award at IFLR Asia Awards 2019
Allen & Gledhill has been named Regional Law Firm of the Year at the prestigious International Financial Law Review (IFLR) Asia Awards 2019 in Hong Kong on 7 March 2019. In addition, Allen & Gledhill has received a country law firm award, being Most Innovative National Firm of the Year (Singapore).
This is the fourth time Allen & Gledhill has won the regional law firm award, having been the first South-east Asian law firm to receive this award in 2014. It is the 18th time the Firm has won the country law firm award for Singapore since the inception of the IFLR Asia Awards in 2000.
The IFLR Asia Awards recognise the region’s most innovative deals, and the firms that worked on them. First published in 1982, IFLR is the market-leading financial law publication for lawyers specialising in international finance in financial institutions, corporates and in private practice.

Allen & Gledhill Intellectual Property Practice continues to be ranked as a leading practice in World Trademark Review 1000 2019
安盛的知识产权业务部在2019年度《WTR 1000全球领先商标事务所名录》被评为执行与诉讼以及商标申请与战略领域的顶级律师事务所。
本所的合伙人,资深律师 Dr Stanley Lai 和 Low Pei Lin 则被评为领军人物。
此外,马来西亚联营律所 Rahmat Lim & Partners 也被评为知识产权业务领先的律师事务所,其合伙人 Pauline Khor 被该刊物评为申请与战略领域的领军人物。
WTR 1000是致力于识别全球领先商标法律服务提供方的名录。
In the 2019 edition of World Trademark Review 1000 (WTR 1000), Allen & Gledhill’s Intellectual Property Practice has been listed as a leading practice in two categories, namely, Enforcement and Litigation and Prosecution and Strategy.
Our Firm’s Partners, Dr Stanley Lai, SC and Low Pei Lin have also been recognised as leading individuals in WTR 1000 2019 for Enforcement and Litigation and Prosecution and Strategy respectively.
In addition, our associate firm in Malaysia, Rahmat Lim & Partners, has been ranked as a leading intellectual property practice and Pauline Khor has been recognised as a leading individual for both Enforcement and Litigation and Prosecution and Strategy.
WTR 1000 is a directory dedicated to identifying the world’s leading trade mark legal service providers.

Allen & Gledhill is a leading law firm in South-east Asia in The Legal 500 Asia Pacific 2019
在马来西亚,与去年相比,我们的联营律所 Rahmat Lim & Partners 取得了更多的一级执业排名,并且领先个人的数量也有所增加。此外,Rahmat Lim & Partners 首次在TMT和航运领域上榜。
Allen & Gledhill has been recognised as a leading law firm in Singapore and Myanmar in the latest edition of The Legal 500 Asia Pacific. In Singapore, our Firm has the highest number of Tier 1 practice rankings and lawyers listed as Leading Individuals. In Myanmar, our Yangon office continues to be ranked Tier 1 in Corporate and M&A and Projects, the only two categories covered by The Legal 500 for Myanmar.
In Malaysia, our associate firm, Rahmat Lim & Partners has achieved more Tier 1 practice rankings and an increase in the number of Leading Individuals as compared to last year. In addition, RL&P has been ranked for the first time in TMT and Shipping.

Allen & Gledhill is a leading law firm in South-east Asia in Chambers Asia-Pacific 2019
在最新一期的《钱伯斯亚太》中,安盛被评为新加坡和缅甸领先的律师事务所。在马来西亚,我们的联营律所 Rahmat Lim & Partners 在企业/并购和项目、基础设施和能源领域继续名列前茅。
《钱伯斯》还发布了 2019 年版《钱伯斯金融科技专业顾问系列》,其中安盛被评为新加坡管辖范围内法律部分的第一级。
Allen & Gledhill has been recognised as a leading law firm in Singapore and Myanmar in the latest edition of Chambers Asia-Pacific. In Malaysia, our associate firm, Rahmat Lim & Partners, continues to be ranked top tier in Corporate/M&A and Projects, Infrastructure and Energy.
Our Firm has achieved more Band 1 practice rankings as compared to last year. In addition, Chambers has created a new firm category for Corporate Investigations/Anti-Corruption in which A&G has been ranked Band 1.
Chambers has also released the 2019 edition of Chambers FinTech from the Professional Advisers Series in which A&G has been ranked Band 1 in the Legal section under the Singapore jurisdiction.

Allen & Gledhill Competition & Antitrust ranked in top band by Global Competition Review
安盛的竞争与反垄断业务在《全球竞争评论》(GCR) 2018 年 GCR100 排名中名列“精英”行列。自2012年GCR100开始将新加坡纳入其研究范围以来,本所还一直保持着“精品业务”顶级律所的荣誉。
Allen & Gledhill’s Competition & Antitrust Practice has been ranked in the top band of “Elite” by Global Competition Review (GCR) in its 2018 GCR100 rankings. Our Firm also maintained the accolade of “Singapore’s leading competition practice” since 2012 when GCR100 began to include Singapore as part of its research.
GCR is a leading antitrust and competition law journal and news service published by Law Business Research.

Allen & Gledhill voted Asian-mena Counsel In-House Community Firm of the Year 2018
- 银行与金融
- 合规/监管
- 企业与并购
- 劳动就业
- 税务
- 电信、媒体&科技
马来西亚联营律所Rahmat Lim & Partners被评为2018年度航空类最佳律师事务所,这是该所第二次获得该类别奖项。
Allen & Gledhill has been voted Asian-mena Counsel In-House Community Firm of the Year 2018 in seven categories, maintaining the same number of categories in which our Firm has been voted in last year.
Apart from being awarded the Most Responsive Domestic Firm of the Year, Singapore, our Firm was voted Firm of the Year for the following categories in the Singapore jurisdiction:
- Banking and Finance
- Compliance/ Regulatory
- Corporate and M&A
- Employment
- Taxation
- Telecommunications, Media & Technology
In addition, we received Honourable Mentions in the categories of Capital Markets, International Arbitration, Litigation and Dispute Resolution and Real Estate/Construction.
In Malaysia, our associate firm, Rahmat Lim & Partners, was voted Firm of the Year 2018 in the Aviation category, the second time it has received recognition in this category.
Asian-mena Counsel has included Myanmar in its survey for the first time this year. Our Yangon office has been named Firm of the Year 2018 in the category of Litigation and Dispute Resolution, and received Honourable Mentions for the categories of Banking and Finance, Compliance/ Regulatory and Corporate and M&A.
A record 2,376 in-house counsel and buyers of legal services in 13 jurisdictions took part in this survey this year to express who their preferred external counsel in various areas are and why. These in-house counsel conveyed which law firms had served them best across a range of practice areas, which have been the most responsive to their needs, as well as those which have made a significant impression on them during the past year.

Allen & Gledhill wins i-Law Maritime Law Firm of the Year at Lloyd’s List Asia Pacific Awards 2018
Allen & Gledhill has been awarded the i-Law Maritime Law Firm of the Year at the Lloyd’s List Asia Awards 2018. According to Lloyd’s List, our Firm, together with winners of the other award categories, has demonstrated “bold leadership to stimulate creative thinking and new solutions” in the shipping industry.
The Lloyd’s List Awards portfolio celebrates excellence in the global maritime community, where entrants demonstrate innovation and success in the judging year, displaying leadership, best in class and endeavour in enhancing the business of shipping regionally and globally.

Allen & Gledhill and Rahmat Lim & Partners ranked Tier 1 in ALB M&A Rankings 2018
在《亚洲法律杂志》发布的 2018 年并购排名报告中,安盛继续位列新加坡国内类别第一级。
我们在马来西亚的联营律所 Rahmat Lim & Partners 在同一份报告中也保持了马来西亚并购第一级的排名。
Allen & Gledhill continues to be ranked in Tier 1 in the Singapore Domestic category of the M&A Rankings 2018 report released by Asian Legal Business.
Our associate firm in Malaysia, Rahmat Lim & Partners, has also maintained its ranking in Tier 1 for M&A in Malaysia in the same report.
The rankings are based on information drawn from firm submissions, Thomson Reuters M&A data, interviews, editorial resources and market suggestions to identify and rank the top firms for M&A in Asia.

Allen & Gledhill recognised in top 100 Restructuring & Insolvency practices worldwide
Allen & Gledhill has been ranked as one of the world’s top Restructuring & Insolvency practices by Global Restructuring Review (GRR) in the second edition of GRR 100 rankings.
Firms are ranked based on a number of factors, including the size of their team, the number of countries they served, the hours they billed, the clients they attracted and the value and volume of cases they worked on, and the level of complexity and innovation that was required in individual cases.

Allen & Gledhill ranked top tier in Benchmark Litigation Asia-Pacific 2018
安盛在2018 年争议解决榜单涵盖的业务领域中获得顶级排名。在 争议解决榜单对 2017 年完成的工作进行的审查中,本所在商业和交易、破产、国际仲裁(国内)以及航运领域排名第一级,并在建筑领域排名第二级。
我们在马来西亚的联营律所 Rahmat Lim & Partners 在商业和交易领域被评为第 3 级,在建筑领域被评为第 2 级,其中有两名个人被评为未来之星。
Allen & Gledhill has received top tier rankings in the practice areas covered by Benchmark Litigation Asia-Pacific 2018. In the review conducted by Benchmark for work completed in 2017, our Firm has been ranked Tier 1 in Commercial and Transactions, Insolvency, International Arbitration – Domestic and Shipping and Tier 2 in Construction.
In addition, nine individuals have been ranked Dispute Resolution Stars and three have been ranked Future Stars.
Rahmat Lim & Partners, our associate firm in Malaysia, has been ranked Tier 3 in Commercial and Transactions and Tier 2 in Construction with two individuals ranked Future Stars.
Benchmark exclusively covers the litigation and disputes market, researchers conduct extensive interview with litigators and their clients to identify leading litigators and firms.

Allen & Gledhill Intellectual Property Practice ranked as a leading practice in IAM Patent 1000 2018
在 2018 年版 IAM Patent 1000 中,安盛的知识产权业务被该出版物研究的两个类别(即诉讼和交易以及起诉)列为领先业务。
本所的合伙人,资深律师Dr Stanley Lai和Low Pei Lin也分别被评为 2018 年 IAM Patent 1000 强中诉讼、交易和起诉领域的领军人物。
此外,本所在马来西亚的联营律所 Rahmat Lim & Partners 也被列为领先律师事务所。合伙人 Pauline Khor 也被公认为诉讼和交易领域的领先个人。
IAM Patent 1000 是一个致力于识别世界领先专利专业人士的名录。
In the 2018 edition of IAM Patent 1000, Allen & Gledhill’s Intellectual Property Practice has been listed as a leading practice in the two categories researched by the publication, namely, Litigation and Transactions as well as Prosecution.
Our Firm’s Partners, Dr Stanley Lai, SC and Low Pei Lin have also been recognised as leading individuals in IAM Patent 1000 2018 for Litigation and Transactions and Prosecution respectively.
In addition, our associate firm in Malaysia, Rahmat Lim & Partners, has been listed as a leading practice in the same categories for the Malaysia chapter. Partner Pauline Khor has also been recognised as a leading individual for Litigation and Transactions.
IAM Patent 1000 is a directory dedicated to identifying the world’s leading patent professionals.

Allen & Gledhill clinches major regional awards at ALB SE Asia Law Awards 2018
- 年度最佳股权市场交易(中型)- 吉宝-KBS美国房地产投资信托的IPO
- 年度最佳股权市场交易(溢价)- 网联宽频信托的IPO
- 年度最佳并购交易(溢价)- 新加坡普洛斯集团的私有化
Allen & Gledhill has been named SE Asia Law Firm of the Year and SE Asia Deal Firm of the Year at the recent Asian Legal Business (ALB) SE Asia Law Awards 2018 which took place in Singapore on Thursday, 10 May 2018.
In addition to the two top firm awards, we were awarded Singapore Intellectual Property Law Firm of the Year and received recognition for our involvement in the following three deal awards:
- Equity Market Deal of the Year (Midsize) - Keppel-KBS US REIT's IPO
- Equity Market Deal of the Year (Premium) - NetLink NBN Trust’s IPO
- M&A Deal of the Year (Premium) - Privatisation of Global Logistics Properties
In total, our Firm picked up six awards, the most to be given to a South-east Asian law firm at this Awards dinner.
The ALB SE Asia Law Awards is an annual event celebrating the success of the region’s leading law firms, in-house counsel, dealmakers and deals.

Allen & Gledhill named Who’s Who Legal Singapore Firm of the Year for the 12th time
Allen & Gledhill has been named Singapore Firm of the Year 2018 at the Who’s Who Legal Awards in London on Tuesday, 8 May 2018.
This is the 12th time that Allen & Gledhill has won the country award for Singapore, having first received it in 2006. The country awards recognise firms which achieve the highest number of nominations in a particular jurisdiction across the research conducted by Who’s Who Legal.
The Who’s Who Legal Awards, organised by Who’s Who Legal, issues awards to individuals and firms that have performed exceptionally well in their research.

Allen & Gledhill recognised in Asian-mena Counsel Deals of the Year 2017
- EMAS千代田海底重组
- 网联NBN信托首次公开募股
- Indika Energy 高收益过渡债券融资
- ThaiBev 收购缅甸酿酒厂(由我们缅甸办事处牵头)
- Flipkart 收购 eBay 印度
- 麦格理基础设施和实物资产公司以及阿兰投资公司提出要约收购 31%。能源开发公司
- 全球物流地产私有化收购
- 敏建电力项目(由本所缅甸办事处牵头)
Asian-mena Counsel 基于创新性、复杂性、规模和独特性选出获胜交易 。
Asian-mena Counsel 是内部社区的一部分,该社区由超过 21,000 名内部律师以及新丝绸之路沿线组织内负责法律和合规问题的人员组成,他们通过年度内部大会巡回活动、Asian-mena Counsel 杂志和每周简报以及内部社区在线论坛与这些人接触。
Allen & Gledhill has been recognised by Asian-mena Counsel for our involvement in the following matters which were named Deals of the Year 2017:
- EMAS Chiyoda Subsea restructuring
- NetLink NBN Trust IPO
- Indika Energy high-yield bridge-to-bond financing
- ThaiBev's acquisition of Myanmar Distillery (led by our Myanmar office)
Allen & Gledhill received the most number of wins among the Singapore law firms.
In addition, Allen & Gledhill also received Honourable Mentions for the following matters:
- Flipkart's acquisition of eBay India
- Tender offer by Macquarie Infrastructure and Real Assets and Arran Investment for 31 per cent. of Energy Development Corp
- Global Logistic Properties going-private acquisition
- Myingyan power project (led by our Myanmar office)
The winning deals were selected by Asian-mena Counsel based on innovation. complexity, size and uniqueness.
Asian-mena Counsel is part of the In-House Community, which comprises over 21,000 individual in-house lawyers and those with a responsibility for legal and compliance issues within organisations along the New Silk Road, who they reach through the annual In-House Congress circuit of events, Asian-mena Counsel magazine and Weekly Briefing, and the In-House Community online forum.

Allen & Gledhill wins Maritime Law Award at Seatrade Maritime Awards Asia 2018
安盛于 2018 年 4 月 25 日(星期三)在新加坡举行的 2018 年亚洲海事海事奖上荣获海商法奖。
Seatrade 亚洲海事奖旨在表彰不断克服挑战、并加倍努力超越自我的机构。
Allen & Gledhill has been awarded Maritime Law Award at the Seatrade Maritime Awards Asia 2018 held in Singapore on Wednesday, 25 April 2018.
The Seatrade Maritime Awards Asia recognises efforts from companies that constantly rise above challenges and go the extra mile to outperform itself.

Allen & Gledhill Intellectual Property Practice ranked Tier 1 by Asian Legal Business 2018
在《亚洲法律杂志》发布的 2018 年知识产权排名报告中,安盛继续位列新加坡专利和版权/商标工作第一级。
此外,我们在马来西亚的联营律所 Rahmat Lim & Partners 在马来西亚也获得了同一份报告的认可。
Allen & Gledhill continues to be ranked Tier 1 for Patents and Copyright/Trademark work in Singapore in the Intellectual Property Rankings 2018 report released by Asian Legal Business.
The rankings are based on information drawn from firm submissions, interviews, market suggestions and other editorial resources to identify and rank the top firms for intellectual property in Asia.
In addition, our associate firm in Malaysia, Rahmat Lim & Partners, has been recognised in Malaysia in the same report.

Allen & Gledhill recognised in top 100 international arbitration practices worldwide
安盛律师事务所在《全球仲裁评论》的年度GAR 百强榜中,连续第六年被评为世界顶级国际仲裁业务律所之一。
Allen & Gledhill has been ranked as one of the world’s top international arbitration practices by Global Arbitration Review (GAR) in its annual GAR100 rankings for the sixth consecutive year.
Firms are ranked based on a number of factors, including track record, value of current portfolio as counsel, number of arbitral hearings and the number of arbitrator appointments a firm’s members are handling over a two-year period.

Allen & Gledhill Intellectual Property Practice ranked as leading firm for Copyright work in Managing IP’s IP Stars 2018
Allen & Gledhill has once again maintained its ranking as a leading firm in the Copyright category of the IP Stars 2018 Firm Rankings released by Managing IP.

Allen & Gledhill recognised at The Asian Lawyer Asia Legal Awards 2018
- 并购:年度东南亚交易 - 中国财团收购环球物流地产
- 证券 - 年度最佳债务交易 - 阿里巴巴 发行70 亿美元投资级票据
- 年度最佳房地产交易:Mercatus Co-operative Ltd. 以 17 亿美元收购 Jurong Point
Allen & Gledhill has been recognised by The Asian Lawyer Asia Legal Awards 2018 for our involvement in the following three deal awards:
- M&A: South-east Asia Deal of the Year: Global Logistic Properties’ acquisition by Chinese consortium
- Securities – Debt Deal of the Year: Alibaba’s $7 billion investment grade notes offer
- Real Estate Deal of the Year: Mercatus Co-operative Ltd.’s $1.7 billion acquisition of Jurong Point
The winning deals were selected by The Asian Lawyer on the basis of innovation, significance and groundbreaking element.
The Asia Legal Awards identify and celebrate the stand-out achievements of law firms over the past 12 months, based on research by editorial staff of The American Lawyer, The Asian Lawyer and China Law & Practice.

Allen & Gledhill Intellectual Property Practice maintains top tier rankings for patent work in Managing IP’s IP Stars 2018
本所在马来西亚的联营律所 Rahmat Lim & Partners 也被公认为相同类别的领先事务所。
Allen & Gledhill has once again maintained top tier rankings in the patent contentious and patent prosecution categories of the IP Stars 2018 Firm Rankings released by Managing IP.
Our associate Firm, Rahmat Lim & Partners, in Malaysia has been recognised as a leading firm in the patent contentious and patent prosecution categories.

Allen & Gledhill wins major awards at IFLR Asia Awards 2018
安盛联合主席兼高级合伙人Christina Ong表示:“能够获得IFLR颁发的这三个奖项,我们感到非常荣幸。这些奖项证实了我们在新加坡和缅甸以及更广泛地区的强大影响力。”
安盛联合主席兼高级合伙人Penny Goh在谈到第三次被评为年度地区最佳律师事务所时表示:“我们一如既往地感谢客户对我们的信任,感谢他们为我们提供机会,让我们能够在该地区一些最具创新性的交易中发挥作用。”
安盛仰光分所主任Minn Naing Oo在香港领取国别律师事务所大奖时表示:“我们很高兴获得IFLR颁发的这一殊荣,这是对我们在这个新兴市场为客户提供高质量法律服务和增值见解的肯定。感谢缅甸客户对我们的信任”。
在上个月发布的最新一期《钱伯斯全球法律指南》中,安盛继续保持其在新加坡律师事务所中拥有最多排名前列的业务部和最多被视为“领军人物”的律师的地位。在该期指南中,Minn Naing Oo被评为缅甸的领军人物。
Allen & Gledhill has been named Regional Law Firm of the Year 2018 at the prestigious International Financial Law Review (IFLR) Asia Awards 2018 in Hong Kong on Thursday, 1 March 2018.
In addition to the regional law firm of the year award, Allen & Gledhill has received two country law firm awards, being Most Innovative National Firm of the Year (Singapore) and Most Innovative National Firm of the Year (Myanmar).
This is the third time Allen & Gledhill has won the regional law firm award, having been the first South-east Asian law firm to receive this award in 2014. It is the 17th time the firm has won the only country law firm award for Singapore since the inception of the IFLR Asia Awards in 2000.
However, this is the first time the firm is winning the country law firm award for Myanmar since its Yangon office became operational in 2014, a significant recognition of the high quality of legal services it provides in Myanmar and its rapid development into a leading firm in the country.
Christina Ong, Co-Chairman and Senior Partner of Allen & Gledhill, said “It is a great honour and privilege to be receiving these three firm awards from IFLR. The awards are a testimony of our strong presence domestically in Singapore and Myanmar as well as in the wider region”.
In relation to Allen & Gledhill being named Regional Law Firm of the Year for the third time, Penny Goh, Co-Chairman and Senior Partner, said “We are as always grateful for the confidence that our clients have placed in us as well as the opportunities they have presented to us to work on some of the region’s most innovative deals”.
Receiving the country law firm award for Myanmar in Hong Kong, Minn Naing Oo, Managing Director of Allen & Gledhill’s Yangon office, said “We are delighted to receive this prestigious recognition from IFLR, which is an affirmation of the quality of the legal services and the value-added insights we provide to our clients in this emerging market. We are thankful to our clients for the confidence they have placed in us in Myanmar”.
The IFLR Asia Awards recognise the region’s most innovative deals, and the firms that worked on them. First published in 1982, IFLR is the market-leading financial law publication for lawyers specialising in international finance in financial institutions, corporates and in private practice.
Earlier this year, Allen & Gledhill was also named Singapore (Domestic) Law Firm of the Year 2018 by Chambers & Partners at the Chambers Asia-Pacific Awards 2018. This is the fourth time that Allen & Gledhill has received this recognition from Chambers & Partners, the most among the local law firms, since the inception of the Awards in 2010.
In the latest edition of Chambers Global released last month, Allen & Gledhill continued to maintain its position of having the most number of practices ranked in Band 1 and the most number of lawyers recognised as Leading Individuals among the Singapore law firms. In the same edition, Minn Naing Oo is named as a Leading Individual for Myanmar.

Allen & Gledhill named Singapore (Domestic) Law Firm of the Year 2018 by Chambers & Partners
《钱伯斯亚太法律大奖》旨在表彰亚太地区国内和国际律师事务所在2018版钱伯斯亚太指南开展的研究基础上所做的工作。它们认可了律师事务所在该地区主要国家的卓越地位,也反映了过去 12 个月的显着成就,包括出色的工作、新的增长领域和卓越的客户服务。
Allen & Gledhill has been awarded Singapore (Domestic) Law Firm of the Year 2018 by Chambers & Partners at the Chambers Asia-Pacific Awards 2018 held in Hong Kong on Thursday, 1 February 2018.
This is the fourth time Allen & Gledhill has received this recognition from Chambers & Partners, the most among the local law firms, since the inception of the Awards in 2010.
The Chambers Asia-Pacific Awards honour the work of national and international law firms across the region on the basis of research carried out for the 2018 edition of the Chambers Asia-Pacific guide. They recognise a law firm’s pre-eminence in key countries in the region and also reflect notable achievements over the past 12 months including outstanding work, new growth areas and excellence in client service.

Allen & Gledhill Intellectual Property Practice ranked as a leading practice in World Trademark Review 1000 2018
安盛的知识产权业务部在2018年度《WTR 1000全球领先商标事务所名录》被评为执行与诉讼以及商标申请与战略领域的顶级律师事务所。
本所的合伙人,资深律师Dr Stanley Lai和Low Pei Lin则被评为领军人物。
此外,马来西亚联营律所 Rahmat Lim & Partners 也被评为知识产权业务领先的律师事务所,其合伙人Pauline Khor被该刊物评为申请与战略领域的领军人物。
WTR 1000是致力于识别全球领先商标法律服务提供方的名录。
In the 2018 edition of World Trademark Review 1000 (WTR 1000), Allen & Gledhill’s Intellectual Property Practice has been listed as a leading practice in two categories, namely, Enforcement and Litigation and Prosecution and Strategy.
Our Firm’s Partners, Dr Stanley Lai, SC and Low Pei Lin have also been recognised as leading individuals in WTR 1000 2018 for Enforcement and Litigation and Prosecution and Strategy respectively.
In addition, our associate firm in Malaysia, Rahmat Lim & Partners, has been ranked in the “Bronze” category and Pauline Khor has been recognised as a leading individual for both Enforcement and Litigation and Prosecution and Strategy.
WTR 1000 is a directory dedicated to identifying the world’s leading trade mark legal service providers.

Allen & Gledhill Intellectual Property Practice maintains top tier rankings for trade mark work in Managing IP’s IP Stars 2018
本所在马来西亚的联营律所 Rahmat Lim & Partners 也被公认为相同类别的领先事务所。
Allen & Gledhill has once again been ranked Tier 1 in the trade mark contentious and trade mark prosecution categories of the IP Stars 2018 Firm Rankings released by Managing IP.
Our associate Firm, Rahmat Lim & Partners, in Malaysia has been ranked Tier 2 in the trade mark contentious and trade mark prosecution categories.